Lin Tian picked up the orange necklace and checked the attributes.

[Tears of Eden].

【Type: Jewelry】

【Type: Necklace】

[Occupation: Unlimited].

[Equipment level: LV.20].

[Grade: Rare (Orange)].

[Magic recovery speed +99 points/second].

[Intelligence +50].

【Stamina +30】

[Special Effects: Super Easy (Character level required to wear this equipment is reduced by 10)].

[Special Effect: When you take an attack that will reduce your HP to less than 0, destroy the equipment and invalidate the damage this time.] 】

[Note: A tear she shed when she left the country of Eden. 】

Trinkets are rarer pieces of equipment than armor.

Second only to a good weapon.

Most of the current main combat professions, the Civilian Party.

It is a priority to put on their armor first.

Even some of the poorer professionals will ignore the mastery bonus of the class’s passive skills and mix with armor.

For example, warriors wear leather armor, and even cloth armor.

It’s a route that is better than nothing.

Those who wear all the jewelry equipment are basically professionals above the middle level.

Not to mention, this necklace in Lin Tian’s hand now has two special effects, one is super simple, and the other is even more against the sky.

It can directly save people from dying once!

Lin Tian really didn’t use his knees this time, and he couldn’t think of the value of this equipment with his brain.

“Teacher Xu, this… Wouldn’t that be too expensive? ”

Even Lin Tian was a little apprehensive.

This necklace, it is estimated that he can’t even buy a set of Dabie Ye and 10 million black cards.

Xu Tianlong smiled: “Put it on, you deserve it.” ”

“And two rings, you can also see, wear both.”

Lin Tian picked up the two rings in the box.

View its properties.

【Dimensional ring】

【Type: Jewelry】

【Type: Ring】

[Occupation: Unlimited].

[Equipment level: LV.20].

【Grade: Rare (purple)].

[Health recovery speed +35 points/second].

【Stamina +23】

[Special Effects: Super Easy (Character level required to wear this equipment is reduced by 10)].

[Special effects: It allows you to open a different dimensional space to create a 2*2M storage space, you can store inanimate items and props into the space at will, and you can also take out props from the space at will. ] 】

The properties of both rings are identical.

All of them only provide a little endurance attribute.

Let Lin Tian’s HP and defense increase a little.

But even more valuable are the special effects.

It is equivalent to Lin Tian now also having a space ring.

After the gamification of Blue Star, the backpack space that was ubiquitous in the game was not distributed to everyone.

If you want to have space to store items, you’ll have to buy them or swipe them out of the quest.

The two dimensional rings in front of me are such props, and they are the best of this kind of props.

Lin Tianyi, in this way, he can carry a few mythical grenades with him for self-defense.

Well, those materials can also be packed in.

This ring is really precious, so convenient.

You can work on your own at any time.

“The only pity is that you are a life profession, and so far we have not found a weapon that you can put on.”

“There is no Dongjiang in the whole of Dongjiang.”

Lin Tian: “It already makes me very grateful, who would have thought that I am a life professional, and there will be a day when I wear equipment in addition to weapons!” ”

Xu Tianlong sighed again.

Lin Tian’s heart is really good.

He was still worried that a seventeen or eighteen-year-old young man like Lin Tian would be completely swollen because he was held to a high place by everyone.

He had seen too many things like hurting Zhongyong.

However, Lin Tian is an outlier.

Obviously he is only a teenager, but he shows an extremely mature side in all aspects.

Pampered and not shocked, not humble and not promiscuous!

“Oh, by the way, just in case, help me prepare the materials for the two bottles of potions after I successfully transfer to a job and unlock Pharmacy.”

“It’s not rare.”

Lin Tian told Xu Tianlong the materials, Xu Tianlong nodded, and immediately ordered someone to do it.

Xu Tianlong patted his head before leaving, and he suddenly remembered that there was still nothing to do.

“By the way, Lin Tian, take off the equipment first, I just let you try to see if you can wear it, after testing whether you can wear it, you will let people enchant, strengthen, and increase.”

“It’s impossible to just let you go into the quest wearing unenhanced equipment.”

“I don’t know when you will be able to unlock the Enchantment and Forging branches, so that you can probably get your own equipment, haha!”

Lin Tian also smiled.

That day is certainly not far off.

After Xu Tianlong left.

Lin Tian then went to the Tiger Camp again, took seven or eight mythical grenades from the warehouse, and put them in his carry-on space.

Then Lin Tian returned to his experimental workshop.

Begin modifying his second particle shield generator.

Lin Tian had planned to modify the external form of this thing before, after all, a ball is very unportable.

It also looks silly to hold it in your arms.

As a master of engineering, Lin Tian left a back door when he made this particle generator.

Now disassemble the external structure, then reassemble it, and the road is familiar.

It wasn’t just Lin Tian who was making the final preparations before entering the quest.

The other nine did the same.

They re-repaired the equipment all over the body to full durability.

Then, with the support of the entire provincial department of Dongjiang Province, he re-enchanted the equipment of the whole body.

Replaced with the top enchantment.

Then there is the strengthening and increase of equipment.

Strengthen the protection contract, increase the protection contract, these expensive consumables are the same as not asking for money, and if they fail, they will be smashed again!

Until it succeeds!

Throughout the afternoon and night, everyone was making final preparations before entering the quest.

The next morning.

Lin Tian woke up naturally after sleeping again.

Then eat and drink.

Go to the Municipal House.

As soon as he stepped into the conference room, Lin Tian found that the other eight younger sisters and a macho man were all covered in a terrifying light, and there was no doubt that they had reached the peak state of this life.

Xu Tianlong, Wang Zhizhong, and Li Meng all stood in the corner of the conference room.

Three faces that Lin Tian had never seen before appeared on the stage.

He Changan, who was slightly blessed, stepped forward first and shook Lin Tian’s hand with a smile.

“It’s really better to hear than to see, who would have thought that a master who can create mythical engineering creations is actually a young man!”

“Lin Tian, I am He Changan, Director of the Dongjiang Education Department.”

“This is Xuanyuan Cheng, commander of the three armies of Dongjiang, and this is Wu Fangchang, president of the Dongjiang Professional Alliance.”

He Changan introduced Lin Tian one by one.

The other two bigwigs smiled and nodded to Lin Tian.

“Put on your gear and let’s get started!”


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