“… It’s our second time meeting each other… isn’t it. I’m Agnis Frazad …”

“… I’m Thor Regus.”



It’s awkward.

In front of me, there is a girl who is wearing whole body armor, Agnis

The lizards with wings ── salamanders have gathered around. It looks like they’re trying to protect her.

Agnis and I are facing each other across the table.

I don’t know what kind of expression Agnis is now making because she’s wearing a helmet.

The only thing I can see is her yellow eyes, peeking out from the gap of the helmet.

Looking back at her eyes, Agnis hurriedly diverted her gaze.

I did the same.

I think it’s better to not create tension.

“I’m sorry a while ago.”

First of all, I decided to apologize.

“I heard that there were salamanders on bath heating duty, so … I was curious and took a peek. I didn’t know that Agnis-san was helping them. I’m sorry. “

“It, Its differ..”


“It’s, it’s different. The one at fault was Agnis …”

Agnis began to spoke disconnectedly.

“During this time, people rarely come … Agnis was helping these kids … It wasn’t Thor Regus-sama’s fault.”

“No, no. I notice Agnis-san’s armor on the floor before, so I knew you were here.”

“Nyu, It was I who didn’t put the “occupied” sign!”

“But you didn’t take a bath, right? You just boiled the bathwater.”

“E, even so … the door should be closed. So, so …being seen naked… was Agnis’s fault and … that … that …”

“But it was my miss to deliberately look!”

“I showed you something unsightly!”

“It wasn’t unsightly at all! Rather reconfirmed the natural model beauty. Why is it that I keep seeing such beautiful things once I come to the Demon Territory …?”

“… U, Uuuuuuu”

Flames rise from the gap of her helmet.

It seems that she remembered the event earlier.

An apology battle is dangerous. Let’s change the topic.

“The person who has the blood of flame giant Ifrit amazing.”


“The armor has [Flame Resistance] with two earth attributes layered on top of each other. Moreover, it is flexible and can be worn directly over the skin.”

I secretly used [Appraisal] on the armor and I found that the armor was light and soft.

“Even with such armor, It still can’t withstand the fire of Agnis-san. The joints of joints and parts are starting to loosen too. I think it’s amazing to have such a powerful flame power.”

“But Agnis can’t control the flames…”

“You said that before.”


Agnis sighed.

She then removed her helmet and expose her face in front of me.

Topaz coloured eyes, white skin, and long hair that flickers as a flame appears.

“Please stay like that, don’t avert your eyes.”

“Oh, yes”

“… Ji────”

Agnis’ eyes are staring straight at me.

As I was told, I also look back at Agnis’ eyes.

She had beautiful eyes. The color of her eyes fluctuates, changing from yellow to red and from red to yellow.

They looked like real topazes or rubies.

I read about flame giant ifrit in a book, he must have been a beautiful creature.

If a flame cannot be prevented by stacking two earth attributes, it is more powerful than the ones from a volcano.

What is the fire magic power that produces it? How does the person herself prevent themselves from getting a fever in the first place? How does it feel to wear armor naked?

I thought about that while looking at Agnis’ face──

“… U, Uu, Uu”

Agnis neck to chin, chin to cheeks. From the cheeks to the forehead becomes bright red.

Then, with a bang, flames flew out of Agnis’ hair.

“Guru” “Gururu” “Gu, ru”


The Salamanders standing by Agnis put the [Fire Resistant] helmet back on her.

After a while, the flames subsided and Agnis sighed.

“As you can see, so …”

“Sure enough, when you get nervous or excited, flames erupt from your body.”

“Y, yes”

“But, I’m sorry that I caused to erupt flames in the boiler room! You were controlling it great before!”

“… Uu”

Agnis covered up her face with her hands

“… I was training to manipulate flames with the help of these children before. These kids are old friends … I’m not nervous when I’m with them … “

“Guru-Guru” “Guru-Ruru” “Guru-Guru”

The Salamanders nodded.

In other words it seems to be like this:

Agnis has the blood of Flame Giant Ifrit and has a strong flame power.

But she can’t control it herself.

When her emotions are overwhelmed, flames come out on their own.

So to keep the flames in check, she wears [Fire Resitance] armor.

She took off her armor and stayed with the salamanders because they weren’t affected by the fire. This is because Salamander is a fire spirit and a follower of Ifrit.

With their help, Agnis seems to have been training to control her flames.

“… Father said, “Agnis has a lot of fire magic power, but it’s not a bad thing, it’s just because Ifrit’s blood in you is strong. It’s not Agnis’ fault.”

Agnis muttered, looking down.

“But … Agnis doesn’t really like this magic power … I used to wear my favorite clothes before I awakened my fire magic power… but now, everything I wear burns … There have also been cases where my flames erupted and hurt others … “

“OK, I’ll think about a solution.”


