The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 178 0112. The army attacks the city

In the small town of Elm Bay, a large number of black light creatures were running wildly on the streets as if searching. After losing traces of Chen Chong, this virus mother nest continued to breed new flesh and blood cysts.

Compared with other flesh and blood cysts, the huge cyst that occupies the main body of the building is already beginning to move. The loose skin of the cyst was constantly squirming, as if something was trying to crawl out.

No one knew what was inside, and no one dared to verify it.

On the road thirty kilometers away from the outskirts of the town, overwhelming black spots dotted the entire road and the surrounding mountains.

Looking at the scene from a high place, it looks like an army of ants moving.

As the camera zooms in, the black spots on the ground reveal its specific appearance.

It's infected! How could so many infected leave the city?

In the barracks, the senior officers headed by He Hua were standing in front of an electronic projection and observing carefully.

The two technical officers and soldiers behind him quickly marked the origin and destination of the zombies based on the data analyzed on the map.

Report sir! We have discovered the movements of these infected bodies. They set off from LS City. Based on the current direction, this army of infected bodies will enter the town of Elm Bay in about half an hour.

The town of Elm Bay?

He Hua frowned, and the cigarette in his hand had unknowingly burned to the root.

In fact, he does not smoke on weekdays, and he was quite disgusted with cigarettes before the virus outbreak. But with the outbreak of the virus and being troubled by many complicated things, He Hua became accustomed to lighting a cigarette when he was thinking.

The location where the soldier reported made him feel a little uneasy. They already know what's in that town via satellite.

Originally, this meeting was to study a safe route to the missile base.

From Linzhou City to the missile base on the south coast, the safest way is to pass through WX Town, take the main line of LS City, and then go around the foot of Qianling Mountain to the target location.

However, while exploring the road, I discovered a strange phenomenon on the road in LS City. If I took a closer look, there were zombies all over the road. It looked like they were going out to fight.

Have you found out why the zombies are out? Did someone there alert these zombies?

Under normal circumstances, zombies will only stay where they are, unless they smell human scent. And even if they are dispatched, it is impossible to move almost in full force like now.

This weird scene only happened when the army attacked Songchuan City.

Sir! This is the news sent from the headquarters yesterday. Queen Mo from the female barracks discovered a strange infectious agent when she was on a mission to rescue the food-seeking team.

As the scene unfolded, a pink mountain of flesh appeared in everyone's sight.

Ah? What is this?

There are tentacles on it!

Really? This is too weird!

All the officers were frightened by the monster in front of them.

Feeling that the skin on his two fingers was a little hot, He Hua raised his hand and threw away the cigarette butt and looked at the soldier with questioning eyes.

Sirs, the monster you see is an intelligent biochemical weapon made by Umbrella!

Intelligent type? Are there different types of biological weapons? Besides, even if a zombie turns into a flower, it is impossible for it to be intelligent.

An officer with a beer belly looked unbelieving.

He Hua did not speak but continued to let the soldiers speak.

According to the information reported by the female barracks, the function of this biochemical weapon is to control infected bodies. The last time we attacked Songchuan City, we suffered a sudden counterattack from the zombie army. And they also know how to hide themselves in buildings inside.

These phenomena are controlled through this monster. It is said that there are three such monsters in Matsukawa City.

The soldier's words made everyone present more and more frightened. Especially the officer who just raised the question.

He was also present during the bombardment of Songchuan City. He witnessed the whole process of how the zombies cooperated to destroy the soldiers' defense lines one by one.

Zombies are intelligent! You can also command other infected bodies!

Thinking about such a situation gives me chills down my spine.

He Hua, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke:

So, these zombies coming out of LS City are also controlled by such a monster?

The soldier nodded: Yes!

Immediately apply to the technical department for satellite call permission and fully monitor the direction of Yushuwan Town! The issue of the research route will be discussed after the observation is completed!

He Hua waved his hand and started monitoring Yushuwan Town.

In the dark space, a huge satellite marked with a blue starfish pattern spreads out invisible bands towards the Nanjiang area of ​​Daxia.

At the same time, Chen Chong and Mo Qingning were riding leisurely on the back of a giant licker towards Elm Bay Town.

Mo Qingning initially rejected the invasive idea of ​​riding a licker. Especially after being licked by a licker on his ankle last time, Mo Qingning wanted to avoid the monster's tongue when he saw it.

However, when he saw Chen Chong sitting on it like a master, he ran beside him bitterly. Comparing the two, he looked like a maid.

After all, she is also Queen Mo in Linzhou City. Although she is not too fond of this title, she cannot be a maid.

As a result, the licker she sat under was in a miserable state, and half of his tongue was missing. He wanted to resist but was suppressed by the new smart weapon.

Not long after, the vanguard of the zombie army arrived in front of Elm Bay Town. A few ordinary black light zombies wandering outside were eaten by the zombie army in an instant.

Originally, Chen Chong was thinking about how to use the zombie army to attack the virus nest, but with the slight changes in the personal data page, Chen Chong immediately sat up in excitement.

Fuck! This is okay!

Chen Chong couldn't help shouting, which attracted a confused look from Mo Qingning next to him.

What's wrong?

Uh-huh, it's nothing. It's so exciting to see zombies eating zombies.

Mo Qingning rolled her eyes at the other person, not believing his lies at all. Didn't we see this kind of scene last time in Songchuan City? As for being so excited.

Chen Chong tried hard to suppress the joy in his heart.

In the data layout, the numbers of incubation energy are actually growing crazily, with dozens of them almost every second!

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it! It turns out that you can also obtain hatching energy this way! It seems that I need to control more biochemical weapons!

Chen Chong thought secretly in his heart, jumped away from the licker's body, and jumped to the top of the building.

Since I can obtain hatching energy in this way, why am I in such a hurry to eliminate the brood? The entire town of Elm Bay is simply a huge treasure house, and the black light creatures here are full of evolution!

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