The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 39 The Little Girl's True Identity

The old dryad immediately started complaining mode.

It turned out that tens of thousands of years ago, a group of people took away the "heart of the tree", causing its lifespan and cultivation to weaken.

"Those people, how do they know you are here?" Chase Lu knew that after the old tree spirit became a spirit, ordinary humans could not find it at all, except for immortals.

But in Jiuyou Continent, it is impossible to have immortals.

So Lu Chen showed curiosity.

"I don't know, I only know that one day, a few people wearing skull masks suddenly descended on me and seriously injured me and took away the heart of the tree." The old tree spirit said helplessly.

Lu Chen frowned, "Skull mask?"

"Yes, all of them are wearing skull masks." The old dryad was very depressed.

Lu Chen became serious, "Then what happened next?"

"They ran away after getting the tree heart." The old dryad said helplessly, but Lu Chen comforted him, "Don't worry, I will help you find the tree heart sooner or later!"

"Can I get it back?" The old dryad suddenly became energetic.

Lu Chen explained, "Your tree heart is generally only suitable as a magic weapon or as the power of some formations. As long as I find it, I can restore it and restore it to your body!"

When the old tree spirit heard this, he immediately regained his spirits, "Thank you Lu Xian."

But Lu Chen still has a question, "With your morality, even if you are deprived of the dryad, you won't be able to regress so much in cultivation."

"Don't mention it!" The old dryad seemed to be in unspeakable pain, but Lu Chen frowned, "Tell me, what's going on?"

"After my tree heart was gone, I was quickly found by people from a nearby sect. In order to confuse them, I gathered a bunch of clones and distributed them around. But after tens of thousands of years, they have already taken these clones of me as their own. Inexhaustible material."


"Yes, take the trunks of my clones to refine magic weapons."

Lu Chen didn't expect the old tree spirit to be so miserable and said, "Then take back all the clones."

"If I take it back, they will find traces of my true self, I'm afraid!" The old dryad said in pain, but Lu Chen comforted, "Don't worry, I'm here, I will clean them up for you."

"But you!" The old tree spirit was a little worried about Lu Chen when he saw that Lu Chen was only in the Qi training state, but Lu Chen said with a smile, "Why? You look down on me so much?"

"No, it's just that this sect doesn't seem to be weak, and their disciples are not simple."

Lu Chen smiled, "Don't worry, it's useless whoever comes!"

When the old tree spirit heard this, he was inexplicably moved, "I'll take back those clones slowly!"

Lu Chen asked after his voice, "By the way, what happened to those girls outside?"

Hearing this, the old tree spirit sighed, "Five years ago, a group of women were chased by a group of bandits and ran to this mountain. I thought they were pitiful, so I took them in and asked them to help me persuade some people to go up the mountain. Make sure no one finds out where I really am!"

"Oh? Then you are so lucky to meet a little girl with a six-star mutated spirit bone."

"She is different from those girls." The old tree spirit suddenly hesitated, but Lu Chen said with a smile, "Oh? Why is it different?"

"She is... I cultivated it with the last tear of the tree spirit queen." The old tree spirit didn't dare to say anything more, because Lu Chen's face changed.

Queen of the Dryads.

One hundred thousand years ago, a woman who appeared in my life was also my savior, but at that time I was still weak and was hunted down by my enemies.

In order to protect herself, the Queen of Tree Spirits led the whole clan to fight against those enemies.

As a result, the tree spirit family was almost extinct, and even the tree spirit queen was weakened, leaving only one tear, and this tear, Lu Chen handed over to the only descendant of the tree spirit family, this little sapling.

Even after Lu Chen wiped out the enemy, there was still a shadow in Lu Chen's heart, and he always felt that he killed the tree spirit queen.

So when Lu Chen heard this, he was sluggish, and his eyes turned red.

"Lu Immortal, don't be too sad, at least the tree spirit queen's teardrop is not in vain." The old tree spirit comforted, and Lu Chen took a deep breath and said, "Her, what's her name."

"Flower Spirit Wood." The old tree spirit replied, and Lu Chen nodded, "How many years did she grow before she became a human?"

"Since my heart was gone, I was afraid that I would not be able to take care of that teardrop, so I used my remaining strength to raise her, and it took her tens of thousands of years to turn into a human baby."

"Human babies?"

"Yes, about ten years ago, she crawled out of a flower bud, so I named her Flower Spirit Wood, and she is also very lively and lovely." The old tree elf laughed.

"Flower Spirit Wood." Lu Chen nodded slightly, and the old tree spirit suddenly said nostalgic, "If the queen knows that she has descendants, she will be happy."

Lu Chen took a deep breath and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely resurrect your queen when I have the chance!"

"What? Resurrection?" The old dryad was startled.

Lu Chenen said, "I have cultivated a kung fu method, as long as my cultivation level improves, I will have a way to resurrect!"

"But she was weakened a hundred thousand years ago, can she still be found?"

"I have a solution." Chase Lu replied, and the old tree gratefully expressed, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, this is what I should do, after all, I'm the one who harmed your entire family!" When Lu Chen said this, his voice seemed to be stuck.

The old tree spirit knew that Lu Chen was feeling uncomfortable, so he comforted him there, "Lu Immortal, it was the Queen's will, so don't be too sad!"

"It's because of my willingness that I can't forget what happened when your people fell in front of me, especially the moment when your queen turned into the last tear." When Lu Chen thought of this, it was as if it just happened, and he felt uncomfortable.

The old dryad didn't know what to say, so he could only watch silently.

Until there were bursts of shouts from outside, and the old tree spirit was shocked, "No, I took back my clone and was found by that Mutianmen man!"

"I'll go out and have a look." Chase Lu hurried out.


At this moment, the trees outside have disappeared, but those women are standing on the little girl, and the flower spirit wood is all around to protect her, while in front, there are a group of monks in green clothes.

On the clothes, there is also a word "wood" engraved.

These monks looked very fierce, and when they came, they stared at Hualingmu, as if these people knew Hualingmu.

"That's the girl!" a monk shouted.

"That's right, she was the one who sneaked up on me last time!"

"Finally found her!"

"Take her down!"

Some monks rushed up immediately, and those women rushed out immediately, trying to stop them.

But those women were too weak to fight against these foundation builders, and the Hualingmu was bound by Lu Chen's vines, so she could only worry there.

When You Qi saw the serious injuries of each woman, she hurriedly shouted, "Sisters, you go first!"

"Don't go, we want to protect you!" A woman shouted, and the other women also shouted, "That's right, we will die before you!"

Then some of the remaining women also rushed up, Hua Lingmu was in a hurry, and cried out there, "Sisters, hurry up, step back!"

But those women were very persistent. As for the Hua Lingmu, they had to look to the standing Jia Luo and beg, "Please, help, help me save my sisters!"

Huha~ What this Jia Luo said, this Hua Lingmu didn't understand at all, and Hua Lingmu was in a hurry, "Can't you speak personally?"

Jarrow thought too, but he couldn't say it, he could only worry about it.

As for the women in front of them, they fell down one by one, and some of their limbs were cut off directly. The end can be said to be very miserable.

The leading man said coldly, "If you don't want to die, get out!"

But these women are very persistent, they just want to protect the flower spirit tree, and the man who took the lead was annoyed, "You want to die, so I will fulfill you!"

(end of this chapter)

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