The Creation War of the Black-Hearted Lord

Chapter 210 Brainwashing is so fun

Aren't the teams in the Apocalypse World trying to save people? Why don't they just concentrate their efforts to defeat Dio instead of spreading out and wandering around?

A group of people headed by the Apocalypse World team arrived at the North American continent via Hongqiao. People in all worlds thought that a fierce fight would break out soon. They were excited, expecting, and worried.

According to most people's assumptions, all the people and teams involved in this matter should hold a meeting to unify the forces of different camps, and then divide the work and collaborate, just like playing a game to fight a BOSS, passing through levels and killing until the end. In front of Dio, the culprit.

Either they use some method, such as high-speed raids, space teleportation, and other strategies to attack the east and attack the west, to go straight to Huanglong and carry out beheading operations with an elite team.

The actual situation puzzled everyone. The teams from the Apocalypse world went to different areas. Some were fighting soldiers and monsters from the heavenly world, some were wandering aimlessly in villages, towns, and cities, and some were Running to the battlefield between the Heavenly World Army and the Demonic World and the Infinite World, it seems that they are waiting to take advantage.

Not only the audience didn't understand, but other people following the Apocalypse World team couldn't figure it out either. However, those watching the Apocalypse World didn't feel nervous at all. They probably had some plan, and they were all waiting and guessing.

What is the Apocalypse World team doing?

It's very simple, just collecting information.

Although the situation is very urgent, the more calm you need at this time, the more detailed intelligence you need.

For Dio to cause such a big thing, he must first understand his purpose and the combat strength of his men, and then formulate a truly feasible combat plan.

Of course, if the combat power of the Apocalypse Legion is mobilized, it is also a way to directly start a war. The combat units made of Jenova cells and metal cells used by Dio also have ways to deal with them. The Apocalypse Legion also has these things. Completely mobilize demon monsters to fight, and let the Jenova cells controlled by Sephiroth and Akaphiel reverse erosion.

But in this way, the bodies of those infected become a battlefield, and the demon monster-level fighting power is fully activated. After a big war, there is a high possibility that half the earth will be turned into a white ground.

The key to the problem is that this cannot solve Dio himself. Even if the Sacred Tree Holy Grail system restricts his use of source power and uses the laws of the moon world and the two major restraining forces to lock him, he can completely escape. , while creating new combat power.

The real body of Dior's current ship, the Moon Goddess Artemis, is not a decoration. Even though the rationality and perfection of its own mechanical structure are subject to question, its function and power are undoubtedly still god-level existences. As a sniper-type interstellar fighter, it is good at long-range attacks, escaping, detecting enemies, hiding, and camouflage. Its Star Destroyer equipped with a Star Destroyer Cannon is no mere talk.

Shinra City has turned into a large arsenal...

Long Ming's Valkyrie team came to the cliff near Shinra City in the world of Final Fantasy 7 and used drones, magic and other means to conduct investigations. They saw towering magic furnaces, continuously extracting life energy. The energy of the river.

The machinery roared in the factory, and the impact and knocking of steel could be heard everywhere, forming a symphony of heavy industry, accompanied by special effects such as the orange light emitted by the molten steel and the splashing of sparks.

Most of the workers should be the original residents of Shinra City. Now most of them are like walking zombies. Their faces and hands are gray and black, stained with a layer of engine oil and dust. Looking at the timetable in the factory, each of them has to work twelve times a day. more than hours.

Although Jenova cells and metal cells can be directly aggregated and constructed into combat units, their sturdiness is definitely not as strong as those made of steel. The best way is to combine the two.

Therefore, you can see numerous humanoid or animal-like mobile weapons in Shinra City, armored tanks that can transform into mechanical beasts, fighter jets that transform into flying dragons, and Vulcan cannons installed on the backs of those monsters that have been corroded by metal cells. Anti-aircraft guns and other heavy firepower weapons.

Those weapons still retain the residual heat from mechanical processing. Soldiers wearing SS-style uniforms and armors walked into them with their heads held high. After forming a small team, they drove out of Shinra City. .

A group of people looked at the images transmitted by the drone. Liu Chuang suddenly expressed doubts: Brother Xiao Ming, why do I feel that the people in this city are not normal... I feel...

Like a bunch of robots, Xin Zhao added.

