The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 3830 Cohesive Mysterious Eyes

But the God of Destruction was not reconciled, and was very angry, "Even if I don't have the ancient magic, I can play you to death with my godhead."

"Then I want to see what you have." Lu Chen looked at the God of Destruction with a smile, and the God of Destruction was very angry, "Go to hell."

I saw the God of Destruction, and landed on Lu Chen with another palm, and Lu Chen was just blown away by the air current, but there was no injury at all.

So Lu Chen smiled and said, "Is this useful?"

"Boy, I will show you how terrible I am." The God of Destruction couldn't bear it anymore, and finally broke out.

I saw a terrifying power blooming from the God of Destruction.

Lu Chen was curious, "What kind of power is this?"

The old man said to Lu Chen, "This power is the ancient divine power from the godhead, and there are signs of burning the godhead, so the power will be very powerful."


"You have to be prepared, maybe your nine ancient gods may not be able to resist!" the old man reminded Lu Chen.

Lu Chen was not afraid, and said energetically, "Come on, I want to see how powerful it is."

The old man frowned, "You can think clearly."

"Think clearly." At this moment, Lu Chen really wanted to test whether his nine ancient god shadows could resist, so he watched silently there.

At this moment, the power of the God of Destruction came out, and the power of the godhead was blazing.


Hitting Lu Chen's soul hard, it seemed like he was going to destroy Lu Chen.

Lu Chen was very uncomfortable, but the nine ancient gods surrounded Lu Chen, devouring those powers one by one.

So after a while, Lu Chen was not only fine, but even laughed, "That's it?"

The God of Destruction was startled. He didn't expect that with his own strength, he couldn't do anything to Lu Chen, so his expression was very ugly, "Boy, you are obviously just an ordinary god-man body, how can you resist the power of the ancient godhead?"

"Because you are too weak." Lu Chen's words made the God of Destruction very angry, "What? You say I am too weak?"

"Could it be, isn't it?" Lu Chen said with a smile.

The God of Destruction was very unwilling, and glared, "Boy, I'm going to fight you."

"It's useless to fight, anyway, you are not as good as me." Lu Chen looked at him with a smile.

These words made the God of Destruction very annoyed, but he had no choice but to look at Chase Lu angrily, "Okay, very good."

The God of Destruction is once again ready to burn Godhead.

The next moment, the God of Destruction seemed to be covered in flames, and then hit Lu Chen with his palm.

Chase Lu was knocked into the air on the spot, but when the remaining power entered Chase Lu's body, Chase Lu was still intact.

The God of Destruction was dumbfounded, and then turned around and ran away in fright.

Lu Chen immediately chased after him.

It's just that the God of Destruction ran very fast, and Lu Chen didn't stop, and kept chasing.

At this moment, Nangong Yumo who was outside the hall really wanted to know what happened inside.

until there was a bang.

The loud noise came from outside.

Everyone ran out curiously, and then someone shouted, "Destroy Tianshi."

Destroy Tianshi?

Nangong Yumo walked out curiously.

I happened to see countless strange stones in the sky, falling one after another, and burning with flames until they were completely burned and then dissipated.

The phantoms of the ancient gods were all overjoyed when they saw this, and some of them hurried forward and stood in front of those stones.

Then the power released by the stone made them all full of energy.

Nangong Yumo was curious about what these things were and why they could make them so energetic.

However, at this time, two afterimages appeared in the sky.

One is Chase Lu, and the other is the God of Destruction who burns flames.

The God of Destruction escaped, saw those sky stones, and then shuttled among them one by one, and then his godhead quickly recovered.

Especially in the end, the God of Destruction was still hidden in a huge sky rock, and Chase Lu wanted to go in, but was blocked.

The old man reminded Lu Chen, "You can't make it through."


"This is called Destruction Sky Stone, also known as Ancient Sky Stone, and only those with the Ancient Godhead can enter it."

Hearing this, Lu Chen looked around and asked after discovering the phantoms of the ancient gods, "Then why can't they go in, they can only stay outside?"

"Those are just their phantoms, and their godheads are not here, so their phantoms can only be strengthened by absorbing the power from the skystone, and these phantoms are like their clones without godheads."

Lu Chen understood and said, "That's very interesting."

"You, you'd better leave quickly, or this guy, after recovering in Tianshi, his godhead will be fine again." Old Man reminded Lu Chen.

Lu Chen hesitated, "You said those phantoms can absorb the power of the sky stone, so can my ancient god shadow?"

"Well, I don't know." The old man didn't understand either, so he shook his head, and Lu Chen had no choice but to try to inhale.

And what he sucked was the sky stone where the God of Destruction was.

When inhaling, the sky stone sparkled, and streams of red air radiated from the sky stone and entered Lu Chen's body.

Canggu was startled, "Can it really absorb it?"

"It's true." Lu Chen found that there were fire lights on the nine ancient shadows, and the old man introduced to Lu Chen, "There are many kinds of ancient sky stones, and the longest one is the five elements, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, corresponding to Five ancient godheads."

Lu Chen understood, and continued to say, "It seems that I have to absorb it."

The old man looked enviously, and Lu Chen's nine ancient gods became stronger little by little, and the God of Destruction cursed in the sky stone, "Damn guy, can you even absorb this?"

"I'll deal with you after I absorb it." Lu Chen laughed.

The God of Destruction was very angry, and continued to curse, "Boy, I will make you look good."

"You couldn't do anything to me before, now? You can't do anything." Chase Lu despised.

Hearing this, the God of Destruction was very upset, "Boy, just wait, I have already contacted some people, and they will definitely come to help me."

Lu Chen didn't care about him, but continued to work on himself.

I saw that the nine ancient gods and shadows became stronger and stronger under the cultivation of Lu Chen, and even in the end, Lu Chen's cultivation base directly entered the mysterious death realm from the heavenly death realm.

The next step in the Profound Death Realm is the Ancient Realm.

But after the breakthrough, Chase Lu suddenly felt that his spiritual consciousness could sense very far away, and he could even feel the whole sky everywhere, as if he was breathing.

Lu Chen was puzzled, "Mysterious Death Realm, can you sense the sky?"

The old man explained, "Mysterious Death Realm is the prelude to understand life and death, step into the Ancient Realm, and explore ancient temples with spiritual consciousness."

"Explore the ancient temple?"

"You'll know when you get to the ancient realm, and now you probably have gathered your mysterious eyes."

Mysterious eyes?

Lu Chen looked at the godhead curiously, and found that there was an "eye" on the godhead, but this "eye" was closed.

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't understand, the old man introduced it to him, "This is called Xuanyan. The stronger your cultivation base is, the stronger its power will be. When it is fully opened, you will enter the Wanggu Realm!"

(end of this chapter)

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