The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 3491 Can't follow, can only find another way

Looking at these people, before realizing the problem, Lu Chen laughed there, "Okay, I will take you down first, and then I will understand."

"Take us down? Kid, just you? Are you kidding me? What do we say, there is also the Heavenly Ancestor God Realm, and you, the Earth Ancestor God Realm, what are you crazy about?" Some people refused to accept it, and released their breath, planning to fight Lu Chen.

Lu Chen saw this, but laughed there, "Oh? Do you want a fight?"

"Yes, it's a battle, what's the matter?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Naive."

"Naive? How dare you say I'm naive?" The man was so angry that he was about to strike, but before he touched Lu Chen, the sword energy from Lu Chen had already been released.

These sword qi pierced through the body of the person who wanted to attack first on the spot, leaving only the soul, which scared the person to hide behind the crowd.

When those people saw this, they were all terrified.

They didn't expect that Lu Chen, the ancestor god of the earth, was so terrifying, so some people stammered, "Boy, you, what do you want to do?"

"Boy, speak up if you have something to say."

These people became frightened one by one.

Lu Chen looked at them with a smile, "What? Are you scared?"

Afraid, of course these people were afraid, so they all became apprehensive and nodded wildly.

After seeing them like this, Lu Chen laughed, "Actually, I don't want to kill you either, but there is a condition."

"Conditions?" Everyone wondered.

Someone was even more puzzled, "Brother, what do you want to do?"

Seeing them like this, Gu Yumo wanted to laugh, but Lu Chen stared at them and said, "I think, you take me to Tiandao Shrine."

As soon as these words came out, everyone stared wide-eyed.

Some said strangely, "Brother, this is not allowed."

"Brother, it's not that we don't let it go, it's ours, and it's all arranged by Tiandao Shrine to guide us in."

These people said no, Lu Chen looked at them, "Then tell me, how did you get you?"

One person pointed to a place like an altar in front of him, "We stand there, as long as we think in our hearts, a golden light will suck us away."

Lu Chen was dubious, looked at the dilapidated altar ahead, "That's it?"

Everyone nodded wildly.

Lu Chen came to the altar and looked around, but found nothing, so he asked a person to come over, and a part of his own soul entered his body.

"Come on, let's demonstrate."

That person didn't dare to disobey, so he could only stand at the altar and start to demonstrate, and then he was "sucked" away.

This scene made Gu Yumo curious, and quickly asked Lu Chen, "How is it, how did he leave?"

Lu Chen's split soul has also left at this moment, but when the split soul reaches a foggy area, it loses its direction, and then the split soul disappears as if it was attacked by something.

Therefore, Chase Lu didn't know where he went, so he frowned and said, "It seems that it is difficult to get the entrance from these people."

"Then what should we do?" Gu Yumo was startled.

The proprietress also frowned and said, "The entrance to the Heavenly Dao Shrine has always been a mystery."

Lu Chen had an idea, and then looked at those present, "How did you guys join the Heavenly Dao Shrine?"

"How to join?" These people were stunned.

Lu Chen hummed.

These people pointed to the east direction one after another, and then said, "To the east, there is a peak, and there is a tower there, as long as you go in and successfully get a token from the top of the tower, someone will arrange for you to join the Tiandao God." palace."

Lu Chen smiled immediately, "Isn't that enough?"

Gu Yumo and the proprietress also instantly understood what Lu Chen meant, and Lu Chen smiled, let those people lead the way, and left here together.


A quarter of an hour later, they came to the foot of a mountain peak in the east, and there was indeed a tall tower on this mountain peak, and at first glance, it looked like it reached the sky.

"Is this tower?" Chase Lu asked again to confirm.

Everyone nodded wildly.

Lu Chen took them and came to the bottom of the tower, ready to enter through that door, but the people of Tiandao Shrine were scared.

One person also said, "This brother, a member of the Heavenly Dao Shrine, can no longer enter."

"Why?" Lu Chen was a little curious.

"This door is for people who are not from the Heavenly Dao Shrine. Once a person from the Heavenly Dao Shrine enters, they will be crushed by the magical power inside." One person said anxiously.

Lu Chen showed a strange look, "Oh? Really?"

These people nodded wildly, expressing that they dare not hide.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "It seems that I still want to take you in."

"No, no, me, we still want to live." Someone was terrified.

Lu Chen condensed countless sword qi, "Who doesn't want to go, then carry my sword qi first."

As soon as the words came out, they were honest and did not dare to make mistakes, so they hurried to the front door together and went in one by one.

The three of Lu Chen are also behind.

In front of this door is a tunnel, just a few steps away, there is an endless force, as if to destroy them.

Therefore, those people soon felt as if they were about to suffocate, and some fell to the ground and twitched, and Chase Lu had to throw them all into his own space.

Gu Yumo wondered, "What kind of power is it? Why do they have trouble, but we are fine."

Lu Chen explained, "I found some weird things in their bodies, and this thing will be activated as soon as it comes in."

"What? So magical?" Gu Yumo was startled, and the proprietress was also very curious.

Lu Chen looked at them, "Some weird bugs."

"Insects?" The two were startled.

Lu Chen hummed, "If I'm not mistaken, these bugs are used by the people who control the Tiandao Shrine, but they will only appear under special circumstances."

This reminded the lady boss.

The proprietress hummed, "That's true, I've heard of it too."

"Oh? Have you heard of it?" Lu Chen was a little curious, but the proprietress nodded, "I have inquired about some things about the Tiandao Shrine, and said that the Tiandao Shrine will use unique Gu poison to control others."

Lu Chen suddenly understood, "That should be Gu poison."

"Then, shall we still go in?" Gu Yumo was puzzled, but Lu Chen smiled, "We haven't been poisoned, why can't we go in?"

Gu Yumo thought it made sense, and Lu Chen continued on.

Gu Yumo and the proprietress followed behind, wanting to see what was going on, but after walking a certain distance, they walked out of the tunnel and came to the first floor of the tower.

It was full of darkness, and there was not a trace of living people in sight.

Gu Yumo was puzzled, "How do you evaluate people in this tower?"

The proprietress also wanted to know, but Lu Chen said, "I checked, the entrance from the first floor to the second floor is guarded."

"Is there someone? Where is it?" Gu Yumo was surprised and looked around, because she didn't see a living person. (end of this chapter)

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