Lin Tian first found a pedestal.

Plunged the Sword of Doran into the pedestal of the weapon rack.

Let its blade point to the sky and be fixed.

The purpose of this step is to prevent the enchantment from failing due to Doran’s sword stabbing through the table again due to its Everything Slash enchantment effect.

After fixing the Sword of Doran.

Lin Tian prepared all the materials and placed them neatly on the table.

Then the enchantment began.

The moment Lin Tian’s enchantment began, Zhang Linzhi’s face changed.

Then the students of the Enchantment Department behind him were also shocked!

Zhang Linzhi opened his mouth!

He wanted to remind Lin Tian——

Master, you haven’t done enchantment erasure yet!!

A piece of equipment can only be enchanted once.

This is Blue Star since the era of cataclysm.

It is the iron rule that is regulated by the will of the heavenly way.

To date, no piece of equipment has been an exception.

Normally, if an enchanter is not satisfied with the enchantment he is equipped with, he or she will want to replace it with a new one.

Then it is necessary to perform an enchantment erasure first.

If not erased, go directly to the second enchantment.

Then at least for Zhang Linzhi and others.

This is deliberately damaging the equipment!

Because different enchantments will definitely have conflicts, which will lead to equipment damage!

Now Dolan’s Sword is in the state of enchantment completion.

The magic runes that Lin Tian had engraved before were still in the sword body of the Sword of Dolan.

Lin Tian directly began to enchant, and there was no doubt that he had committed this opportunity.

However, Zhang Linzhi did not speak in the end.

A god-level enchanter of this level as Master Lu Ban.

Is it possible to make such a low-level newbie mistake?


This can only mean that this is what Lin Tian did on purpose!!

Zhang Linzhi was stunned.

Master Luban…

This is to create the history of the entire Blue Star Enchantment World!!

That’s right, Lin Tian did it on purpose!

He wanted to test whether he could make another “boundary breakthrough” with his own ability, that is, enchanting 2 effects at the same time on the same equipment!

Lin Tian didn’t have a bottom in his heart.

But he was mentally prepared for failure.

For Zhu Tao and Meng Ze.

This sword of Doran is not a work of painstaking work.

Even its birth was given to Lin Tian to test the strength of the enchantment.

So even if it is damaged, it is not distressed.

Lin Tian didn’t really treat the Sword of Doran as garbage just because it was just a white costume.

He was very careful to avoid the clash of various runes.

Because what Lin Tian is doing now is also a challenge that no one has ever seen before.

He also crossed the river by feeling the stones.

Therefore, his enchantment speed is obviously not as fast as when he first enchanted the Sword of Doran [Boundary Breakthrough].

Lin Tian’s pace slowed down.

This also made Zhang Linzhi’s eyes shine.

Because of this, he was able to learn more of Lin Tian’s skills and essence in enchantment techniques!

Even, because Lin Tian was operating too fast before, he didn’t see what magic runes he had put on the equipment.

This time, take a good look.

Of course, this is not to say that Zhang Linzhi wants to steal the master.

The recipe for enchantment is the secret of every enchanter.

People like Lin Tian who directly enchanted their equipment in front of their peers were either teachers teaching disciples, or they were confident that others would not be able to learn their craft.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, no enchanter would do such a stupid thing of smashing signs.

Even sometimes, teachers are reluctant to teach their brothers.

Because the church apprentices, starve the master.

Therefore, Zhang Linzhi was just a little curious, but he didn’t plan to write down the order of these runes.

However, when he saw clearly every magic rune engraved by Lin Tian, he was stunned.


What a thing!

How come he doesn’t know any of them!

Zhang Linzhi wiped his eyes.

Then he was convinced that he was not dazzled, and the magic runes engraved by Lin Tian were not any of the runes used in the existing enchantment system at all…


Could it be that this is a magic rune created by Master Luban??

Doesn’t this mean that Master Luban is already the founder of the enchantment genre!!

Oh, my God!

How old is he?

Of course, Lin Tian didn’t pay attention to Zhang Linzhi and began to frantically make up for his brain.

He just completes his enchantment step by step.

I have to say that because of the need to avoid various conflicts, the enchantment of this endless blade made Lin Tian painstaking.

It took more than 40 minutes.

Lin Tiancai engraved the last magic rune.

The moment the last magic rune was printed with Doran’s Sword.


A divine light rushed to the sky.

A vision from heaven!

The giant god phantom had not yet had time to appear.

It was directly dispersed by Lin Tian’s wave.

Ahem, those are gods.

Appears twice a day, overtime pay I can’t afford it.

And Lin Tian also planned to leave them a little pressing.

Frequent appearance, brush the sense of existence, will fall off.

