Xu Tianlong, the domineering president, gave an order.

In an instant, the entire social animals of the Education Department collapsed!


Tomorrow is Saturday!!

The good weekend is gone!

I want to pick up the lights and fight at night, and work overtime in the library!!

But everyone did not dare to make a second in front of Xu Tianlong, they could only smile on their faces and MMP in their hearts.


In the big library in Jiangning City, the lights are still bright.

Countless staff members of the Education Department swim in a sea of books with heavy dark circles.

Since the first year of the catastrophe, the knowledge and technology of mankind have been completely overthrown.

But the understanding of the new world and various rules, matters, as well as the habits of various monsters, weaknesses, raiders of various quests, drops.

There are also sources of various equipment, props, drawings, materials.

It really has to be summed up.

Even if the inherent knowledge of these 100 years has been overturned, re-studied, and then re-recorded, the old knowledge is still valuable and cannot be deleted.

Therefore, all mankind’s exploration of the new world in the past 100 years has condensed, which is really not much less than the thousands of years of human knowledge!

Until after five o’clock in the morning.

A clerk of the Education Department wearing thick glasses danced like crazy and shouted loudly in the silent library

“Grass!! I found it!! ”

“I finally found it!!”

“I found literature about colorful fluorite!!”

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

Even Wei Qing, who was already napping in the corner and enjoying directing his subordinates to check the information, instantly sobered up a little.

He is Lin Tian’s principal.

My heart really cares about this good seedling.

He also has a very good relationship with Xu Tianlong.

Take the initiative to ask Ying to help Lin Tian check the information.

Unexpectedly, in the second half of the night, when he was too old to stand it, Wei Qing began to take a nap and touch the fish.

Now I am shocked to hear that someone has found the information.

Also in the dying disease, the coffin rises!

Of course, Xu Tianlong, the leader, did not go to rest, and he was also picking lights and fighting at night.

Now I hear that my subordinates have finally made a discovery.

Instantly became excited.

Everyone gathered around the glasses brother, and the glasses brother also read out loud the contents of the literature.

“Colorful fluorite is an extremely rare elemental material.”

“The main use is as the core drive of some energy devices, which can make the energy device play a range beyond imagination.”

Xu Tianlong nodded secretly in his heart.

That’s right!

This thing is no wonder the most important in Lin Tian’s list of materials.

It turns out to be a necessity to make the core components that power the Particle Shield generator!

“What about the source?”

“Did you say that??”

Brother Glasses is also excited.

He enjoyed the feeling of being surrounded by crowds.

And Xu Tianlong said before that overtime pay will be given today, and whoever finds the clue will directly double the year-end bonus.

There is really not much that social animals want, it is nothing more than a promotion and a raise!

Brother Glasses nodded frantically: “Yes and yes!!! ”

“Colorful fluorite is a world drop material, not limited to the production of dungeons.”

“All earth elemental creatures in the world have a probability of falling, dropping probability…”


Brother Glasses was a little numb when he saw the drop rate.

“Don’t gasp, what’s the drop rate!”

Brother Glasses held up his glasses before continuing, “One in a million!” ”

Everyone heard.

It’s all numb!

No wonder this thing is so rare!


On average, 1 million earth elements are killed, and the expectation of dropping colorful fluorite is only 1.

This can only appear in Jiangning’s warehousing to have a ghost!

Xu Tianlong pinched the bridge of his nose.

He had some headaches.

Such a rare material, Jiangning’s commercial house will definitely not have it, and the warehouses of the Education Department and the military have been counted, and there is no colorful fluorite.

And if you want to go to other more advanced and richer base cities in Dongjiang Province to ask for goods, it is estimated that it is also luck.

It is possible that only Lin’an, the richest man in Dongjiang Province, can have 100% inventory.

Xu Tianlong thought for a moment, and finally shook his head.

It’s really too far to go to Lin’an, this time back and forth, at least more than a week, I don’t know if Lin Tian waits until that time.

Another possibility is.


Hard brush!

Just brush this thing out!

Fortunately, around Jiangning, there is indeed a leveling area called Wild Sand Canyon.

The canyon is full of earth element monsters of about level 20.

The problem now is that if Li Meng is asked to dispatch the Tiger Battalion, he will also transfer at most thousands of people to the sky.

After all, city defense is a big thing, not a child’s play, and it is impossible for the whole battalion to help Lin Tian brush materials.

And if there is only a thousand people level.

That’s really not efficient enough.

The devil knows how long it will take to brush it out!

Just when Xu Tianlong was helpless, Wei Qing coughed and dragged Xu Tianlong to a remote corner.

“Let’s prepare for the third hand.”

“First of all, let your subordinates go to Lin’an to see if you can buy colorful fluorite.”

“Secondly, contact Li Meng and let him see if he can transfer someone to help brush out the colorful fluorite.”

Xu Tianlong nodded.

These are the last two things he can think of.

He wondered what Wei Qing’s third idea was.

“Finally, contact our city leader, he is in charge of Jiangning’s professional alliance, we have more than 100,000 main battle professionals in Jiangning City, why not let these people also participate!”

Xu Tianlong instantly felt empowered!

Wei Qing gave him an idea that he hadn’t imagined before!

That’s right!

The professionals of this entire Jiangning City are all good leeks!

And these people are all bustling in the world, all for profit, and the world is crowded, all of them are models of profit.

They are not attached to any organization, as long as the price given is high enough, they are mercenaries and can do anything!

The League of Professionals publishes hundreds of missions to these professionals every day.

Those who find objects, help fight copies, find materials!

The whole nine yards!

Contact the city leader directly and ask him to post a highest-level mission with a generous enough reward.

It will make them flock!

Isn’t the problem solved!

Xu Tianlong took a deep breath and patted his old friend’s shoulder: “Or your brain is spinning fast, I have been in the top position for a long time, and my thinking is a little rigid.” ”

Xu Tianlong glanced at the fish-belly white sky outside the window.

He stood up, stretched his muscles, and the tiredness of not sleeping all night was swept away!

This matter, he immediately planned to do!


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