Liu Chuang slapped Xin Zhao on the shoulder: Yes, they are robots. What happened to them?

Long Ming shrugged and said, What else can I do? I've been brainwashed! Have you heard the music playing in the city?

Music, isn't the BGM provided by the drone itself? These songs sound a bit familiar...

It sounded familiar to Long Ming. After careful identification, the only two songs he could recognize were The Mass and March of the Iron Torrent. Anyway, they are both music with an epic war feel, creating an inspiring war. The atmosphere, and the people in Shinra City, are completely like the ** of World War II.

Dior's brainwashing is really successful. It can't be done with just a few pieces of music. Long Ming thought in his heart, while observing carefully, trying to determine Dio's purpose, not only in Shinra City, but also from other teams. After receiving the information, Dior carried out strong brainwashing on his subordinates and was thinking about promoting it to civilians.

The next scene in Shenluo City left Long Ming speechless. When it was time to eat and rest, the workers and soldiers gathered together, and a few guys dressed as priests came.

His Majesty Dio has brought us peace. His Majesty Dio has protected us from the invasion of demons. His Majesty Dio is the master of the world. He is our eternal god. He is always watching over us...Thank you, Your Majesty Dio, for giving us food!

Those priests did not recite prayers like devout believers, but sang along with the music. They were catchy and felt good listening to them. They danced to the rhythm of the music and asked the people below to sing along. As a result, everyone seemed to have taken ecstasy pills one by one, and it was like a large-scale convulsion scene.

This... these guys don't do this every meal, right? There are so many... so many... Long Ming trembled when he saw it, and he couldn't speak clearly.

Brother Xiao Ming, what's more? Are they eating or taking drugs? Zhao Xin asked.

Long Ming laughed and cried, took a breath, and then continued: What a simple and crude way of brainwashing. It opened my eyes. What genius came up with it?

Is this brainwashing? Is it possible? Ge Xiaolun expressed doubts, and most others didn't believe it either.

A sentence repeated a thousand times and ten thousand times, as long as it is remembered deeply, even if you don't agree with it in your heart, it will be affected subconsciously, and you will simply forget the original idea, and even regard it as the truth, even if it is a lie. This is how people Ah. Nagisa Kaoru said.

So, good and evil don't matter at all. They are just artificially defined. In many cases, they are just a fig leaf for some people to control others. Hehe! Hungry Wolf, who rarely participated in the conversation, also spoke at this time. Staring at the picture with a funny smile, he even took out his phone to save it.

No! There is a division between good and evil in the world. There is real justice, which lies deep in people's hearts. These people in front of you are just being used by others to distort their ideas. You cannot look at the entire world one-sidedly.

A tall, red-haired man dressed as an ancient Greek warrior corrected him and tried to persuade the hungry wolf.

Hercules, to be precise, is the Hercules in the world of The Last Valkyrie. It is based on the great hero Hercules in ancient Greek mythology. It also exists in many worlds. Not to mention, Saint The Fighter World also has a divine fighter named Hercules, and the Hercules constellation in the Silver Saint Clothes, which is the constellation representing the Hercules. There is also a Hercules among the heroic spirits in the Moon World.

The Hercules in the world of The Last Valkyrie can be called the Last Heracles. He is respected by gods and humans, and is called brother by the Valkyries. This is also the reason why Brunhilde is hungry. One of the reasons why Wolves joined the team.

As a fighter representing God, he fought against human fighters. However, his purpose was not to destroy mankind. On the contrary, it was to protect mankind that he participated in the battle between humans and gods. As a result, he was disemboweled by the representative player of the fourth round of the human world. Hand Jack kills.

The anti-heroic Wolf unexpectedly summoned this real hero as a heroic spirit. The two sides were incompatible. The Wolf's dislike and displeasure with the Final Hercules was obvious, but the Final Hercules didn't mind at all. , like an old mother, preaching to hungry wolves from time to time.

Since the two are so incompatible, why did the hungry wolf summon the final Hercules? Probably because both of them are equally stubborn and unyielding. In the original One Punch Man, the hungry wolf would stand up no matter how many times he was knocked down by the hero. Hercules is known as the Unyielding God of Fighting, and he is also a character who never gives up for his own persistence.


There was a strange laugh coming from the side, and everyone could hear the ridicule and disdain in it with just one word.

