A few days later, in the Demon Castle…

“Thor-dono invented a [Magic Power Detector]!?”

Chancellor Kelve’s voice resounded throughout the throne room.

Demon Lord Rukie stared at the winged box on the floor.

“Hmmm. They seem to have been made to detect magic circles. One is at Reisenga’s place. He made another one and sent it to us to request permission to use it.”

“… A-as expected of Thor-dono. That’s very thoughtful of him.”

“You look very calm, Kelve.”

“I vented my surprise by shouting first.”

Chancellor Kelve nodded with a calm expression.

“I will be working with Thor-dono for a long time. If I am surprised by everything, my body won’t be able to bear it.”

“As your master, I am pleased to see your growth.”

“Thank you. By the way, what is that beside the box?”

“This was sent by Reisenga. It contains the silver ore found near the mine.”

“So, he sent a sample of the ore before we proceed with full-scale mining.”

“There’s also a map included in it. We’ll study it and decide where to begin digging.”

“We want to execute this as efficiently as possible.”

“It would be easier if we knew the exact location of the silver vein.”

Demon Lord Rukie nodded.

She then picked up the letter that had been sent with the map.

“This is the report detailing the test they conducted on this [Magic Power Detector].

“So, Thor-dono has already tested it.”

“The report describes in detail the capabilities of the [Magic Power Detector]. It says that if we find even the clothes worn by a person, we can use the remnant magic power to locate the person themself.”

“It seems that it is also possible to discover which person was wearing the clothing. The magic power remaining in it will be weak if the person had been wearing them for only a short time, so it is necessary to draw close to discover them. The magic power also disappears quickly. I see… It seems to me that it would be difficult to use it in criminal investigations.”

“I see that they have been very diligent in their experiments.”

“It says here that they were experimenting until late at night.”

“Mm. Mabel, Agnis, and the pixies played hide-and-seek until late into the night.”

“I see. That’s how they determined whether they could detect magic.”

“….. Lucky…”

“Your Majesty?”

“It’s nothing.”

“No, I believe you said something.”

“I said it’s nothing, so it’s nothing! Let’s go and experiment with the [Magic Power Detector].”

Rukie rose from her throne and approached the [Magic Power Detector] on the floor.

“He wants us to test it out. He even sent a magic stone to us.”

“Then let’s test it out… hmm?”

Kelve lifted the [Magic Power Detector] and the door on the box shifted, followed by a rattling sound.

“It seems that the door was not shut properly. The rattling sound means that……”

“Thor must have placed the magic stone in there. Then, let’s continue the experiment.”


Chancellor Kelve mounted the [Magic Power Detector] on his back.

This magic item should activate when equipped.


Immediately, the wings on his back began to move.

The four wings stretched and contracted and…

They pointed straight at the silver ore on the floor.

“…… Hmm?”

“Why a silver ore?”

“Look inside the [Magic Power Detector].”

Rukie circled behind Kelve and opened the door.

There, she found a silver pebble.

“What, it was not a magic stone, but a piece of ore?”

“…… Eh?”

“The door must not have been closed properly, allowing a piece of ore to fall in during transport. Let’s remove it and repeat the experiment.”

“I see, the [Magic Power Detector] responded to the silver ore…”

“………… Wait.”

“………… Hmm?”


“Is it possible to locate silver ore with this?”

“Certainly, the ore contains magic power, but it must be extremely faint…”

The silver ore was buried in the ground. Naturally, it contained trace amounts of the earth’s magic power.


However, the [Magic Power Detector] did not react to the stones and pillars in the room.

This means that this magic item can distinguish between silver ore and ordinary rocks.

“Does this mean that the [Magic Power Detector] can determine the location of a silver vein?”


“I’ve heard that ores that contain silver have a subtle change in their magic power. However, the change should be so weak that even the pixies cannot detect it. This thing can detect it?”


“Thor, what a device you have made once again. No, it will certainly facilitate the development of the mine, but…”

“It’s not just at that level, Your Majesty!”


“Kelve, be quiet. You startled me.”

“I’m the one that’s startled! If we determine the location of the silver veins, we can determine the number of silver reserves! It means we can mine systematically, and plan 10 or 20 years ahead to ensure that we don’t mine all the ore! We can also control the amount of silver in circulation! Do you know what this means!?”

Gong, gong!

“What’s more, if we use this device, we might even be able to locate gold veins!”


“It may also react to gold ore!”


“This must remain highly classified! After we locate the magic circle, this item will be sealed! In Your Majesty’s name, it shall only be used when searching for mineral veins!”

“I know, calm down, Kelve. When the pillar shatters, everyone will come rushing in. It won’t remain classified then, will it?

“…… Y-yes.”

Chancellor Kelve distanced himself from the pillar upon which he had just smashed his head.

Rukie tried to calm him down.

“I will send a letter to Thor and Reisenga and inform them that this item is classified and should only be used to investigate the magic circle. The fact that it can be used to investigate the veins shall be a secret between only myself, Thor, his assistants, Kelve and Reisenga, who is in charge of the mine’s development. I will ask Thor to keep the pixies unaware.”

“I think that is a wise decision.”

“When I have time, I will visit Thor’s workshop. It would be better to give him a direct warning. ‘If you are going to create such an outrageous item, you should consult us in advance.'”

“I support Your Majesty completely.”

“This item, in particular, must be remain an absolute secret from the Empire. I trust Princess Sophia, but it is dangerous to reveal information about an item of this magnitude. One can never be certain where a secret may leak from.”

“Certainly, it’s as you say.”

Chancellor Kelve nodded.

After that, they discussed and determined how the [Magic Power Detector] would be dealt with in detail.

That is how the day’s meeting concluded.

“I must tell Thor and Reisenga what we have decided today.”

Rukie returned to her room and began to write a letter to Thor and Reisenga.

It was a letter of instruction as the Demon Lord.

She warned them to handle the [Magic Power Detector] with great care.

She also warned them to never let the Empire become aware of its existence, along with when the item should be used and when it should not.


(Next time you see me, make sure you include me in your game of hide-and-seek!)

After writing this, Rukieh hurriedly crumpled the parchment in her hands.

She carefully incinerated it with a dark flame so that it would completely disappear from this world.

‘What am I writing in an official letter?’

Rukie put on her mask, which she had left on the desk, and lifted the pen once more.

She took a deep breath and began writing again.

It was a failure.

‘I should have left the mask on while I was performing my duty as the Demon Lord.’

‘Lately, when I remove the mask, I end up seeming like a…… normal girl.’

‘It’s all Thor’s fault.’

The first time she entered the [Simple Warehouse], Rukie was deprived of her mask and robe, her true identity being revealed to Thor. In front of Thor and…… Mabel, she was able to reveal her weak self.

Perhaps that was why, with the mask off, she couldn’t help but think of Thor.

‘Thor, be prepared. I’ll make you take full responsibility for making me like this!’

Demon Lord Rukie glanced at the [Special Luck Ring] on her ring finger and chuckled.

She then began to write the rest of the letter.

Long time no see? Welp I’m starting to do some translating again. As my editor and I are busy with our lives, the release schedule will be sporadic.

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