The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 3667 million troops

As soon as the Earth Extinguishing Army heard this, they despised Lu Chen one by one, and some even said, "You want to know about the Sealing Tower? Dream it!"

"Don't say?" Lu Chen looked at them with a smile.

"Yes, just don't say it!"

"No, how could we tell you?"

Lu Chen groaned, thunder flashed on his body, and then immediately surrounded them.

At first, these people didn't take it seriously, thinking it was just an ordinary thunder, and they didn't pay attention to it, but what they never dreamed of was that Lu Chen suddenly made a move.

"You, what are you doing?" Someone was anxious.

Some people's faces changed drastically, as if they felt that they were about to be swallowed by something.

Someone even threatened, "Boy, we are from the Earth Destroyer Army."

"Yes, you will end up against us, do you know?"

"Advise you, it's best to put away your strength, otherwise, you won't know how to die!"

These people all look fierce.

However, Lu Chen smiled, "It seems that I need to wake you up more."

Wake up?

Before these people could react, Jinglei continued to attack frantically, and at this moment, everyone knew how terrible Chase Lu was.

So these people begged for mercy one by one.

Some were trembling, "You, what do you want?"

"Sealing tower."

These people started to stammer, and some of them faltered, just couldn't say anything clearly, but Lu Chen frowned, and thundered again.

But at this moment, the ground suddenly trembled everywhere.

Then huge stone figures appeared one by one.

When those people saw the stone man appearing, they were pleasantly surprised one by one, and some even shouted, "Leader, hurry up to us."

At this time, a brown light was shining in a giant, and there was a hoarse voice saying, "Boy, are you the son of Tianxuan?"

"You recognize me?"

"I am the commander of the Second Legion, Shanlong."

Lu Chen said, "I don't care what kind of dragon you are, I just want to know where the sealing tower is."

Seeing that Lu Chen was so crazy and dared to ignore him, Shanlong was dissatisfied immediately, "Boy, are you really not afraid of death?"

"The third, fourth, and twelfth armies are all unlucky, do you want to be like them?" Lu Chen asked the other party in turn.

Shanlong snorted, "I'm not as weak as them."

"Oh? Are you sure?"

"My second army has the strongest defense, so no matter how powerful you are, you can't do anything to us." Shanlong said confidently.

Lu Chen said, "That would be much more interesting."

"Oh? Really?" Lu Chen suddenly laughed, and Shanlong looked at Lu Chen coldly, "Boy, do you think I'm joking with you?"

"Isn't it?" Lu Chen said disdainfully.

Shanlong was furious, "Do you want to die? Then, I will help you."

After finishing speaking, Shanlong controlled the stone man, and then stepped on Lu Chen, wanting to send Lu Chen to death, but Lu Chen avoided it in a flash.

Not only that, Lu Chen flew into the sky in one fell swoop, and performed the ascension to the sky idol.

Seeing this, everyone wondered what it was.

Shanlong controlled the giant and snorted, "Scatter."

In the next moment, all the huge stone men turned into stones one by one, merged into the earth, and disappeared completely.

Lu Chen became suspicious, so he condensed the thunder and attacked the surroundings.

Boom boom boom!

These thunders were very powerful, as if they were going to shatter the ground, but those people just didn't appear, as if they had completely disappeared.

Seeing this, Lu Chen had to say, "It's interesting."

At this time, there was a mocking sound from the ground, "Boy, do you know how powerful we are?"

This just made Chase Lu discover them, "Rampant, there will be a price to pay."

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen concentrated all the thunders, and then played black and white thunders, and also had the power of magic insects.

For a moment, that huge terrifying force hit the ground with a bang, and shook the ground away.

The next moment, bloodstains appeared on the ground.

Then Shanlong crawled out from below, covered in yellow mud and some blood.

This made Shanlong annoyed, "Boy, how do you know I'm here?"

"You talked." Lu Chen's words made Shanlong very annoyed, "You are lucky, but wait a minute, your luck is not so good."

After saying this, the sky began to be covered with dark clouds, and then soil began to fall everywhere, and the soil seemed to seal the entire sky.

Chase Lu was in the sky, and continued to use the ascending idol to absorb the surrounding power.

This terrifying power stunned Shanlong, and the people of the second army were even more stunned. Some people whispered in the dark, "How did this guy do it?"

"Who knows, it's too scary."

While these people were discussing, Shanlong came back to his senses and gave the order.

I saw his voice spread in the sky, "Stop talking nonsense, fuck me, mend the sky!"

Make up for the sky?

Lu Chen didn't know what it meant, but many different people in the sky injected power into it, making the sky seem to be sealed by a pile of mud.

Not only that, when the day was sealed, Lu Chen felt that the power of the God of Climbing to Heaven gradually weakened.

"This?" Chase Lu felt miraculous.

Shanlong was very happy, and was still taunting Lu Chen, "Boy, did you see it? Once the sky is sealed, your god of ascending to the sky will be useless."

"No effect?" Chase Lu really felt amazing.

However, at this time, Hei Foying and other members of the legion appeared.

When Hei Foying saw the embarrassed Lu Chen, he laughed, "Boy, the Second Legion is best at sealing the sky, and after sealing the sky, your power to ascend to the sky is completely useless."

Lu Chen didn't expect such a thing.

However, Chase Lu put away the idol, and then floated in the sky. As for the people from the four major legions, they gathered around one by one.

It was black and dense.

Lu Chen took a glance and said with a smile, "Second, third, fourth, twelfth, are they all here?"

Hei Foying said happily, "Each legion has a lot of people, so it's not an exaggeration to call it a million army?"

Lu Chen sighed, "Millions of troops are really powerful, but let's go."

"But what?" Hei Foying wondered what Lu Chen meant.

Lu Chen looked at the black Buddha shadow with a smile, "However, can an army of one million kill me?"

"A million troops, don't you think it's enough?" Hei Foying felt that Lu Chen was bragging, but Lu Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, but looked at the people around him, "Come on, use all your strength, let me have a look."

After seeing that Lu Chen still dared to provoke, Hei Foying looked at the people around him and smiled, "Everyone, let him be fulfilled."

"Okay." The members of the four major legions are ready to contribute one by one.

However, the four regiment leaders took out their seals first, and then fused them together to create a huge barrier, and sealed the sky everywhere.

Therefore, Chase Lu could not use the God of Ascension to Heaven, and could only be trapped in this huge barrier.

Hei Buddhaying still smiled and said, "You can't use pantheon, and you can't use ascending gods in this enchantment."

"So, you think you can kill me?"

"What do you think you can do?" Hei Foying teased.

(end of this chapter)

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