Ning Wuxuan looked at Lin Tian with some shock.

I’ll go!

This young man!

Can he even control this level of heaven and earth vision?

Let it reap and receive, let it extend and prolong ??

Lin Tian’s particularity once again impressed Ning Wuxuan.

Lin Tian let out a long breath.

The enchantment succeeded!

The Sword of Doran is not damaged!

This was the judgment of his enchanter.

However, when Lin Tian looked at the Doran Sword fixed on the weapon rack, Lin Tian was stunned.

It seems, the sword body of the Sword of Doran.

A sea change has taken place.

The original body of the Sword of Doran was an ordinary black iron luster.

And now, its sword body flashed with bright silver afterimages!

That’s right, it’s an afterimage!

It seems that it is a high-frequency vibration that only appears after the afterimage.

Plus the color of its blade turns from dark to bright, and it looks like a lightsaber!

Is the effect of the endless blade transforming the short sword into a laser plasma sword body like a lightsaber?

Lin Tian carefully picked up the hilt of Doran’s Sword.

He deliberately took Doran’s sword away from him.

But when Lin Tian picked up the Sword of Dolan, Lin Tian still heard a terrifying buzzing sound.

It was the sound of a blade cutting through the air, triggering sword qi cutting through an object.

Lin Tian saw a handful of hair on his head, because when he held the sword, he was slightly closer, and he was cut off in an instant.

It seems that his caution is justified.

If he was touched by the sword body of the current Sword of Dolan, Lin Tian estimated that he would be violently killed on the spot!

Lin Tian looked at its properties.

[Sword of Doran – Boundary Breakthrough / Endless Blade]

【Type: Weapon】

【Weapon classification: short sword】

【Level: LV5 (crossed out)】

【Grade: Normal (White)】

[Equippable classes: Warrior class, Rogue class (crossed out)]

[Physical Attack +99 (10+89)]

[Attack speed: 1000.0 (1.0+999.0)]




[Enchantment: Boundary Break, Endless Blade]

[Additional Effects: Everything is chopped, can cut off any object, and the % of the physical damage you deal is converted into real damage.] 】

[Additional effects: There is no level limit, and the wearer can ignore the equipment level required for the equipment.] 】

[Additional special effects: There are no class restrictions, and the wearer can ignore the class requirements of the equipment demand.] 】

[Additional effects: Never wear, the equipment has unlimited durability.] 】

[Additional special effects: one thousand hits, the attack speed is fixed at 1000.] 】

[Additional special effects: Blood sea deep feud, each attack has a 10% chance, tearing the enemy’s wound, causing a bleeding effect, causing the enemy to receive 20% of the total physical attack power of the class every second. ] 】

[Additional effects: Endless, when you apply a delayed damage effect to the same target, the number of layers that can be stacked is unlimited and the duration is infinitely refreshed.] 】

[Additional special effects: attributes, skill corrections, all attribute values of the equipment, automatically corrected to the corresponding grade, the extreme value of the corresponding level of all equipment categories, skills that can be affected by the equipment, fixed attack speed skills, will be corrected to the attack speed of the equipment, and all skill consumption is reduced by 99%. ] 】

Lin Tian was overjoyed in his heart.

It’s done!!

The two enchantment effects of boundary breakthrough and endless blade have actually been retained!!

Suddenly, Lin Tian suddenly realized.

Hiss…… (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Could this be the hidden effect of boundary breaking?

It breaks through not only the boundaries of equipping itself, but also the boundaries of being able to withstand enchantments??

Thinking of this, Lin Tian felt that what he guessed should be the correct solution.

It’s just that now that the enchantment material is precious, Lin Tian feels that he doesn’t need to test, whether he first enchants the endless blade, and then breaks through the enchantment boundary, he will let the latter cover the former.

No need.

In short, now I have succeeded!

Seeing Lin Tian’s smile.

Ning Wuxuan quietly walked over and also checked the effect of Dolan’s Sword.

Then his eyes widened.

“It’s true, there are 2 enchanted !.! at the same time”

Ning Wuxuan’s words came out.

Zhang Linzhi and other teachers and students of the Enchantment Department.

A burst of exclamations erupted directly.

And then ecstasy also appeared on their faces!!

Groove !!!

Master Luban is awesome!!! (Broken sound)

But they did not dare to shout.

I can only keep shaking to vent the excitement in my heart!

Zhu Tao, a professor of the forging department on the side, also showed a trace of envy.

Master Lu Ban, he probably hasn’t unlocked Forging Science yet.

Alas, I really want to see Master Luban build equipment.

It’s really cheap to enchant these dogs, and they can actually observe Master Luban’s technique in advance!

