The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 199 0133. Mysterious force! The tyrant appears!

Compared with Ada's sudden promotion and Hank's sleeping mutation. It seems that Chris's state is in line with the evolutionary process that a human being should have.

The three of them are all top experts, and their virus resistance is better than that of ordinary humans.

When the virus broke out, someone made a rough statistics. The probability of ordinary humans absorbing the mutation of the virus is 70%, while the probability of soldiers, athletes, and humans who have been exercising for a long time to become strong is only 40%.

I don’t know if it was because a few drops of Chen Chong’s blood had an effect, or if it was Chris’s good luck.

In the end, he resisted the mutation and regained his sanity.

[Race: Human]

[Status: Evolution]

【Grade 1】

[Health value: 10]

【Strength: 7】

[Defense: 6]

[Stamina: 7]

[Speed: 7]

【Virus Resistance: 10】

[Special abilities: 1. Fighting skills, 2. Shooting skills,

3. Muscle strengthening: The virus enhances the strength of the upper limbs, allowing the host to increase its strength by 30%. 】

[Danger level: 0 stars]

What's wrong with me?

For the people who saved him twice, Chris felt a kind of trust from the bottom of his heart.

Chen Chong smiled and extended a hand to the other party: Welcome to become a member of the Evolvers.

Me? Evolutionary?

Chris looked at his body confusedly, seeming to be trapped in self-doubt.

Chen Chong, on the other hand, looked at the 'muscle strengthening' ability in the opponent's illustrated book with a strong sense of sourness.

I have only unlocked three forms after working hard so far. When I wake up, I have the muscle strengthening I dream of.

This ability is increased to the same extent as the hammer form, and importantly, the muscle strengthening does not affect the speed, but it is lacking in attack range.

The successive changes made Chen Chong wary of this town. Now that there is interference from outsiders, compared with the spread of the virus, the blind Goliath seems less important.

The dull atmosphere was suddenly interrupted by Chris's exclamation:

I feel it! I really feel it!

Chris yelled excitedly, then punched the air. There was already a faint sound of breaking through the air at the fist peak.

I want to find him! He is definitely alive!

Chris's confused words confused Chen Chong.

Seeing the other party's eager look, Chen Chong wanted to ask something, but unexpectedly, Ada said as soon as she came in from the door: You are not strong enough to go across this town to find someone, not to mention that he may also have it. strength.

Chris turned his head sharply and stared at Ada, the expression on his face gradually changed from anger to loss.

Yes, you are right. He will always live to the end.

Seeing that the two of them had calmed down, it was time for Chen Chong to leave. It's easiest to talk to smart people. The two of them knew that Chen Chong definitely didn't come here to save them.

So the two of them didn't ask Chen Chong what he wanted to do.

When leaving, Chen Chong told Chris the route back to Linzhou City and suggested that he go to the Fuxing Meeting, saying that there were people he wanted to see there.

Chen Chong thought his arrangement was perfect, and he wanted to keep Chris as a strong supporter.

Warren Ting and Chris are colleagues. With this relationship, maybe Chris will join the team.

It does not rule out that Chris abducts Warren Ting, but Chen Chong is still very confident about this.

After all, Alice hasn’t been found yet, right?

[Daxia Empire·South Coast·Wanchuan Island]

The assault boat parked on the riverside trembled, and with the sound of a gunshot, the last USS team member guarding it was shot in the head.

Alice picked up the body and threw it on the shore. Behind her, the bodies of more than fifty USS members were lying scattered on the ground.

Alice looked back towards the depths of the woods, which was in the direction of the goddess's base.

From time to time, the shadow of the little girl will appear in my mind. That pink little face is so smooth and tender.

Alice took a deep breath and stepped onto the assault boat resolutely.

She knew that if she stayed here for one day, she would be the biggest threat to the base. Sometimes leaving is a true protection.

Under the roar of the motor, the bow of the assault boat broke through the water and traveled upstream through the waves.

