The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 3826 Strange Celestial Sphere

However, after Lu Chen and Nangong Yumo walked for a distance, they saw stone statues one by one.

These stone statues are vivid.

Not only that, these people still have breath, and they can also speak.

"Someone came to die again." Someone said with emotion.

"No, just like us, stuck here forever."

Everyone also joked one by one.

Nangong Yumo frowned, "How can these people talk?"

Lu Chen looked at them curiously, "Are you trapped here?"

"Yes, as long as you come here, within a while, you will become like us, turning into stone men." Someone said.

"I think you should go quickly, or you won't have a chance."

"Not really."

Lu Chen didn't care, and looked at them, "I want to ask, have you met the two of them?"

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he described the appearance of the God of Destruction and Luo Dao.

But after finishing speaking, Nangong Yumo turned into a stone statue, and Lu Chen also began to petrify his whole body, but his consciousness was still there.

So I immediately heard those people teasing, "Oh, I said it earlier, no."

"Let you go, you don't go."

"That is, if I want to leave now, I have no chance."

Seeing these people complaining, Lu Chen didn't say much, just smiled, "Do you want to leave?"


Of course these people thought, but why did Lu Chen ask such a question, so everyone was suspicious.

Some people even said strangely, "Boy, you don't think you can leave, do you?"

"Boy, don't dream, if you are frozen here, don't think about leaving."

"That's right, give up, there's no chance."

These people complained one by one.

However, as soon as these people finished speaking, the stones on Lu Chen's body dissipated one by one.

After seeing that the stones on Lu Chen's body dissipated, everyone was stunned.

Some people became demented, "This, isn't it terrible?"

"How did you do it?"

Lu Chen looked at them with a smile, "Just ask you, do you want to?"

Of course everyone wanted to, so everyone got excited.

Lu Chen looked around with a smile, "Just tell me where the two people I mentioned just now went, and I will help you."

These people immediately talked about the whereabouts of the two of them.

After Lu Chen absorbed everyone's strength one by one, those people were free, and then left happily. After Nangong Yumo also recovered, he asked curiously, "How did you do it?"

"Absorb, anyway, I can absorb most of the power." After Lu Chen finished speaking, he walked to a place.

Nangong Yumo also followed.

But after a while, suddenly a huge ball flew over and hit Lu Chen and the two of them.

Lu Chen and the two immediately avoided.

Nangong Yumo planned to attack the ball, but when the attack hit the ball, the ball bounced back the attack.

Nangong Yumo immediately avoided, and then got startled, "Is it so scary?"

"It's not just scary, it's just weird." Lu Chen explained.

At this time, the ball flew again, and Chase Lu used a powerful attack to attack it, but it was not affected at all.

Not only that, but any attack hit on it will be bounced back by it.

"What should we do now?" Nangong Yumo became worried.

Lu Chen said calmly, "Come on, I'll take a look."

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen passed by with countless souls, intending to rush into the ball, but the ball flicked with a golden light, and bounced those souls away.

Lu Chen had no choice but to go over with his deity.

But as soon as he got close to the ball, the golden light sent Lu Chen flying.

Nangong Yumo turned pale with shock, "Are you okay?"

Lu Chen shook his head, "It's okay."

However, Luo Daoguai's laughter came from all around, "Boy, please pray for your own blessing."

Lu Chen was puzzled, "What kind of ball is this ball? How could it have such terrifying power."

After thinking about it, Lu Chen asked the old man.

The old man said, "There are twelve spheres around the Gate of Destruction, called celestial spheres. These spheres rely on the power of the sky, and the sky is an ethereal existence."

"God?" Lu Chen was suspicious.

"You just need to know that its power is endless. If you want to take it down, you might as well find out who is behind it."

Chase Lu didn't expect this ball to be so scary.

However, the old reminder made Lu Chen full of energy and let the distracted souls disperse.

But there is only one ball, so it can only chase Lu Chen himself, and Lu Chen himself deliberately carries it around.

Nangong Yumo asked Lu Chen curiously, "What happened?"

Chase Lu explained the origin of the ball, and then said, "I just need to attract the ball now."

Nangong Yumo said strangely after hearing this, "This ball is really amazing."

Lu Chen hummed, "It's not easy."

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen continued to search with his soul divided.

At this moment, Luo Dao stood in a secret room, staring at a wall, and on this wall, there were pictures of Lu Chen's distracted souls.

"Damn it, this guy, how can he create so many souls?" Luo Dao said angrily.

Behind Luo Dao is the God of Destruction.

The God of Destruction said, "This guy was originally difficult to deal with."

"Then, will he find this place?" Luo Dao asked suspiciously, and the God of Destruction said solemnly, "This is an independent space, he should not be able to find it."

Luo Dao hoped, "I hope he can't find it, so we can wait here until the door of destruction opens."

The God of Destruction was still a little worried, "But things are not that simple."

"What do you mean?"

"This guy is hard to protect, and there is Qin Tian's method." The God of Destruction sighed, and then came to a cabinet.

There are many weird bottles on this cabinet, and there are many pills in the bottles.

"what are you doing?"

"I'm going to find some pills and take them, just in case." After searching for a while, the God of Destruction took some pills.

Luo Dao has no body, so he can't use the pill, so he can only ask depressedly, "What about me?"

"See if there are any pills that can be absorbed by the soul." The God of Destruction said to Luo Dao.

Luo Dao was helpless, "It's the only way."

Luo Dao was also looking there.

However, after searching for a part of Lu Chen's soul for a long time, he found a crack in space, but as soon as he got close, the part of his soul would dissipate.

Lu Chen had no choice but to move his deity there, and then burrowed into the crack.

When they came to the crack, they happened to see God of Destruction and Luo Dao turning over something.

Lu Chen was puzzled, "What are you looking for? So energetic?"

The two gods of destruction turned pale with fright.

However, the God of Destruction took out a elixir and swallowed it, and then the whole body smoked, and it dissipated completely after a while.

Luo Dao turned pale in shock, and then wanted to escape, but Lu Chen blocked him, "Don't go."

"You, you can't do anything to me." Luo Dao became on guard, and Lu Chen had an ancient soul to kill, so he had already ignored him.

So Lu Chen smiled, an ancient soul kill made Luo Dao scream again and again, and finally said in great pain, "Damn it."

"Tell me, where did the God of Destruction go?" Lu Chen stared at him and asked Luo Dao, "How do I know?"

Lu Chen became gloomy, and then put his soul into the black soul bottle.

In the black soul bottle, Luo Dao was very angry, "Let me out!"

(end of this chapter)

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