I hope that Master Luban’s next awakening career branch is forging!

And Ning Wuxuan’s side.

He was deeply shocked by the attributes of the Sword of Doran at this time.

He had a feeling.

This level 5 white suit was given to a little fart child.

Then he stood still and let the kid attack his words.

Maybe in a few seconds, he will burp on the spot!!

So perverted!!

If the boundary breakthrough embodies the functionality of bells and whistles and enchantments to the fullest.

Then the Endless Blade is to embody the pure value and damage ability to the fullest!!

What does an attack speed of 1000 mean?

That means 1000 attacks per second!

There are many classes whose skills limit the upper and lower attack speeds, such as the multiple headshots of the sharpshooter class.

The speed at which this skill is released depends on the attack speed of the automatic pistol.

If you have a rifle with a low attack speed, the multi-headshot will last longer and the total number of bullets fired will be reduced.

But even if you’re holding the fastest automatic pistol, the maximum number of bullets you can fire with multiple headshots is 66.

This is the limit that has been tested by many gunners.

It can never break through.

Now, that record may be history.

Because [Endless Blade] has an attribute, it can even make your skill attack speed limit, and also correct it to the weapon attack speed limit!

The upper limit of bullets that can be shot by multiple headshots must not be 20,000 or 30,000 rounds!

And the performance time of the skill of multiple headshots is only about 1.5 seconds to 2 seconds!

More than 10,000 bullets per second?

What the is this attack speed!!

And if for those physics professions that are themselves low-speed and high-injury.

The increase in their output by this enchantment is even more terrifying.

Sacrificing attack speed was originally in exchange for a single high injury.

Then now there is no need to sacrifice attack speed and return the knife and fire!

It’s cool to think about!

And this is still just the increase in attack speed.

Another terrifying effect of the Endless Blade.

And count this special effect!

Delayed damage effects, such as bleeding, burning these DOT effects.

Ability to overlay unlimited layers!

Unlimited refresh duration!

With such a high attack speed, Ning Wuxuan didn’t dare to think about how many DOT effects could be stacked with a few seconds of output!

There may be no need to continue the output in the future.

The DOT effect alone is enough to make the boss kill on the spot!

The endless blade, without a doubt, is the ultimate graduation enchantment of the physics department!

And there is not one!!

With the blessing of this enchantment.

The single-output efficiency of the physics profession is terrifying!

Even now makes Ning Wuxuan a little envious, how can he turn a mage, he also wants to cool the feeling of 1,000 times the attack speed against the sky!

As for the endless blade and the boundary breakthrough, who is stronger and who is weaker.

It’s hard to rate.

Because it’s not two enchantments on a track at all.

The improvement of the output by breaking through the boundary is certainly not as strong as the endless blade.

But breaking boundaries can make many impossible possible.

And the Endless Blade has no bells and whistles.

Some only have extreme values.

Don’t underestimate the value.

This thing swells.

The gods can be pulled off their horses!

And (Zhao Hao) Now, Lin Tian was able to merge two enchantments into one and appear on one piece of equipment at the same time.

It’s even against the sky!

Just when Lin Tian thought so.

A global announcement suddenly sounded in the minds of all the professionals of Blue Star!

【Global Announcement! 】

[Congratulations to the beautiful country, clear the first layer of the black land Elinos: Road to Despair! ] 】

Lin Tian was stunned.

The beautiful country is also quietly entering the world-class copy?

Ning Wuxuan was not surprised, but just snorted coldly: “The difficulty of the black earth is much lower than that of the Eternal Night Country. ”

“We also received the wind a long time ago, and the day after we officially announced our march into the Land of Eternal Night, they tried to conquer the Black Earth.”

“Then they seem to have really found some way to grind the first layer of bosses to death using human sea tactics.”

“Hehe, it’s been so long to succeed, waste!”

Ning Wuxuan’s voice fell.

Heavenly Dao announcements followed.

[Blue Star detected the existence of more than two countries and start raiding world-class copies! ] 】

[The process of the Dragon Country Raiders of the Eternal Night Country and the process of the Strategy of the Beautiful Country will be broadcast live for the reference of other countries! ] 】

[Please continue to work hard for other countries that are not yet planning to conquer world-class quests!] Nothing]

[As compensation, the country that clears the Eternal Night Country or the second layer of the Black Earth first will receive a national reward! ] 】

[Be the first to break all the layers of the copy, kill the country of the apostle boss, get the world’s first reward, the above two rewards are unique, only issued once! ] 】

The housework is almost taken care of.

It should be able to update normally today.

Thanks to a big guy in the comment area for his encouragement, thank you.

The preparation plot before the Land of Eternal Night is basically written, and the next chapter begins the official strategy.

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