The scenery on Wanchuan Island became smaller and smaller in her eyes, and became more and more blurry. Until the river widened, everything around it finally changed.

Alice took out a map while driving.

The map shows that if you go north in this direction, you will enter the vicinity of Qianling Mountain. She remembered that a group of armed forces who had clashed with them some time ago were on this mountain.

The road she chose was the nearest road to Linzhou City, and it was also the relatively safest one.

Just go up the river, then climb over Qianling Mountain, and walk along the west side, you can reach it directly.

But when she thought of the previous unpleasantness, Alice still hesitated. If they meet people from the base, the two sides might even have a conflict.

Forget it, as long as I'm careful, I should be able to avoid them.

[Qianling Mountain Base]

Violent gunshots came one after another from the bottom of the mountain. Zheng Ping, Du Biao and others standing on the hillside were observing the situation down the mountain with binoculars.

That is, one night a week ago, a mysterious force suddenly appeared and killed the soldiers guarding Gutao Town, and then took the place as its own.

Such unreasonable behavior aroused the dissatisfaction of everyone in Qianling Mountain. After several rounds of negotiations between the two parties, the other party not only failed to give up Gutao Town, but also injured Duan Feng who went to negotiate.

As the leader of the base's evolvers, Liu Quan was immediately furious. He led his team of evolvers into Gutao Town overnight and killed more than 40 of the opponent's armed forces.

However, these people are not vegetarians. They also have evolvers, and their number is not less than Liu Quan and the others.

A battle broke out at night, but neither side gained anything. In the end, the sneak attack failed and Liu Quan had to return with everyone.

From then on, the people at the bottom of the mountain also began to attack continuously up the mountain, and this is how the battle between the two sides began.

Two rounds of artillery shells fell, and the city wall of Gutao Town was beaten to pieces.

The second battalion commander on the side couldn't bear to see this: Old Zheng, I think we should stop. Although we make our home in the mountains, Gutao Town is also our territory.

If the fighting continues like this, even if those people are driven out, the entire town will be reduced to rubble.

The third battalion commander Du Biao also put down his telescope, playing with a yellow-orange bullet in his hand, and his eyes looked at Zheng Ping who was still watching from time to time.

Zheng Ping also put down his telescope after a long time. The long time of war has made this young officer mature.

The shaved and blue temples revealed a medium-deep wound: How is Professor Su's research going? Have you found any clues about those people?

Wang He, who was promoted to squadron leader, stood upright near Zheng Ping, then opened the folder he had prepared and reported loudly:

Reporting to Chief Zheng, Professor Su's research has been completed. He asked me to tell you that the evolvers who attacked the mountain the day before yesterday were not normal humans. After many experiments, Professor Su believes that those people were artificially cloned.


You mean human cloning?

The special operations captain on the side was the first to say in surprise.

Wang He nodded seriously: Yes! Professor Su detected synthetic substances in their blood. And Professor Su said that if the current test equipment was not so poor, he could find more evidence.

Damn! Who the hell are these people? They've even created clones. With us killing a batch of them, can they create another batch in the blink of an eye?

The third battalion commander was spitting and his eyes were wide open.

Zheng Ping's expression changed again and again. Now he was no longer the reckless man who only knew how to fight. Under long-term management, he has learned to think about problems.

From the perspective of a superior, think about problems for the entire base.

So, the following group of people should be sent by an organization. So let's think about it, what is their purpose here? Why do they want to occupy Gutao Town?

Zheng Ping's words made everyone think.

There are no problems that appear out of thin air, and there are no opponents that appear out of thin air.

In the past few days, we have been busy fighting each other, and we only know how to drive them out. But we have never considered why they came here and why they want to defend Gutao Town.

I think the most important thing now is no longer the issue of combat. It has been proven that they have a strong strength behind them, at least their technological capabilities are strong.

As the third battalion commander said, even if we can defeat them today, there may be the same number or even the same appearance of opponents to continue fighting with us tomorrow.

