The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 928 Ruthless, directly turning everyone into a murderous monster

However, as soon as these leaves touched Lu Chen, they were transformed into a cloud of green gas by Lu Chen and entered the fairy stone.

Not only these leaves, but even these vines.

So after a while, these vines withered.

But Lu Chen was fine at all. When the people nearby saw this scene, they were all terrified, and some were afraid that the Holy Son would not be able to take Lu Chen down, so they said something there, "If this continues, the Holy Son Everything will be solved by him."

"The Holy Son is so strong, how is it possible?"

"That's right, the Holy Son is so powerful, how could he not be his opponent?"

The people present, all kinds of discussions.

While these people were discussing, the Holy Son had already spread his hands, and this time gathered countless black leaves, and after flying over, "exploded" in the area where Chase Lu was.


A powerful explosion made the whole air tremble.

Many people were blown away by a strong air current, while the three of Huowu and Zixiao retreated continuously, but stabilized quickly.

But Lu Chen was still floating there in the form of Thunder Soul Shadow, and looked at the Holy Son with a smile, "Is that just a trick?"

The Holy Son thought it would be no problem for him to deal with Lu Chen, but now when he heard Lu Chen's words, his face was very ugly, and he said confidently, "Boy, let me tell you, I just used one-tenth of my strength. That's all."

"One-tenth?" Lu Chen laughed strangely.

"That's right!" Shengzi thought that this would scare Lu Chen.

Unexpectedly, Lu Chen didn't take him seriously, but instead said, "I advise you, hurry up and use all your strength, otherwise you will regret it later."

"Do you dare to scare me?" Shengzi's eyes widened, and his body was covered with countless leaves, even blooming.

Everyone was stunned, and some were surprised, "What kind of trick is this?"

"It is estimated that the Holy Son has obtained the power of the Yunyou Divine Tree, so he can transform himself into a tree, and you can also bloom, or even." Someone said that at this time, the flowers on the Holy Son had already flown out.

These flowers hum in the air.

After about a while, these flowers suddenly turned into a "big mouth", like piranhas, biting towards Lu Chen one by one, trying to crush Lu Chen, but Lu Chen was the shadow of Thunder Soul.

Therefore, these flowers can't do anything to Lu Chen at all, but Lu Chen smiled, "That's it?"

Seeing that Lu Chen was in a ghost state at the moment, the Holy Son snorted, "Don't worry, you'll find out later!"

"Oh? What else is special?"

"They will attack the soul!" After finishing speaking, these flowers suddenly burrowed into Lu Chen's "soul" one by one.

Then everyone saw that Lu Chen's thunder soul shadow was full of flowers, and these flowers were devouring Lu Chen's soul power.

Therefore, everyone found that Chase Lu's soul power was decreasing crazily.

Seeing this, Blood Cloud King became anxious, "It's over, my lord can't do it now."

"What's wrong?" Huowu Zixiao said calmly.

"These flowers are called Yunyou flowers." Blood Cloud King said anxiously.

"Yun Youhua, is there anything special?"

"Once this flower is touched by the soul, it will absorb soul power crazily, so it is especially effective against ghost cultivators or monks with strong souls." Blood Cloud King panicked.

"How powerful are flowers?" Huowu Zixiao felt that it was too outrageous.

Seeing that Huo Wu and Zi Xiao didn't know anything, Blood Cloud King said, "Yun Youhua is one of the three strange flowers in this secret realm."

Huowu Zixiao didn't know how scary strange flowers were, but she believed in Lu Chen even more, so she said, "Don't worry, if you want to say strange, my little master is even more strange."

"But this." King Xueyun saw that Lu Chen was a little "weak", and didn't feel Lu Chenxing at all, while Yan Lian watched silently, allowing the two of them to discuss.

As for Lu Chen, looking at the flowers on his body, he muttered in his heart, "I didn't expect such flowers to exist in Jiuyou Continent."

However, Chase Lu was not frightened, instead he began to absorb the power of these flowers.

But it was difficult to absorb at first, because these flowers were absorbing its soul power, and Lu Chen was not a vegetarian, so he directly increased the power, so that these flowers spit the power back into Lu Chen's body one by one after a while.

All the people present were dumbfounded.

The Holy Son was even more demented, "How is that possible?"

Blood Cloud King was also stunned, "Is this okay?"

"See, my little master's ability is not just for fun." Huowu Zixiao said proudly.

Blood Cloud King saw it, but how could Shengzi be so reconciled, so he shouted to the people nearby, "Why are you in a daze, let's go together!"

How could these people dare, so they shirked one by one, and some even said, "Holy Son, he is so powerful, we are not easy to deal with."

"Holy Son, let's invite the elders to come."

"Holy Son, I think so."

This completely angered the Holy Son, so the Holy Son cursed, "Waste, a bunch of waste!"

Everyone had no choice but to be embarrassed there, and the Son snorted, and countless leaves flew out, but this time the leaves did not attack Lu Chen, but hit those people.

This made it difficult for those present to understand what had happened.

It wasn't until those leaves entered those people's bodies that they realized that they couldn't move their bodies, and leaves grew on them one by one, and some even found that their cultivation base was regressing.

"How could this be?" someone asked anxiously.

Someone also asked the Son, "Holy Son, what have you done to us?"

"Holy Son, you, what do you want to do?"

Facing everyone's questioning, Shengzi said coldly, "I want to make you all become wooden puppets!"

Wooden puppet?

Before everyone could react, someone found that his legs could not move, followed by his arms, then his neck, and finally his entire head.

In the end, these people lost themselves one by one, and then their eyes turned green.

Huowu Zixiao was puzzled after seeing this, "What's wrong?"

Blood Cloud King's face was ugly, "The Holy Son injected the seeds of the Yunyou God Tree into their bodies."

"What will happen?"

"These seeds will take root and germinate in their bodies, and finally those people will become wooden people, and they are some murderous wooden people."

"Is it so scary?" Huowu Zixiao asked strangely.

"Yes!" As soon as the Blood Cloud King finished speaking, those people jumped up and down, and then jumped around Chase Lu, and then these people spit out countless wooden flying needles one by one.

These flying needles shuttled through Lu Chen's Thunder Soul Shadow, and then formed a green net, and this net bound Lu Chen there, not giving Lu Chen a chance to escape.

Not only that, when those people exerted their strength, the net also emitted a powerful green light, and Lu Chen seemed to be wrapped up, unable to move at all.

This made the Son laugh out loud, "Okay, that's great!"

But Blood Cloud King turned pale with fright, "This is the end of my lord!"

"Don't worry, how could such a trivial skill take down my little master?" Huowu Zixiao waved his hand, not taking it seriously at all.

"This time is different!" Blood Cloud King said helplessly.

(end of this chapter)

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