The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 3496 Discovered? big deal

The white-haired young man was also curious about this question, so after staring at the three of them for a while, he asked again, "You three, have you eaten?"

The three nodded again.

The white-haired young man frowned, and at this moment, three pills flew from the sky again, and at the same time, a voice came from the stone statue again, "Let them take it face to face."

The white-haired youth also stared at the three of them, "Take it."

"Do you still want to use it?" Gu Yumo pretended to be surprised, and the proprietress also looked suspicious, "Do you really want to take it again?"

Lu Chen was very straightforward, and took a pill in one go, while the white-haired young man looked at Gu Yumo and said coldly, "It's your turn."

The two had no choice but to swallow the elixir.

However, Chase Lu's power is still in their bodies, so when the elixir goes in, it will naturally "become invalid".

As for the stone statue, there was a suspicious voice, "It's strange, how could it have no effect?"

Hearing this, the white-haired young man couldn't help asking the three of Lu Chen, "You guys, don't you have any reaction in your body?"

Gu Yumo pretended to be stupid, "Reaction? What kind of reaction will it be?"

Lu Chen was also a little curious, "I don't know, what will happen to this?"

Although the proprietress didn't speak, the expression on her face had already told the white-haired young man. After looking at the three of them, the white-haired young man finally stared at Lu Chen, "You, hold out your hand."

"What's wrong?"

"I want to check." The white-haired young man finished speaking, grabbed Lu Chen's hand, and then checked Lu Chen's body.

Lu Chen's body immediately became "quiet", just like an ordinary godhead. As for those Gu worms, they "dead" in his body.

Seeing those Gu worms floating in Lu Chen's body one by one, but without the breath of life, the white-haired young man muttered to himself, "It's strange, why doesn't he feel anything?"

"How, did you find it?" Chase Lu asked pretendingly curiously.

The white-haired young man looked at Lu Chen for a while, then put away his hands, and then went to check on Gu Yumo and the proprietress.

Although the Gu worms in the two people's bodies were alive, they seemed to be wrapped in some force and remained motionless.

The white-haired young man looked even more serious, "Strange, how could this be?"

At this time, a curious voice came from the stone statue, "How is it?"

The white-haired young man was very embarrassed, and said to the stone statue, "Their worms are either dead or controlled by a force."

"Death? Control it?" The voice in the stone statue became confused.

Gu Yumo pretended to be surprised, "What bug? What's dead? What's under control?"

Regarding the worm, these people didn't say a word, but the white-haired young man said to Gu Yumo, "It's not something you should know, so there's no need to talk about it."

"But." Gu Yumo frowned.

But the white-haired youth asked the stone statue, "What should we do now?"

After about a while, a voice came from inside the stone statue, "Send them to the baptismal pool, and let me see if there is any change."

"Yes." After the white-haired youth finished speaking, he looked at the three of Lu Chen and said, "Let's go."

Gu Yumo was curious, "Where are you going?"

"You'll know when you go." The white-haired young man didn't want to say more, but left a word and took them away.

Lu Chen was curious about what this baptismal pool was, and why he had to go there.

After a quarter of an hour, they were brought to a pool, and there were many stone statues around the pool, among which there was a golden stone statue in the front.

Not only that, beside the golden stone statue, there is also a stone statue of an old man, and this old man is very similar to a person in Lu Chen's memory fragments, "Old Tianming".

Seeing this person, Lu Chen's eyes flashed with murderous intent, because he was the one who brought people to Lu's Shenzhuang to attack him.

But at this moment, Lu Chen quickly covered up his killing intent, and the white-haired young man looked at the three of them and said, "Go to the pool and watch the golden stone statue for a quarter of an hour."

Gu Yumo was suspicious, "What are you doing looking at him?"

"Just watch it, don't talk nonsense." The white-haired youth became cold, and Gu Yumo had no choice but to go to the pool with Lu Chen.

When I got to the pool, the water was up to my knees.

This seemed very strange, so Gu Yumo asked suspiciously, "What is this pool for? And why do you have to stare at the stone statue?"

Lu Chen said to the two, "Don't look at it, let me study it."

Lu Chen raised his head and looked at the golden stone statue, and a golden light immediately entered Lu Chen's body, and Lu Chen instantly felt a force entangled around his soul.

After a while, this power turned into countless golden runes, which fell on the soul one by one, as if trying to control people.

"It turned out to be the divine pattern that controls others." Lu Chen smiled secretly when he saw this, but Lu Chen pretended that nothing was the same, and said to the two of them, "You can also see it."

The two also looked at it, and the result was the same as Lu Chen's, and their souls were controlled by these weird divine lines at once.

"Here, what's going on?" Gu Yumo was anxious.

The proprietress looked even more ugly, "We won't be controlled, right?"

"Don't worry, it's just to make them feel at ease." Lu Chen laughed strangely, and Gu Yumo and the proprietress were relieved.

It wasn't until the golden light shone on the three of them that the white-haired young man said in peace, "You can come out now."

The three came out.

The white-haired youth looked at the three of them, "From now on, you can freely enter and exit the Heavenly Dao Shrine."

After finishing speaking, the white-haired young man took out a map and handed it to the three of them, "There is a map of Tiandao Shrine on it, and you are going to the Novice Hall to report."

"Is it all right to report?" Gu Yumo was curious.

"Well, just report." The white-haired young man turned around and left after finishing speaking.

Gu Yumo took the map and immediately handed it to Lu Chen, "Look, where is the Hall of Fame?"

Chase Lu took it over, and after inspection, he found that to go to the Hall of Fame, he had to pass through several areas, and those areas were forbidden for people not in these areas to enter.

"It seems that if you want to go to the Hall of Fame, you have to go to the Hall of Newcomers." Lu Chen said after looking at it, but Gu Yumo was worried, "Will our identities be exposed?"

The proprietress said, "It's not easy, because the division of labor in Tiandao Shrine is very clear."

"What do you mean?" Gu Yumo was curious.

"For example, if the person who is dedicated to deal with him is dealt with by a dedicated person, it is the same as performing a task. Only the person performing the task will know, and no one else will know." The proprietress replied.

"So, as long as we don't meet people from the sixth action team, we'll be fine?" Gu Yumo seemed to understand something.

"There are also those who issued the task, and those who participated in the task." The proprietress said after thinking about it.

When Gu Yumo heard this, he laughed immediately, "Isn't that a profit?"

The proprietress said, "Don't be careless. If you meet those people on the road and are discovered by them, they will report you."

Gu Yumo immediately whispered, "Then don't we have to sneak around?"

Unexpectedly, Lu Chen said, "Let's go, if you are found out, you will make a big fuss here." (End of this chapter)

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