The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 3465 Tianguo Demon, broke out?

After the golden red Buddha tree finished speaking, countless golden lights gathered into weird words one by one, and these words fell on Lu Chen one by one.

"Boom boom boom!"

There are countless golden lights on Lu Chen's body, and these golden words can also release burning power.


Lu Chen's body seemed to be burned to death, but Lu Chen was very calm, as if nothing could affect him.

It's just that the guys watching the theater around were surprised one by one, and some guys were still puzzled, "Is he all right?"

"How is it possible?" The golden red Buddha tree was startled, and Lu Chen looked at this old tree, "Just give me a fruit."

"Dream." Jinhong Buddhashu planned to continue.

Lu Chen had no choice but to say, "Then, I'm not welcome."

You're welcome?

Before everyone could react, Chase Lu continued to suck the power of a fruit from the opponent, and the fruit immediately "dried up".

Seeing the fruits "drying up" one by one, the golden red Buddha tree became anxious, and still said, "Boy, hurry up, stop!"

"Stop?" Lu Chen looked at him with a smile.

"Yes, stop!" The other party seemed to be going crazy, but Lu Chen smiled and said, "Have you thought about it?"

"Think about it!" The other party said depressedly.

Lu Chen had no choice but to put away his strength, and the golden red Buddha tree saw that he had lost more than a dozen fruits at once. He was very distressed, but helpless, and finally sent a fruit.

I saw that one fruit flew into Lu Chen's hand, and the other party said in a huff, "Here is it for you, can you go?"

"No hurry." Lu Chen replied.

Seeing Lu Chen like that, the other party immediately became anxious again, "You, what do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything, I'm just curious, what's under your tree." Lu Chen stared at the tree and said, because he felt a force underneath.

The other party was startled, "You, what did you find?"

"I just found something interesting and wanted to talk to you." Lu Chen looked at it with a smile, but it said depressedly, "I've given you the fruit, so you can go now, I, I don't want to talk."

At this moment, the other party regarded Lu Chen as a plague god, wishing to drive Lu Chen away, but Lu Chen walked over step by step.

"You, don't come here."

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you." Lu Chen said as he walked.

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen had already come under the tree, then squatted down, and touched the tree, and found that there was something under the tree.

When Chase Lu dug them out one by one, he found that they were golden beads, and these beads exuded a lot of power.

"What's this?"

"Put it back, put it back." The other party was anxious.

Lu Chen didn't understand, "Why?"

"I told you to put it back, so you put it back." The other party said angrily.

Lu Chen was puzzled.

At this moment, the surrounding ground shook.

Magic energy began to flicker everywhere.

"Hahaha, I, I'm finally going to break the seal!"

The guys around were terrified one by one, "It's over, yes, it's a fruit demon."

"Tianguo Demon?"

"Yes, that's it!"

Everyone was frightened and dodged around, but Lu Chen was suspicious, "Fruit demon?"

The golden red Buddha tree said depressedly there, "I told him not to move, let him escape now.

Lu Chen stared at the beads curiously, "This thing, who suppressed it?"

"Nonsense, all of these things are the power gathered by countless eminent monks." Jin Hong Buddha Tree said depressedly.

Lu Chen said, "Then I'll take these beads, but I'll help you take this devil too."

"Can you take it?" The other party didn't believe it, but Lu Chen smiled, "It's just a demon, it's no big deal."

"It's an fruit demon. It was sealed here many years ago, and it's still in the Palace of Rebirth. It can't be solved."

"It's okay." Lu Chen didn't take it seriously.

After Lu Chen put away the beads, he turned around and saw a strange thing with a rhinoceros horn on top of his head exuding magic energy.

Take a closer look, this guy has an old face, and he said with a smile, "Boy, you, quickly throw away those beads, so that I can let you go."

"Throw away those beads?"

"Yes, that's not a good thing, you throw it away quickly." The other party was obviously jealous of those beads, but Lu Chen said, "I think those beads are pretty good."

The other party immediately became unhappy, "I am Tianguomo, aren't you afraid?"

"What's there to be afraid of?"

"Little thing, Sky Fruit Demon, how powerful you are, since you're not afraid?" the other party said angrily.

Lu Chen didn't take it seriously, "It's the first time I've heard of it."

"It seems that I have to let you know how terrible I am." After speaking, the other party began to change, and then turned into a huge magic fruit tree.

I saw that the magic fruit tree was still exuding magic energy, which seemed strange.

But all of this couldn't affect Lu Chen at all. Instead, Lu Chen laughed, "Do you think this is useful?"

"Nonsense, of course it works."

The next moment, the magic fruit tree grew countless magic vines, which quickly entangled Lu Chen and the golden red Buddha tree reminded Lu Chen, "Be careful of his magic vines, it will infuse you with demon spirit."

Infused with demon spirit?

If it was someone else, he must have been terrified, but Lu Chen just smiled slightly, "That's all."

But that's all?

Tian Moguo didn't know whether Lu Chen was really not afraid or not, so countless vines entangled Lu Chen's body.

At the same time, countless demon spirits entered.

Seeing the demon spirit pouring in one by one, Lu Chen was not only not afraid, but laughed there, "Do you think your demon spirit is useful to me?"

"It's useless to you?" Tian Moguo stared at Lu Chen curiously.

Lu Chen smiled, and then those magic vines withered one by one, and finally dissipated.

Seeing the withering of the magic vine, the guys in the dark were shocked one by one, and some people couldn't believe it, "Is this, really?"

"Since he can destroy the cane of the Sky Fruit Demon?"

"How is this possible?"

Everyone thinks it is impossible, and even feels too outrageous.

The golden red Buddha tree was also startled, and said in amazement, "Are you kidding me? Since it's all right?"

Tian Guomo himself was dumbfounded, still staring at Lu Chen, and finally asked, "Why are you okay?"

"Just your devilish aura is enough to put my teeth between you."

These words made Tianguo Mo very annoyed, "Boy, you have offended me."

"Could it be that I didn't offend you just now?"

"Just now, you didn't, but." The other party was very angry, but Lu Chen smiled, "But what?"

"You, you underestimate me." The other party was annoyed.

Lu Chen didn't expect the devil to have the temper of a child, so he laughed there, "Are you very good?"

Lu Chen's words made the other party intolerable, so he stared at Lu Chen, "Today, I will definitely kill you!"

I saw the Sky Fruit Demon condensed a strange black fruit, and the Golden Red Buddha stood up and reminded, "Be careful with that fruit, it has a hypnotic effect."

The other guys were also startled, "Tianguo?"

"Yes, the hypnotic fruit."

"This thing is much more terrifying."

When everyone said that the fruit was terrible, Tianguo Demon laughed at Lu Chen, "Boy, are you afraid?"

"It's just a fruit, what's there to be afraid of?" Lu Chen said indifferently. (end of this chapter)

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