Agnis looked at me with the Helmet on.

I can’t see her face but I think she’s shocked

“Thor-sama will do something about Agnis’s fire magic power?”

“Yes, I’ll try to do my best.”

“Why? Thor-sama, is a guest of the Demon territory…”

“I am also an alchemist hired by Her Majesty.”

I nodded back to the girl, Agnis.

“So, General Reisenga is a subordinate of Her Majesty the Demon Lord, and Agnis is his daughter, isn’t it?”

“Y, yes … that’s right, but.”

“That means the General and Agnis are like my boss, right?”

“B, boss …? It’s a little different …”

“And General Reisenga told me, “How do you intend to help the Demon Lord?”

I am sure he said that. I need to convince her.

“That means, “Prove how useful you are to the Demon territory”, right?”

“Something like that?”

“It’s like that”

“Is that so?”

Alright. Agnis seems convinced.

Then there is no problem.

Let’s go back to the room immediately and check the [Mail Order Catalogue].

Items from the Hero’s world may be able to solve Agnis’s problems.

The heroes defeated, Dragons and Pheonix, who are on par with the flame giant. If so, there must be an item that can seal flames.

“Agnis Frazad-san. Can you let me to solve your flame problem?”

“…Thor Regus-sama”

Agnis seemed to be confused for a while ──

Eventually, she nodded.

“Please do.”

“Then, I’m going to make a magic item. Please use this as a substitute until it’s completed.”

I handed the [Ultra-small simple warehouse] to Agnis.

“This is a simplified version of the [Storage Box] that the Hero used. If your flames erupt, suck it in with this. You can use it just by holding it in your hand and thinking of storing the thing that you want to store.”

“No, no. This… precious thing?”

“I can always make another one. Please tell me your impressions after using it. The lid is difficult to open, the design is not good, the color is pink, yellow is better. Oh, There were also two-tone color and stripes. I brush up my items with these opinions.”

“… Thank you … Thor Regus-sama”

Agnis hugged the [ultra-small simple warehouse].

“And … I’m sorry that my dad said some pretty rude stuff to you during the day.”

“I think that it can’t be helped.”

“How so?”

“Because I said I wanted to tinker with Agnis’s only clothes.”

“Tho, Thor-sama!”

“Gururu!” “Gu, ru ──!” “Gurururuu!”

Agnis stands up and the salamanders scream.

Perhaps she remembered the event in the boiler room, a flames came out from the gap of Agnis’ armor.

“Now, open the door of the [simple warehouse] and say “store Flame”.”

“Yes, store flame!”


The flame that was sticking out of the gap in the armor was sucked into the box.

“Wow, it’s amazing. Can I really take this?”

“It’s fine, and the storage box is only a temporary measure.”

“Even if it’s temporary … it’s enough.”


“Yes. Those who have the blood of the Flame Giant, as they grow up, they gradually get better at controlling the flames. There have been people like Agnis before … By about 20 years old … I’ll be able to do it properly. Agnis has five more years … “

Agnis nodded.

Five years left, which means Agnis is 15 years old.

Until then, she can’t wear her favorite clothes and could only play with Salamander.

“I need a more practical solution.”


“An item that could suppress the flames of Agnis-san… the hero should have done it. The heroes are the foundation of the empire. If I can’t do it … then that means it’s the Empire’s victory”

“W, what’s wrong? Thor-sama”

“… No, nothing.”

I shake my head.

“Anyway, I’ll think of a better way.”

“Your such a mysterious person … Thor-sama”

Agnis shook her head.

“To Agnis, who you just met … why do you do that …?”

“Because I am the Alchemist of Her Majesty the Demon Lord.”

As I thought earlier, there are various races in the Demon territory.

The gatekeeper is Minotaur, the chef is a dwarf, and the general a descendant of the flame giant.

As an alchemist under the direct control of the Demon Lord, I have to solve the problems of various races.

Solving Agnis’ problem is part of my job.

“── That’s why.”

When she heard my explanation, Agnis looked at me mysteriously, but ──

“Okay, I’ll leave it to you Thor Regus-sama.”

“Thank you”

“But don’t overdo it. Agnis doesn’t want to bother people …”

“It’s not annoying. Making magic items is also my desire.”

“… Desire?”

“I want to surpass the Hero’s world.”

I said.

“That’s why I want to make the place I live, a place where I can live calmly and leisurely. For that purpose, I want to hone my alchemy skills. Now that I am in the Demon territory, if possible, I would like to live in a calm and leisurely manner. That’s it. “

Hearing my words Agnis had a mysterious look──

We decided to meet here at the same time tomorrow as we split up.

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