The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 3972 A bit difficult to deal with stones

The bird fire's wings spread out immediately, and then the wings were covered with fire, and the fire became more and more prosperous, looking terrifying.

However, all this is nothing in Lu Chen's eyes.

But Huo Yao Yunshuang felt uncomfortable, and stepped back step by step, feeling as if he was going to be swallowed by the fire ahead.

Lu Chen sucked up the fire one by one, and then looked at Bird Fire, "If you want to destroy me with fire, I advise you to give up, it's impossible."

Seeing Lu Chen's arrogance, Niaohuo was very angry, "Boy, let me tell you, I just didn't have a seizure."

"It didn't happen? Then how do you plan to have it?" Lu Chen teased the other party.

The other party snorted, "I'll show you what happened right now."

"Oh? Really? Then come on, let me see what happened to the seizure you mentioned." Lu Chen looked at the other party with a smile.

The other party roared, "Go to hell!"

After a roar, the other party rushed to Lu Chen, trying to kill Lu Chen, but Lu Chen was very calm, as if he was not affected at all.

Not only that, but the opponent also rushed into Lu Chen's body.

In the space of consciousness, the bird fire released a huge fire, intending to burn Chen Lu's soul to death, but Chen Lu said nothing at all, "Do you think that if you come to my space of consciousness, you can do whatever you want?"

"Boy, what do you mean?"

"My meaning is very simple. If you come to me, you are going to die." With one sentence from Lu Chen, the other party hummed, "Send to die? Let me see, it's you, right?"

"Try it, and you'll know." Lu Chen looked at the other party with a smile.

The other party was immediately annoyed and continued to spit fire.

Lu Chen released the flower of Ghost Desolation.

As soon as these words came out, the other party was immediately frightened and wanted to escape from Chase Lu's body.

It's just that it can't leave at all, especially the ghost wild flower, which clings to it so tightly that it can't leave, and it is so angry that it curses, "let me go, let me go!"

"Let you go, do you think it's possible?" Lu Chen asked it, and Bird Huo said angrily, "If you don't let me go, you will regret it."

"Regret? Then I want to see what kind of regret it is." Lu Chen's contempt made Bird Huo very angry, "Okay, very good! I will fight you now."

I saw that the bird cremated into a fireball, and then expanded a little bit.

The fireball is getting bigger and bigger, and the source of the power is actually outside.

Lu Chen looked outside, countless forces from all around poured into his body, and then fell on the bird fire one by one, and Lu Chen thought for a while, and let Huowu Zixiao come out.

As soon as Huowu Zixiao saw the fireball, she was very interested and flew over.

Seeing Huowu Zixiao, Niaohuo was inexplicably terrified.

Not only that, Bird Fire retreated step by step, but Huowu Zixiao didn't care, went straight over, grabbed it, and then swallowed its strength.

The power on Bird Fire immediately dissipated one by one.

Finally, it turned into a feather and fell into Huowu Zixiao's hands.

Huowu Zixiao smiled while holding the feather, "Little master, it's done."

"Yeah." Lu Chen took the feather and smiled, then Huowu Zixiao disappeared, and Lu Chen regained his consciousness, looking at the stunned Huo Yao Yunshuang, "Let's go."

Huo Yao Yunshuang was suspicious, "Well, where is Bird Fire?"


"What? Solved it?" Huo Yaoyun was startled, feeling unbelievable, and Lu Chen continued to walk up the mountain after humming.


In a corner of the palace, Master Huo Chu stood in front of Zhu Zi and muttered, "Little guy, you are a little bit capable, and you can resist it."

However, with a wave of Huo Chu's hand, countless flame figures appeared, and with another wave, these flame figures turned into stone figures.

Then Master Huo Chu smiled evilly, "Little guy, come on, I'll give you a big gift."

Of course, Lu Chen didn't know what happened here, but now he, led by Huo Yao Yunshuang, quickly entered the hall.

The hall was very deserted, as if there was no one there.

Huo Yao Yunshuang was suspicious, "Could it be that he isn't here?"

"It's definitely there, but where it went is a question." Lu Chen said uncertainly, while Huo Yaoyun was puzzled, "Then where will it go?"

Lu Chen opened "Pan Shen Shu", and then opened them one by one.

Under "Pantheism", Lu Chen quickly discovered the abnormality.

"Go, I found something." Lu Chen opened his eyes, then walked to a place, and Huo Yaoyun quickly followed.

After a while, they came to a hall.

In this hall, there is a group of stone men.

Huo Yao Yunshuang felt weird, because these stone people couldn't see anything unusual, but Lu Chen laughed, "This is interesting."

Fire Demon Yun Shuang was suspicious, "This is?"

"There's that old guy's power on it." Lu Chen replied, and sure enough, the stone men said in unison, "Boy, it's amazing, you can find it all."

Huo Yaoyun was startled, but Lu Chen said, "Come out."

come out?

Master Huo Chu smiled, "Boy, do I need to show up to deal with you?"

"It seems that I have to let you know how weak you are." After Lu Chen finished speaking, he started to do it.

I saw Lu Chen took out the Thunder Hammer and attacked these stone men one by one, but these stone men seemed to be fine.

Master Huo Chu laughed, "It's useless, don't waste your efforts."

Huo Yao Yun Shuang was a little worried.

Lu Chen had no choice but to put away the hammer and said, "Try other methods."

"Other means? What other means do you think you have?" The other party despised, but Lu Chen smiled, "If there is any means, just try it."


The other party thought it was ridiculous, but Lu Chen Wanying accompanied him, came to a stone at once, and then grabbed the stone.

But this stone has a powerful force, and directly bounced Lu Chen away, and then the other party laughed, "Boy, do you really think that I will let you touch it casually?"

"It's up to you." After Lu Chen smiled wickedly, he cast "Panoramic Art", and then devoured the power on those stones from the air.

After the other party discovered the problem, countless stones immediately gathered together, and then formed a cover of brown light.

At the same time, the other party was also proud, "You suck it, anyway, I and the surroundings of the Huotian Palace are integrated into one, so what you suck is also the power of the surroundings."

"Oh? Are you sure?"

"Nonsense, do you think I'm joking with you?" The other party mocked, and Lu Chen had to admire the other party's strength.

But Lu Chen said again, "So what? It still can't change anything."

"Is it possible that you can still fight against the power of the entire Fire Heaven Palace?"

Lu Chen smiled, "No, but this one can fight against you."

The other party didn't know what Lu Chen meant, but Lu Chen's Ruin Sword had already appeared, and Huo Chu sneered when he saw the Ruin Sword, "Ruin Sword, boy, don't be bitten by it."

"If there is any backlash, try it and you will know." Lu Chen teased the other party.

Master Huo Chu smiled strangely, "Okay, very good."

Lu Chen ignored it, but continued to inject a lot of sword energy into the huge stone man.

These sword qi are pressed there a little bit. (end of this chapter)

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