The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 3482 compromise is the only way out

Seeing their shock, Lu Chen just smiled and said, "How about it, is there any other way?"

These words made Death Fox Immortal show a strange look, "Boy, are you really a three-cultivator?"

"Three repairs are just superficial phenomena. In fact, I can do more." Lu Chen said casually.


Everyone was suspicious and felt incredible, but Lu Chen had no choice but to say, "Okay, let's stop playing, it's time for me to take action?"

"You shot?" Death Fox Immortal was curious.

Lu Chen smiled, and began to condense the sword energy, and at the same time, the ghostly spirit also merged into it. After the death fox fairy found that this sword was a little different, he frowned, "This sword has a magic sword stone?"

"You also know the Excalibur Stone?"

"The Divine Sword Stone is the first sword stone outside the sky. It is said that it was obtained by a man named Lu Motou. But now, why is it in your hands?"

Regarding the sentence of the dead fox fairy, Lu Chen said there, "It's very simple, because I am the devil."

"Impossible!" The other party was startled, feeling that Lu Chen had lied to him.

"What? Don't believe it?" Lu Chen smirked, and then the sword energy condensed more and more sword energy, until these sword energy rushed towards the death fox fairy one by one.

At the beginning, the death fox fairy wanted to resist with his own strength, but Lu Chen's sword energy would absorb the power of other people's attacks.

Therefore, when these sword qi were absorbed crazily, the Death Fox Immortal retreated step by step, and finally left the place quickly.

As for the other fox demons, seeing that the dead fox fairies retreated, they also hid in fright, and some even cursed secretly, "This, it's too scary."

"Then what to do?"

"My lord, is there no way to deal with him?"

"We don't want the guard to fail, do we?"

When these fox demons were in a hurry, the death fox fairy said to them, "Don't talk nonsense, go out with me and deal with that kid."

"My lord, what should I use to deal with it?" Some fox demons were puzzled, and some fox demons frowned, not knowing what to do.

The death fox fairy was very angry, "Stop talking nonsense, let me go out together!"

Everyone had no choice but to go out together, but they didn't know how to deal with Chase Lu, so they looked at the death fox fairy one by one, waiting for her order.

Death Fox Immortal looked at everyone angrily, "Why are you in a daze? Let's go together."

We also want to go together.

It's just that before they made a move, Lu Chen released a bunch of giant ghost wolves, and these wolves rushed towards the fox demons.

Those fox demons were frightened and left in desperation, leaving only the dead fox fairy, and the dead fox fairy was so angry that he had nothing to say, and finally he could only stare at Lu Chen, "Okay, that's enough."

"What? No more fighting?" Seeing her give up, Lu Chen laughed.

The Death Fox Immortal was depressed, "Is there a way I can win you?"

"It seems that you are very self-aware." Lu Chen looked at her with a smile, and the death fox had no choice but to say, "Take out the rebirth book."

"What do you take it out for?" Lu Chen was curious.

The Death Fox Immortal said, "I have to confirm whether you are lying."


"Yes, I only give way to those who have a rebirth book." The Death Fox Immortal said cheekily, and Lu Chen laughed, "Then you didn't say it earlier?"

"I didn't say it earlier, because I still want to see your strength." Death Fox Immortal said to Lu Chen, and Lu Chen smiled, "Okay, let me show you, that's it."

Lu Chen took out the rebirth book.

The moment he saw the book of rebirth, the Death Fox Immortal's expression changed, "Is it really the book of rebirth?"

"Is it ok now?" Chase Lu asked after seeing her surprised look.

The death fox fairy had no choice but to say, "Please come with me."

Lu Chen put away the rebirth book and asked curiously, "Why are you guarding here? Who sent you here?"

"Boy, you shouldn't know, don't ask, after all, this has nothing to do with you." Death Fox Immortal said with a straight face.

Lu Chen immediately laughed, "Don't forget, you are my defeat."

"What? You still want to threaten me?" The Death Fox Immortal got anxious, and Lu Chen smiled at her, "It doesn't mean that, I'm just curious, whoever, what, let you guard here with all your heart."

Death Fox Immortal said, "Boy, there are some things that people like you can't understand."

"Oh? Is there any story hidden here?" Chase Lu was even more curious.

"It's good for you if you don't know about things that have nothing to do with you. Otherwise, the more you know, the faster you will die." The Death Fox Immortal said coldly.

Lu Chen was dubious, but the Death Fox Immortal remained silent, letting Lu Chen ask, she didn't open her mouth.

Lu Chen had no choice but to stop talking, but followed silently.

After a while, they came to a place full of stone pillars, and these stone pillars formed formations one by one.

At the same time, among these stone pillars, there is a strange stone floating, and this stone is green all over, which looks different from the others.

"Did you see that stone? There is a rebirth tactic inside, but whether you can get there and understand the rebirth tactic inside depends on your own ability." The Death Fox Immortal said pointing to that place.

Lu Chen immediately became curious, "Could it be possible, what's so special?"

The Death Fox Immortal laughed, "You will know when you go."

"Oh? Really?" Lu Chen laughed and walked forward.

But when they were about to approach those stone pillars, these stone pillars suddenly flickered with black light, forming a huge barrier, blocking Chase Lu from it.

Seeing this enchantment, Lu Chen was not surprised, but Death Fox Fairy said, "It seems that it is very difficult for you to get close to that thing."

Lu Chen said disapprovingly, "It's just an enchantment, it's not enough to resist me."

"This enchantment, let alone you, even people who have returned to the Yuanzu God Realm can't get close." Death Fox Immortal said with certainty.

Lu Chen said, "Oh? Really?"

"Don't believe me? Then try it, and I promise you won't be able to get in." The Death Fox Immortal said with certainty, and Lu Chen laughed, "Okay, then you can watch it."

I saw Chase Lu standing in front of the barrier, and then began to absorb the power of the barrier, while those stone pillars flickered wildly, as if something was about to erupt from the stone pillars.

But it lasted for a while, and then stopped, because Lu Chen easily entered inside.

Seeing this, the Death Fox Immortal was startled, and couldn't even believe what he saw, "What's going on here?"

I saw Chase Lu easily coming to the weird green stone.

It's just that when Lu Chen was about to touch the stone, it immediately avoided it, not letting Lu Chen touch it, and Lu Chen immediately laughed, "You still want to avoid me?"

"It seems that I don't want you to touch this thing." Seeing this, the Death Fox Immortal was finally relieved.

However, after a while, Lu Chen easily grabbed it, making the death fox confused, "It didn't listen to you just now, why is it controlled by you now?"

"You really want to know?" Chase Lu asked Death Fox Immortal.

Of course the death fox fairy wanted to know, so he looked at Lu Chen with a puzzled face. (end of this chapter)

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