The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 3969 Entering the Fire Heaven Palace

However, after a while, Lu Chen found the exit of the magic weapon, and even laughed, "That's it, you still want to embarrass me?"

Huo Tianshi didn't know that Lu Chen had found the exit, so he still despised him there, until after a while, Lu Chen suddenly disappeared from his original position.

Seeing Lu Chen disappear, Huo Tianshi was shocked, and looked around, "Where is the person?"

At this moment, Lu Chen came outside the fire refining coffin, and the fire demon Yunshuang and Tian Qinlie who were outside were shocked when they saw Lu Chen coming out.

Huo Tianshi also returned to his senses, and when he saw Lu Chen standing there, his face changed, "How is it possible?"

"Is there a problem?" Lu Chen looked at Huo Tianshi with a smile, and Huo Tianshi stammered, "You, how did you come out?"

"Isn't this nonsense? Of course it came out of the magic weapon." Lu Chen explained, but Huo Tianshi was anxious, "No, it's impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Lu Chen smiled, "You look after it."

Lu Chen faced the fire coffin with one hand, and the soul in the fire coffin had already been taken by Lu Chen, so Lu Chen smiled strangely, and the fire coffin disappeared from its original position.

Seeing the moment the fire coffin disappeared, Huo Tianshi was very anxious, "How could this happen?"

Huo Yao Yunshuang and Tian Qin Lie were also in a hurry, wanting to know what happened, but Lu Chen smiled and said, "I have already won the magic weapon, I don't know, do you want to experience it?"

Take the magic weapon? experience?

Everyone didn't know what Lu Chen meant, but Lu Chen made a move. With a wave of his hand, the fire refining coffin appeared and flew directly to Huo Tianshi.

Master Huo was immediately sucked into the fire coffin.

Everyone outside was curious about what happened, but Huo Tianshi was shouting frantically at the fire coffin, wishing to rush out immediately.

But no matter how Tianshi Huo yelled, he couldn't shake Lu Chen until Tianshi Huo said angrily, "Fight."


A huge flame erupted from the fire coffin, and then the opponent disappeared from the original place in a flash.

Seeing Master Huo disappear, Huo Yaoyun and Yunshuang came back to their senses, then Huo Yaoyunshuang looked at Lu Chen strangely, "You, control that magic weapon?"

"Hmm." Lu Chen hummed.

Huo Yaoyun couldn't believe it and said, "This magic weapon is so terrifying, how do you control it?"

"You can control it at will." Lu Chen said casually.

Can you control it casually?

Huo Yao Yunshuang felt that it was unlikely, and even showed a strange look, "This."

"Okay, let's go up the mountain." Lu Chen couldn't wait any longer, so he went up the mountain directly.

Huo Yaoyun knew that the back was more terrifying, so he was very nervous, but Tian Qinlie saw that Lu Chen was fine, and he had nothing to be afraid of, so he quickly followed.

After a while, the three came to the mountain.


However, on the mountain, many people appeared around, and these people were all from the Fire Heaven Palace, but they were curious about why such a weak person as Lu Chen could come here.

Until Huo Tianshi reappeared.

It's just that Huo Tianshi became very weak, but he said to everyone, "It's easy to talk nonsense, fuck him and kill him."

Regardless of the reason, everyone planned to go, and Lu Chen took out the ruin sword.

As soon as the ruin sword came out, these weak people screamed on the spot one by one, while some strong ones backed away in fright.

They all looked at Huo Tianshi.

"Huo Tianshi, who the hell is he?"

"Huo Tianshi, is this still an ancient god?"

Everyone was already frightened by Lu Chen's ability, but Huo Tianshi said angrily, "The Ruin Sword, he actually got this sword."

Everyone was even more frightened when they heard the Ruin Sword, and some even trembled, "The first evil sword, the Ruin Sword?"

Huo Tianshi even questioned Lu Chen, "Boy, how did you get this sword?"

"Does this have anything to do with you?" Lu Chen waved his sword energy again, but Huo Tianshi avoided it in fright, and then shouted to everyone, "Retreat."

Everyone immediately ran to the sky bridge behind them, and behind the sky bridge was a gate, and behind the gate was the Fire Heaven Palace.

Therefore, the rest of the people quickly entered the Fire Heaven Palace, and the gate was also closed tightly at the same time.

But the rest of the people were tragic, either dead or injured, staring at Lu Chen in horror, and Lu Chen looked at them with a smile, "Look, Huo Tiangong has abandoned you."

These people were terrified and stuttered, not knowing what to say, only Lu Chen smiled calmly.

Then Lu Chen took Huo Yao Yunshuang and they walked to that bridge and came to the gate, and there was a very strong force on the gate to prevent Lu Chen from approaching.

Lu Chen looked at the gate and smiled, "Why? I thought there was a gate that could resist me."

Master Huo's voice said from behind the gate, "Boy, let me tell you, you can't open this gate."

"The good one can't be opened."

"Don't think that you can do whatever you want with a little power, I tell you, you don't want to come in." Huo Tianshi continued to scare Lu Chen.

Lu Chen smiled.

Huo Tianshi asked strangely, "Why are you laughing?"

"I have broken through many gates. At the beginning, they were all very strong, but in the end, the gates were broken by themselves."

"Blow it." Huo Tianshi didn't believe it, but Lu Chen ignored it, put it on with one hand, and then began to suck the power of the door.

However, at this moment, Master Huo Chu on the other side stared at the power on the bead, and said solemnly, "The Black Fire Banner didn't take him down, and Master Huo Tianshi didn't stop him, this kid is really not easy."

Then Master Huo Chu took out a fiery red token and threw it, and the token flew out.

After a while, a fiery red bird flew over, "Master, what's the matter?"

"Go, find someone for me, and the sooner the better, preferably right away."

"Master, who are you looking for?"

"Volcano from Huotian Palace."

"Volcano man? Didn't he disappear a long time ago?" The group of bird fire became suspicious, but Huo Chu real person laughed strangely, "It's not that he disappeared, but he hid."

Bird Fire was puzzled.

After Master Huo Chu gave the address, Bird Huo left, while Master Huo Chu continued to stare at the huge bead and muttered, "Boy, I hope that Fu Huan people can play with you well!"

Then Master Huo Chu laughed wickedly.


Lu Chen continued to stay at the gate, spent some time, and then broke the gate, and nothing happened, but everyone behind the gate was terrified and fled one after another.

Huo Yaoyun and Yunshuang were both stunned. He didn't expect that Lu Chen broke the door so easily, and Lu Chen still looked at the two of them, "It will be very dangerous next time, and you guys, follow closely."

Tian Qin Lie was worried, "I can't help you in there, why don't I find a place to rest outside."

Lu Chen agreed, "Yes."

Tian Qin Lie hurriedly slipped away, and Huo Yao Yunshuang also wanted to leave, but Lu Chen smiled at her, "You are familiar with this place, so I still need you to lead the way."

"This." Huo Yao Yunshuang looked embarrassed.

"Let's go, take me to the real Huo Chu." Lu Chen asked her to lead the way, but Huo Yao Yunshuang was very helpless, and in the end, he still led the way honestly.

As soon as they entered, there were flames everywhere, as if they were going to swallow them up, but Huo Yao Yunshuang said, "This fire is not dangerous." (End of this chapter)

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