The heroic spirit of Boros also appeared, a handsome but slightly neurotic man. As for his true identity - Ultraman Beria.

Many Ultraman in the original Ultraman work have dark forms and dark personalities, but there are only a few who are truly dark. As we all know, Ultraman Beria was a comrade at the same time as the father of Ultraman. , was influenced by the dark power of the Dark Universe Emperor Ampera during the Ultra War, developed a desire for the power of the Plasma Spark Tower, and then degenerated into the evil Ultraman.

To be more precise, the main reason for Ultraman Beria's fall was that the girl he was pursuing, Ultra Mother, was in love with the Ultra King, and was then taken over by another BOSS, Absolute Tarta. Los was bewitched, and Tartarus had the ability to travel through time and space, and saw his future with the uncorrupted Ultraman Beria. After that, Ultraman Beria firmly embarked on the path of darkness.

In fact, these are just settings. As a series, of course it needs some powerful villains.

Didn’t you see that Ultraman Belial has been pulled out from time to time since his appearance, or merged with various monsters to become a BOSS, and was beaten by the new generation of Ultraman?

However, Ultraman Beria is really very realistic. As the strongest of the Ultraman Leonix who can control monsters, he can control 100 monsters and once single-handedly swept the entire Kingdom of Light. And established the Belial Galactic Empire in the parallel universe, known as the Galactic Emperor.

After learning that this was Boros' heroic spirit, the people in the team were worried that he would come out to make trouble, clamoring to rule the world, become the leader of the team, take revenge on Ultraman, etc. However, in the end, he did not do any of these things and basically did not interact with him. Others communicated, often wandering around in spirit states, or just sitting there thinking.

Boros is similar. He seems to have no idea of ​​communicating with other team members. He joins the team hoping to fight more strong people and hone his martial arts. He will only show interest in the strong people in the team.

Others did not pay attention to the speeches of Hungry Wolf, End Hercules, Ultraman Beria, etc. Now was not the time to discuss philosophy of life and three views. Everyone was discussing the crusade against Dio.

It's difficult to deal with. If Dio's men are like this, if you want to deal with Dio, you must first clean up his men. Do you want to kill them all? Pan Zhen expressed embarrassment. As the patron saint of the Sun Star of the Super Seminary world , despite experiencing many battles and deaths, he was reluctant to lay hands on these people.

Then kill them all. There is something wrong with these people's brains. If they stay, they will be a disaster. I have long wanted to try the new weapons from the Legion Research Institute! Esdeath was eager to try, not caring about human life.

Ge Xiaolun: In this case, how many people have to be killed? Even the civilians?

Everyone has been infected by Jenova cells. If Dior is not solved as soon as possible, they will be dead, and more people will be infected and brainwashed. Morgana expressed her helplessness.

In fact, the erosion of Dior's Jenova cells has been verified by the Great Sword Team and Sephiroth can eliminate it. However, Dio's Jenova cells have incorporated something, and Sephiroth cannot have much advantage. Treatment It would take a lot of time for one person to complete it one by one, and it would take years and months.

The second method is to send infected people to a world that is not suitable for Jenova cells to live for a period of time, and they will recover naturally. The premise is that these people can be saved and made willing to go to the new world.

Yuanli can also do it, but how many people are willing to use all their hard-earned Yuanli to save unrelated people?

The last solution is for the lord to take complete control of the world and eliminate the Diogenova cells, which is meaningless now.

The empty-headed idiot goddess Rena thought for a long time but couldn't think of anything. She scratched her hair and complained: Is that Dio crazy? Forget about his subordinates, he actually let Jenova cells erode everyone and change everyone. Is it like this? He alone has the final say in the world, is it interesting?

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Long Ming was also thinking about this issue. He vaguely knew that Dior would definitely not have a sudden idea, and he definitely wanted to make some big move through this method. When Reina said this, he suddenly became enlightened.

Dio knows the secret of the lord of the moon world!

But it doesn't matter. Since he took such a risky approach, Long Ming also had a countermeasure, so he took action immediately without further ado.

Ding ding ding…

Everyone's smartphones rang. They picked it up and took a look. They were quite happy to see that it was a plan to deal with Dior, but it was just a specific method.

I'll go! Is this the method given by the lord, or is it a bad idea who gave it? Is it really possible? Morgana was the first to express doubts, and the others also looked weird and confused.

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