The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 3836 Fire Shenzhou, the sun shines in the sky

Seeing the other party like this, Lu Chen smiled immediately, "Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you, it's almost the same, just go by yourself, or, I will do it."

"You, I'm not afraid of you!" The other party was in a hurry, and there was a fire mask on his body, trying to resist Lu Chen.

Lu Chen smiled when he saw it, "Are you trying to resist me?"

"Yes, I am an ancient god. Your power is useless to me." The other party was very confident, but Lu Chen smiled bitterly, "Are you a clown?"

"Clown what? What I said is true, you can't do anything to me." The other party said confidently.

Lu Chen sighed, "It seems that I have to let you know how good I am."

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen's eyes flickered with fire, and there were shadows.

"Fire, the fire technique... This is the ancient fire technique, you, you are an ordinary god, how could you do it?" The other party was stunned.

Lu Chen looked at him and said, "Well, I don't need to explain to you."

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen ignored him, and then took Nangong Yumo and two people with him, while Qin Tiantian smiled as he passed by the man, "Little guy, if you don't have the skills, don't rob like others, or you won't know how to die. "

Hearing this, the man rushed towards Lu Chen immediately, "Wait for me, wait for me."

Then the man ran to Chase Lu and said happily, "I, I will be your guide."

"As a guide?" Chase Lu wondered.

"Yes, I am familiar with this, and I am also very familiar with many places in the Ancient God Continent. If you are going anywhere, just take me with you." The other party said enthusiastically.

As soon as these words came out, Lu Chen laughed, "You wanted to rob me just now, but now you are so enthusiastic? You don't think I'm a fool, do you?"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm guiding you because I adore you, not to rob you secretly." The other party said with certainty.

However, Lu Chen didn't believe it.

Qin Tiantian and the two didn't believe it either. The other party got anxious, and then took off the veil, revealing a young man, and then took out a token, "Look, I'm from the earth ghost sect, and we are specially wandering around the various cemeteries."

Lu Chen was suspicious, "Walking around the tombs? Looting the things of the dead?"

The other party said awkwardly, "We call this rational use."

Lu Chen smiled wryly, "Then why didn't you go find the dead man and make reasonable use of it, why did you come here?"

Regarding this question, the other party was very anxious, "I came here because I came out of a cemetery, passed by here, and found someone, so I just passed by."

"By the way? If I don't have some skills today, will you have to take things away by the way?" Lu Chen asked back.

The other party knew he was wrong, so he quickly apologized, "This is my fault, I will apologize to you."

But Chase Lu ignored it, and continued to lead the way away.

On the way, Lu Chen ignored him, and he had to chat with Qin Tiantian and Nangong Yumo.

From the conversation, Lu Chen knew his identity.

A disciple of the Earth Ghost Sect, Ghost Star Sky.

This Gui Xingtian recently went to a cemetery. When he came out, he came to this corridor. He happened to see someone passing by, so he wanted to rob him.

It's just that I met Lu Chen, and now I want to get close.

Lu Chen was not fooled.

In this way, until you come to a fork.

Seeing the fork, Qin Tiantian looked at Lu Chen, "I have to go."


"My master told me some things. I have to leave from the first road on the left, but you don't need to, because you are going to the ancient temple of fire in the ancient god continent, not here."

After speaking, Qin Tiantian left, and Nangong Yumo had no choice but to say goodbye to her.

Gui Xingtian shouted happily, "Miss, go slowly."

Seeing him like this, Nangong Yumo shook his head helplessly, but Lu Chen looked at the openings in front of him and fell into deep thought.

Gui Xingtian happily said, "I know how to get there, do you need my advice?"

"You know?" Lu Chen was dubious.

"Are you going to Huogu Temple, right? But there is only one road, which is relatively close, and the others, which are relatively far away, and may even go to other states."

"Other states?" Chase Lu was curious.

Gui Xingtian nodded and said, "In this continent, there are ten states, and the states are all very large. If you make a mistake and want to go to other states, then within a few years, you will not be able to reach them at all."

Lu Chen was lost in thought.

"Don't worry, this time, I will definitely not lie, as long as you follow me, I promise to send you to Fire Ancient Palace."

Lu Chen looked at him and said, "If I knew, if you fooled me, I would shoot you through."

"Brother, don't worry, I will never dare." After Gui Xingtian finished speaking, he hurriedly led the way.

On the way, Nangong Yumo whispered, "Is he really okay?"

"Follow it first, if there's anything wrong, let's talk about it later." Lu Chen explained.

Nangong Yumo hummed, "Okay."

So the two followed Gui Xingtian.

On the way, Gui Xingtian talked and laughed, but Lu Chen didn't speak, but continued to walk on his own.

After walking out of the trail, they entered a forest.

At the same time, he also saw the light of the Ancient God Continent.

This time the light was like a huge golden light shining down from the sky.

"What is that?" Seeing such a big golden light, Nangong Yumo was curious.

"It's called, Shenri, without him, the earth's demons and ghosts will not dare to come out." Gui Xingtian laughed.

"Demons and ghosts?" Nangong Yumo was suspicious.

"Yes, in this Ancient God Continent, demons and ghosts will be very powerful in dark places, but they will be weak in places with God Sun." Gui Xingtian explained.

Nangong Yumo felt miraculous.

Lu Chen was curious, so he deliberately circulated the demon spirit in his body, and he really felt a sense of weakness, as if something was restraining him.

So Lu Chen quickly put away his demonic aura.

And Gui Xingtian gave various introductions.

It turns out that the state they are in at the moment is the Huoshen State, one of the top ten states, and the biggest force in the Vulcan State is the Fire Ancient Palace.

This Ancient Fire Temple has a long history here, and at the same time many sects are controlled by them, but there are also some forces that do not obey them.

Therefore, Huogudian has been supporting many royal families, managing many people in this state, and recruiting many people to join Huogudian.

In this way, Huoshen State appeared to be relatively calm on the surface, but in private, there were many forces secretly fighting against Huogu Temple.

Especially in Huogudian, the most famous patrol team is called Vulcan team, and the Vulcan team is everywhere in Vulcan State.

So after Gui Xingtian finished speaking, he asked Lu Chen, "Brother, are you going to Huogu Temple to join them?"

"Join them? Why?" Chase Lu asked back.

"Going to Huogu Temple must be to join them. Could it be possible to challenge them? Isn't that self-inflicted?" Gui Xingtian teased.

Lu Chen looked at him with a smile, "What if I really go to trouble them?"

Hearing this, Gui Xingtian thought Lu Chen was joking, so he said awkwardly, "Brother, you must be joking."

"I'm not joking, what I said is true." Lu Chen said calmly.

These words frightened Gui Xingtian, and even turned pale.

"How about it, are you still leading the way?" Lu Chen asked.

(end of this chapter)

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