The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 718 Ten Thousand Buddhas Patriarchal Clan, But The Caster Is Too Weak!

All spirits can absorb many spells that trap oneself.

But now the magic of all spirits seemed to be invalid, so Lu Chen studied what kind of rune it was that hit him just now.

At this moment, the sect master in the air said proudly, "Boy, don't waste your efforts, you are already trapped by my powerful Dharma and Buddha runes!"


After Lu Chen smiled wryly, he worked out a solution, so he first performed the Rune Breaking Technique to clean up the runes, and then performed the "Wild Spirit Art", which made him feel at ease.

Seeing Lu Chen untie the moment, the expressions of all the people present changed drastically.

The sect master in the cloud was a little puzzled, and asked in the air, "Boy, what have you done?"

"Do you have to ask this kind of question?" Lu Chen smiled and looked at the sect master in the air.

"It seems that I still have to seal you in a world forever!" The sect master said frantically.

Then countless Buddha shadows appeared in the air, and these Buddha shadows sat cross-legged in various postures, but both eyes were fixed on Lu Chen, and at the same time, one palm was facing Lu Chen.

Lu Chen said in surprise, "You know the patriarchal law of ten thousand Buddhas."

"You actually know the Ten Thousand Buddhas Patriarchal Clan?" The head of the sect was a little surprised.

Of course, Lu Chen knew, because the patriarchal law of Ten Thousand Buddhas is the thirty-six layers of immortality, a very common Buddhist sect.

It's just that Lu Chen didn't expect to see people who learned this kind of sect magic on the Jiuyou Continent.

But Chase Lu calmed down quickly, staring at the sect master and said, "You, the Ten Thousand Buddhas sect, are still too weak."


"The powerful Ten Thousand Buddhas Patriarchal Clan is not a problem to deal with immortals, but you, at most, can deal with some of the gods."

Lu Chen's contempt made the sect master even more upset, and he still hummed, "Wait a minute, you'll know you're wrong."

After finishing speaking, the sect master flew from the air with Buddha palm prints one after another.

Everyone thought that with such a powerful attack, it would not be a problem to deal with Chase Lu, and Chase Lu immediately cast Thunder Soul Technique.

These palm prints passed through Lu Chenlei's soul shadow at once, but they couldn't cause any harm to Lu Chen. Instead, Lu Chen's original hilltop was blown to pieces with a "boom boom boom".

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Some even became demented, "How is this possible?"

The sect master was even more surprised, and Elder Shi stammered, "Is this still a human?"

Under the thunder soul technique, Lu Chen could leap at will, so he rushed into the clouds and mists, and stood in front of the sect master in the form of a thunder soul shadow.

I saw that the head of the sect was wearing a golden Buddha costume and cassock, and his head and face were big, like a big cake.

Holding a golden Buddha bead in his hand, he looks like a very authentic "monk".

"Any other skills?" Lu Chen asked directly when he saw him.

"My ability is very strong, but I'm afraid you won't be able to." The sect master said confidently.

"Oh? Really? Come on, let me see how powerful you are."

"It seems that you really don't know what is scary." After the sect master finished speaking, he silently recited the Buddha's mantra on the spot.

The sound circulated crazily on Lu Chen.

Not only that, the people from Tongxuemen who were nearby felt that there were many phantoms in front of them.

These phantoms are all like Buddhist disciples, and they are all chanting scriptures, looking very serious.

Some even murmured, "Sky, why are there so many Buddhists?"

"How did these little monks get here?"

Some people are more sober, "It's a phantom."

"Phantom?" Someone was surprised.

"It seems that the sect master cast a Buddhist phantom on this kid." Someone speculated.

"Then this kid, isn't he dead?"

Everyone thought it was possible, even the head of the sect thought so, and there was a voice in Lu Chen's ear, "Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately!"

These words woke Lu Chen up immediately, and Lu Chen still smiled, "I hate this sentence the most."

"Hate it?" The sect master didn't expect Lu Chen to wake up because of his own words.

In fact, Lu Chen woke up early, and just looked at these Buddha shadows curiously, wanting to see what's special, who knows what the sect master said, which made him very upset, and even Lu Chen laughed strangely, "I won't talk nonsense with you!"

I saw Lu Chen took out the Huoyin Guqin and played a piece of "Cheng Mo Song".

Immediately, voices swayed in the air, and those Buddhist phantoms emitted dark "demonic energy" one by one, as if these Buddhist disciples were possessed by demons one by one.

The door master was so frightened that he stopped chanting the mantra, and the Buddhist disciples disappeared one by one.

Everyone was stunned.

The sect master said angrily, "How dare you blaspheme our Buddhist sect!"

"I said, did you make a mistake? You used these phantoms against me, and now you still blame me for blasphemy?" Lu Chen sneered.

The door master couldn't speak, but snorted instead, "Anyway, today, I must represent the Buddha and kill you!"

Lu Chen smiled bitterly, "Buddha? I don't know which Buddha you recognize, and your spells, and who taught you?"

Lu Chen's words made the sect master unable to say a word, making him annoyed, "Damn it."

After finishing speaking, a huge golden arm appeared in the air, forming a stream of golden light, rushing towards Lu Chen.


The speed was very fast, Lu Chenlei's soul shadow connected the golden light and his arm, and hit the ground together, and then the arm stood there, forming a huge golden mountain, suppressing Lu Chen.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Some people were even curious, "Is it possible that he died?"

"That's easy too."

The door owner thought it was done, so he took out another golden cloth bag and put away the golden mountain at once, because Lu Chen had been "trapped" in the golden mountain.

Then the sect master turned around, returned to the cave, and entered the space of the golden Buddha statue for you to meditate and practice.

Lu Chen escaped from Jinshan at once, and then through the bag, he could sense that he was in a place full of golden aura, and there were many Buddhist scriptures floating there in the air.

"It's interesting." Chase Lu found it very interesting, so he walked out of the bag.

At the moment, he was practicing, and the sect master, who thought he was fine, sensed Lu Chen coming out, his expression changed drastically, and he looked at Lu Chen and said, "You, how did you escape!"

"You think that golden arm and this cloth bag can trap me?" Lu Chen smiled confidently.

The door owner was terrified and wanted to drive Chen Lu out.

But his attack could no longer do anything to Lu Chen, instead Lu Chen said with a smile, "Your space is interesting."

"This, this is all mine, don't touch it!" The door owner was afraid that Lu Chen would touch these.

"So many, and some of them are still sealed." Lu Chen looked at it, and some of the seals were still very strong, and with the ability of this sect master, it was impossible to untie them, so Lu Chen laughed.

"What do you know?" The door owner felt guilty.

"Tell me, how did these things come from." Lu Chen looked at the sect master with a smile.

The sect master snorted, "Why did I tell you?"

"Oh? Really?" Lu Chen waved his hand, and all these Buddhist scriptures were confiscated by Lu Chen.

The head of the door was so angry that his face was red, "Boy, you!"

"People in the Buddhist sect can't get angry at will, don't you understand?" Lu Chen looked at the sect master with a smile.

"I, I'll kill you!" The door master started to run wild as if he had been hit on a sore spot. (end of this chapter)

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