The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 9 Waking up from a coma, the status has changed!

Lu Chen's words made Jiuyou more sure that the person in front of him was Lu Chen.

It made Jiuyou's voice tremble, "You, are you still alive?"

"Of course you're alive!" Lu Chen looked at him with a smile, but Jiuyou couldn't believe it, "Back then, you had obviously..."

Lu Chen explained, "Back then, my body was destroyed, my soul was scattered, and then I came back again!"

"Okay, that's great..." Jiuyou's empty eyes were filled with black smoke, as if he was very excited.

"What about you? What's going on?" Lu Chen wondered why Jiuyou turned into a blood ghost.

Jiuyou seemed to be recalling something, and began to narrate them one by one.

It turned out that after Lu Chen went to the forbidden area and died, the fairyland was in chaos.

Many people related to Lu Chen were imprisoned or deposed, and Jiuyou couldn't avoid it.

But there was still a trace of remnant soul left in Jiuyou, so he practiced the method of blood you, escaped the catastrophe, and fled back to Jiuyou Continent.

"What? Everyone related to me was imprisoned or deposed?" Hearing this, Lu Chen was shocked.

Jiuyou Ensheng said, "In those years, people in the entire Immortal Territory were in panic, but they didn't know who those people were, because when they appeared, they were always an afterimage, and they directly took away the bones of the immortal!"

Speaking of the fairy root bone, Lu Chen also thought of a group of people who framed him back then, and these people used very terrible methods to take away his fairy root bone and then destroy himself.

At that time, Lu Chen thought that the other party was just interested in his fairy root bone, but now after hearing that his relatives and friends were treated like this, his face became gloomy, "It seems that it is aimed at me!"

"Who could it be?" Jiuyou was very puzzled.

Lu Chen didn't know who it was, but he said solemnly, "In Jiuyou Continent, I also saw a similar bone-grabbing method!"

Speaking of this, Jiuyou immediately regained his spirits, "Don't tell me, in the past tens of thousands of years, there have indeed been some people whose bones were taken from the Jiuyou Continent!"

"Some?" Chase Lu thought he was just an exception.

Jiuyou Ensheng said, "According to the reports of the sect masters of the past, in this continent, there are always some geniuses whose roots have been taken away!"

After Lu Chen heard about it, he wondered what was the relationship between the bone snatchers in the mainland and the bone snatchers in the fairyland, and what did they do with so many bones?

Jiuyou didn't know what Lu Chen was thinking, but pleaded, "Brother Lu, that, can I ask you something?"

"Say!" Lu Chen came back to his senses, and looked at Jiuyou curiously.

Jiuyou was a little embarrassed, "Well, I, Jiuyoumen, have been declining more and more. If this continues, I, Jiuyoumen, will disappear completely!"

"Tell me, what do you want me to do." Lu Chen knew that Jiuyoumen was Jiuyou's painstaking effort, so he was still willing to help, not to mention that the other party was abolished by the Immortal Realm group because of himself.

Jiuyou said with anticipation, "Help Jiuyoumen recruit some powerful people, so that Jiuyoumen can slowly get on the right track."

Lu Chen looked around, then looked at the unconscious woman, and sighed, "Jiuyoumen, we really should get more geniuses!"

"You, you agree?" This Jiuyou was extremely excited.

Lu Chen smiled wryly, "Speak up, can I disagree?"

"Thank you!" Jiuyou almost kowtowed to Lu Chen, but Lu Chen smiled helplessly, "Why are you being polite to me?"

On the contrary, Jiuyou was a little embarrassed.

At this moment, that Bing Liuli showed signs of being awake, and Jiuyou looked at Lu Chen and said, "I've been recruited out for too long, so I should go back!"

"Let's go back!"

After Lu Chen finished speaking, Jiuyou disappeared immediately. After all, the summoning technique required a lot of power from the caster, especially this Bing Liuli was still seriously injured, so Jiuyou's power could not last long.

But before disappearing completely, Jiuyou pleaded again in the dark, "Please!"

Lu Chen nodded, didn't say much, but his heart became serious, "It seems that not only Tianshengmen, but also the man in black!"

