When Tang Ying heard Lu Chen's words, she also felt that Lu Chen was crazy. After all, there were too many people on the other side, and they looked very powerful, especially some old guys, who were different in terms of momentum.

So Tang Ying whispered to Lu Chen, "I said boy, can we make a detour?"

"Detour? Is it necessary?" Lu Chen smiled strangely.

Tang Ying wanted to say something, but this Yun Mengning said, "Devil, if you don't want to die here like him, then get out of Shanhai Palace quickly, or you and him will die later."

Tang Ying got angry when she heard it, "What? Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

"Oh? What? Are you crazy too?"

"I'm a devil girl, who am I afraid of?" Tang Ying said arrogantly to Yun Mengning.

Yun Mengning said coldly, "You actually want to die with him, then I will fulfill you."

Tang Ying shouted, "Come here, let me see who of you can kill me."

Yun Mengning had no choice but to look at the Palace Master, "Palace Master, do you want to do it?"

"Leave that woman to me, and you deal with that kid first."

"Yes." Everyone responded, and immediately gathered their strength one by one, and the palace lord released a cloud of black air, and then the black air fell to the ground and disappeared.

When the airflow appeared again, it had already appeared from under Tang Ying's feet and entangled Tang Ying.

Tang Ying was shocked immediately, because of the ghostly aura, her soul seemed to be bound there, so she shouted to Lu Chen, "Boy, I can't move anymore."

"It's really cumbersome." Lu Chen shook his head helplessly.

"What is burden?" Tang Ying was unconvinced.

"Why? Are you still not convinced?" Lu Chen asked back.

Of course Tang Ying refused to accept it, and even argued, but the people in Shanhai Palace couldn't stand Lu Chen and Lu Chen, so they started attacking Lu Chen frantically.

Unexpectedly, Chase Lu was moving around like an afterimage there.

Everyone was in a hurry, especially some old guys who thought they were so strong that even if they couldn't kill Chase Lu, it was not impossible to hurt Chase Lu.

But judging from the current situation, it is impossible to do anything to Lu Chen.

That Yun Mengning couldn't bear it any longer, and looked at the palace lord on the side, "Palace lord, you have to find a way to trap him."

The palace lord used all the methods available, so he frowned and said, "We can only rely on everyone. If I rely on me alone, or alone, I can't trap him at all."

"Is there nothing you can do, Palace Master?" Yun Mengning worried.

The palace lord hummed, "Yes."

Yun Mengning looked solemn, "Now, unless the mysterious formation of the Shanhai Palace can be activated, it is impossible to take him down at all."

"Mysterious formation?" The Palace Master frowned.

"It is rumored that our Shanhai Palace has a mysterious formation, but only the Palace Master is qualified to contact it, so." Yun Mengning looked at the Palace Master, obviously wanting the Palace Master to activate the formation.

The palace lord frowned, "This formation is no small matter, once activated, it is difficult to stop."

"Then what should we do?" Yun Mengning was anxious.

The palace lord thought for a while and said, "But at this time, if you don't activate it, you can't do anything about him. It's useless to keep the Shanhai Palace."

"Palace Master, what do you mean?"

"Activate the formation, even if we can't stop at that time, we can withdraw from here, at least we are safe." The palace owner decided.

Yun Mengning understood and said, "Then, it's up to the Palace Master."

The palace lord took a deep breath, and took out a small eight-sided black stone from the skeleton, and after this small black stone was injected with power, it was as if any power in the surrounding palaces had been released.

Then the Palace Master shouted to the old fellows present, "Back!"

Everyone retreated immediately, and a huge black barrier first appeared around Chase Lu, and then on this black barrier, there were all kinds of souls, especially ferocious beast souls, as if they would rush out at any time.

"Boy, let you die to understand." The palace lord smiled strangely at Lu Chen who was standing in the formation.

"Oh? Does this formation have any special meaning?"

The Palace Master sneered, "This formation is a mysterious formation in Shanhai Palace, and once this formation is activated, it will be so powerful that it is even difficult to stop it."

Lu Chen smiled after hearing this, "Just scare me like that?"

"Scaring you? Do you think I'm joking with you?" The Palace Master laughed at Chase Lu.

"Is not it?"

The palace lord sneered, "Let me tell you the truth, no one can resist this formation."

Lu Chen didn't speak, but studied this formation. As for Tang Ying, who was anxious behind the formation, she shouted to Lu Chen, "I said boy, can you do it?"

"Small tricks." Lu Chen ignored it, but put one hand on the "enchantment" of the formation, and began to break the power of the formation.

The palace master who heard Lu Chen's words sneered, "Small skills?"

That Yun Mengning also felt that Lu Chen was too arrogant, so he said there, "Boy, this big formation is not ordinary."

Lu Chen smiled, "Unusual? But why didn't I feel that?"

"I don't think so? Do you think this formation is just a decoration?" Yun Mengning said angrily.

"It's really a decoration." After finishing speaking, the power of the big formation around Chase Lu was weakening, and it felt more like being dispelled.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked, and some people wondered, "Is there something wrong with the formation?"

Yun Mengning even looked at the Palace Master, "Palace Master, what's going on?"

"Don't get excited, let me see." I saw that the palace lord continued to inject power into the strange stone, and the "souls" on the formation continued to become stronger, as if they wanted to swallow Lu Chen.

It's just that Lu Chen laughed, and even the six soul stele swallowed those souls that were useless to Lu Chen one by one, and finally left an "empty shell" on the formation.

Everyone who saw this scene was dumbfounded.

Yun Mengning was still stunned and said, "This kid, how did he do it?"

"It doesn't matter how he does it, the most important thing now is to withdraw first." The Palace Master felt that something was wrong, so he planned to let everyone withdraw first.

Unexpectedly, with a wave of Lu Chen's hand, the formation that had originally trapped Lu Chen dispersed, and instead trapped Yun Mengning and others inside.

Everyone was shocked, and they attacked the formation one after another, and found that the formation was very strong, so they couldn't rush out at all.

"Boy, let us go!"

"Boy, what on earth do you want to do?"

Yun Mengning looked ugly, "He actually changed the formation."

The palace lord didn't expect, "Monster, it's a big monster!"

Tang Ying, who was watching there, was still dumbfounded, "This, traps them all?"

Lu Chen smiled confidently, then stared at these people, "Are you still stopping us?"

Those old guys naturally expressed that they would not stop them, but Yunmengning and the Palace Master didn't say anything, and even wanted to make a final struggle, but Lu Chen looked at them with a smile, "What? Is that all you can do?"

The two were too lazy to talk nonsense with Chase Lu, but continued to fight against this big formation.

Lu Chen wondered, "Is it so difficult to make friends?"

(end of this chapter)

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