The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 739 There Are Others Existing

It was too late for Xie Yichan's words, because Lu Chen was like a shadow, he arrived behind that person, but before he touched that person, a strong wind from this person sent Lu Chen flying away.

Not only that, Wan Dao golden arrows flew out from behind the man and hit Lu Chen.

Chase Lu was extremely fast, and he avoided it in one go, and the opponent gradually disappeared.

"My lord, are you okay!" Xie Yichan who saw Lu Chen in a daze was frightened.

Of course Lu Chen was fine, but he murmured, "If I had been slower just now, my golden pills would have been hit by the opponent's attack."

Although Xie Yichan didn't know what Lu Chen meant, he still reminded, "Don't get close, this guy is a monster."

"Has he been in the secret realm?" Lu Chen asked Xie Yichan.

Xie Yichan recalled, "I heard that it has always been there."

Lu Chen asked curiously, "So, he is not from your Seven Snow Mountains?"

"No!" Xie Yichan shook his head.

Lu Chen wondered why the other party wanted to seal those souls, and why he had been in this secret realm all the time.

But the other party had disappeared, so Lu Chen could only take a deep breath, looked at Xie Yichan, "Let's go."

After Xie Yichan saw that Lu Chen finally didn't chase after him, he quickly took Lu Chen away from here.

But this matter, Lu Chen always remembered it in his heart.


About an hour later, Xie Yichan came to the edge of a wall, looked around, and after confirming that there was no one there, he said to Lu Chen, "My lord, that's it."

"This?" Chase Lu looked at the wall.

"Well, there is a mechanism here, I discovered it by accident." After Xie Yichan finished speaking, he pressed a place in the corner, and then a stone door on the wall opened.

At this time, there is a strong spiritual energy in it.

"My lord, go in quickly to avoid being discovered." After Xie Yichan finished speaking, he took Lu Chen to the secret road exuding green mist.

Lu Chen had no choice but to keep up, and then the door behind him closed automatically with a "boom".

Xie Yichan breathed a sigh of relief, and even said as if returning to his own home, "Here, it's much safer."

"Are you sure you are the only one who knows this place?" Chase Lu asked.

Xie Yichan said, "Yes, only I know."

Lu Chen always felt that it was not that simple, because he was here, and he could still sense the traces left by other people, and the traces were very weak. If it wasn't for his strong soul, it would be difficult to sense it.

But Lu Chen had no choice but to pretend he didn't know anything and asked, "How often do you usually come here?"

"Sometimes a few years, sometimes hundreds of years, it depends on the situation." Xie Yichan explained.

After hearing this, Lu Chen continued to ask, "So, all your scriptures come from here?"

"Yes." Xie Yichan said.

After thinking for a while, Lu Chen asked, "Where's the golden Buddha statue?"

"It's here. After I take it away, I will take it away with the scriptures inside."

"So the scriptures are inside the Buddha statue, and you took the Buddha statue away?" Lu Chen asked.

"Yes." Xie Yichan said kindly.

Lu Chen understood, and then asked, "Where is the spiritual fruit you mentioned that is more than 100,000 years old?"

"Follow me!" Xie Yichan led Chen Lu forward until he came under a huge tree.

The leaves of this tree are very green and full of aura. At the same time, there is a formation around it, and there are many strange runes on the surrounding walls.

Xie Yichan pointed to the big tree in front of him, "Look, those fruits on the tree are just that."

Lu Chen took a glance, these fruits are indeed more than 100,000 years old, and each one exudes a powerful aura.

But Xie Yichan reminded Lu Chen, "Although these fruits are said to be more than 100,000 years old, they are untouchable."

"Can't touch it?"

"I wanted to touch it several times, but this tree has a powerful barrier that will blow me away, and there are formations around it. Once I stand on the edge of the barrier for too long, I will be attacked." Xie Yichan said awkwardly.

After Lu Chen understood, he asked Xie Yichan and Huo Daolang to step aside, and Lu Chen planned to walk towards the tree.

When he walked over, Lu Chen felt a figure in the formation, but the other party was well hidden, so Xie Yichan didn't notice it.

Therefore, Lu Chen didn't go close to this tree immediately, but studied the surrounding formations.

That Xie Yichan was curious, and asked the Huo Dao Lang, "What are you doing, my lord?"

"He is studying the formation."

"Array?" Xie Yichan was curious.

Huo Dao Lang didn't say much, but continued to watch silently.

At this time, Lu Chen took out some spirit stones, then moved his hands and feet around the formation, and changed some runes on the surrounding walls.

This made Xie Yichan look puzzled.

It wasn't until Chase Lu finished that he walked towards the tree.

At this moment, a green light barrier condensed and bounced off Chase Lu.

But Chase Lu just took a few steps back and smiled slightly.

When he approached the barrier again, he completely passed through the barrier.

Seeing this scene, Xie Yichan widened his eyes, "Sir, did you actually go in?"

Huo Dao Lang knew Lu Chen's ability, so he was not curious.

However, at this moment, Lu Chen turned around, looked around and smiled, "Come out!"

come out?

What's coming out?

Huo Dao Lang and Xie Yi Chan were both curious, especially Xie Yi Chan couldn't understand and asked, "My lord, what's wrong?"

"Here, there are other people." Lu Chen's words scared Xie Yichan.

Xie Yichan was anxious, "How is it possible?"

"That person has always been here, and this tree should also be related to him." Lu Chen explained.

Xie Yichan didn't understand, "Is it related to him?"

"This tree needs nutrients to survive, and it has been so good now, which means that someone has been feeding it." Lu Chen said to Xie Yichan one by one.

Xie Yichan was terrified when he heard this, "How is this possible?"

Lu Chen smiled wryly, "You don't know all the time, do you?"

Xie Yichan's forehead was sweating, "Every time I come in, I'm alone, and I stay here for a while before leaving."

Lu Chen smiled, "It seems that this person doesn't want you to know his existence."

Xie Yichan looked ugly, "My lord, is he strong?"

"Don't you know if you let him come out?" After finishing speaking, Lu Chen looked somewhere.

But the figure remained motionless, and Lu Chen said with a smile, "What? Isn't it coming out yet?"

"How did you find me?" said an old voice in the formation.

After discovering other people's voices, Xie Yichan was terrified, "How is this possible?"

Huo Dao Lang immediately became alert.

Lu Chen smiled, "When I came in, I found that there was not only his breath here."

"Your perception is really strong!" The other party said coldly.

"You know, then come out, don't be sneaky!"

But the other party said, "Those who know of my existence have already become the nourishment of this tree."

Xie Yichan was startled when he heard this. (end of this chapter)

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