At first, Lu Chen thought that only the Tiansheng Sect had the bone snatchers, but now Jiuyou said that in the whole continent, there are often some geniuses whose roots are taken away, so Lu Chen plans to change his plan.

That is to secretly support the growth of the Nine Pylores, and then attract those bone snatchers to appear, and then investigate those bone snatchers by the way.

After Lu Chen made his plans, this Bing Liuli had slightly opened his eyes from the coma.

At first, Bing Liuli thought that Lu Chen was destroyed, so she got up excitedly, but when she saw Lu Chen standing there intact, she was shocked, "No, it's impossible!"

"Your ancestor, did you chat with you?" Lu Chen looked at her with a slight smile.

Bing Liuli didn't know what Lu Chen meant.

At this moment, a stone statue in the palace trembled.

This stone statue is where Jiuyou is hiding, and when Bing Liuli saw him trembling, she walked over in fright, and asked in confusion, "Old Ancestor?"

"From today onwards, whatever he asks you to do, you will do it without any doubt, understand?" Jiuyou said coldly.

"What?" Bing Liuli was shocked, and looked at Lu Chen with a strange face.

Lu Chen smiled without saying a word.

Seeing Lu Chen's smile, Bing Liuli had a sense of foreboding, so she said anxiously, "Old Ancestor, why?"

"This is an order!" After Jiuyou finished speaking, the stone statue stopped shaking, and Jiuyou's voice completely disappeared.

The ice glaze is covered.

Lu Chen looked at her and said, "Clean up, let's go!"

"Clean up? Let's go? What do you mean?" Bing Liuli stared at Lu Chen strangely, and Lu Chen said, "I'm going to the Cloud Beast Valley, and you! Come with me!"

Cloud Beast Valley is a famous monster mountain nearby.

If it was before, it would be fine for Bing Liuli to come in and out at will, but now she is seriously injured, making her anxious, "I am like this, how do I get there?"

"If you want to recover from your injuries, follow me!" With a word, Lu Chen turned and walked out.

Bing Liuli was in a hurry, and she was still puzzled, "Obviously I am the sect master, why..."

At this moment, Bing Liuli never dreamed that after she summoned her ancestor, she would be "ordered" by the guy in front of her instead.

Not only that, but I don't know why I listened to him.

But the ancestor had already ordered, and this Bing Liuli was so depressed that he hurried to follow.

But when he arrived at Shimen, Lu Chen suddenly stopped and said, "Don't let others know about today's matter!"

Bing Liuli is a person who wants to save face, not to mention that she is the head of the sect. If everyone knows that she wants to be respectful to Lu Chen, it would be a very shameful thing.

But now after Lu Chen said these words, Bing Liuli was very happy immediately, but she didn't have much expression on the surface, but said coldly, "Got it!"

Lu Chen said as he walked, "This holy son, I will choose another one for you, and then break into the top ten when the ten schools compete for hegemony."

"Choose another one? You?" Bing Liuli had no idea what Lu Chen was up to.

Lu Chen didn't explain much, but continued to walk on his own.

Bing Liuli was puzzled, "What the hell is this guy trying to do?"


At the moment outside the cave, the old Yao started to get anxious after seeing that Lu Chen hadn't come out for so long.

Not only Yao Lao, but Qin Lin also became worried there, "Yao Lao, if you call the sect master, will it be against him?"

Yao Lao said solemnly, "This, it's hard to say!"

Unexpectedly, that Elder Hei appeared with a sneer and said, "The master of the sect doesn't like the disciples in the sect to throw away the Nine Hell Gate."

"Elder Hei, what do you mean?" Qin Lin became anxious, and his heart became even more flustered.

Elder Hei smiled strangely, "He is the Holy Son, but he dislikes the position of the Holy Son, what do you think the sect master will think?"

Qin Lin was startled, and Yao Lao was also full of worry.

As for Elder Hei, he seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and there were many disciples watching and whispering nearby.

"I haven't come out for so long...will I be deposed by the sect master?"

"Of course, our sect master hates the disciples who dislike the Jiuyou sect the most!"

"That's right, last time a disciple said that Jiuyoumen is not good, and the end is death!"

Everyone obviously seemed to have anticipated Lu Chen's end, and they spoke in a decent manner.

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