Zheng Ping's voice was very calm, but everyone broke into a cold sweat hearing his calm words.

After a long time, the second battalion commander asked doubtfully: Do you think they are trying to destroy us and rob the supplies on the mountain?

Zheng Ping immediately shook his head: No, if their target was the mountain, the one they attacked that night wouldn't be Gutao Town down the mountain.

And for so long, we have been attacking them. The most they can do is send some evolvers up to do some sneak attacks.

To say that they are fighting back is better to say that they are a warning to us.


Yes, they are indeed warning. Zheng Ping confirmed.

Didi didi.

At this time, a panicked voice came from the walkie-talkie in the hands of the second battalion commander.

Batalion Commander, we are taking action against the opponent!

Look, what is that?

The sharp-eyed Wang He pointed at the town wall at the foot of the mountain with a surprised expression.

Everyone turned and looked down, only to see four bald giants four or five meters high, striding across the wall and rushing towards the mountain despite the attack of artillery fire.

The giant's cheeks turned blue, and his two eyeballs with only white eyes were staring straight at the mountain. They wear thick metal armor, and you can feel the suffocating pressure even on the hillside.

Quick! Stop them! Those are biological weapons!

Zheng Ping yelled loudly, he had seen similar monsters like this before. When Thevenin surrounded Chen Chong, he sent four tall monsters, and now these corpses are still in the laboratory on the mountain.

It's just that the giants in front of them are obviously taller than the previous monsters, and their appearances are also different.

da da da da

The dense rifles enveloped the four giants.

However, these guys are not afraid of bullets, they put their arms in front of their heads.

Bullets hit the outer metal armor, causing sparks to fly.

Their running speed never slowed down, and each step they took took a distance that was twice that of an ordinary person.

Seeing that the firearms were ineffective, the special operations team responsible for tactical support immediately picked up individual rocket launchers and fired them at the four giants.


Four dazzling fires exploded, and the outer armor of the two giants was blown open.

One of the giants was in the worst condition, with a metal fragment from his armor piercing his head.

However, even with such an injury, it still does not affect the giant's actions. As if the fragment piercing his head didn't exist, his legs rushed up the hillside even faster.

The soldiers were frightened by such a horrifying sight. For a while, the frontline defense line guarding the hillside was somewhat loose. Everyone was preparing to escape. No one thought that the firearms in their hands could kill each other.

Turn the muzzle and concentrate the fire on them to kill them!

Zheng Ping frowned and stared at the forward position.

Soon, dozens of artillery pieces arrived in an instant, spreading all over the forward positions. Because the angle of the slope was difficult to control, a shell almost hit the sandbags on the front line of defense and exploded.

Five soldiers were killed on the spot and seven others suffered varying degrees of injuries.

Zheng Ping saw it, but he didn't bother to punish the artilleryman. Everyone's eyes were still staring at the billowing smoke, waiting for the results of the bombardment.

The dust and smoke kicked up by the explosion quickly revealed the tip of the iceberg under the blowing of the mountain wind.

Then a thick and long severed arm and the giant's head appeared. The officer shouted excitedly.

Kill it!

Finally done!

Hahahaha, motherfucker, I'm scared to death! The third battalion commander slapped his thigh heavily and let out a long sigh of relief.

But before he could raise his head, a loud scream came from the front line.

There are two more heads!


Shoot! Shoot!

Run! You can't be beaten to death!


A huge fist penetrated the barrier of smoke and dust, and punched away the sandbags on the forward position and the soldiers lying on the sandbags.

A whole squad of soldiers were knocked into the air. The solid defense line was instantly broken open.

The soldiers guarding the position roared and pointed all available weapons at the giant and used them.

As the monster walked out of the smoke step by step, the body hidden under the metal armor was finally revealed.

Rows of muscles bulge out tall, and the eight-pack of cyan abdominal muscles dwarfs even professional bodybuilders.

Red ravines dotted the sides of both arms, and scarlet cross-shaped grooves on the chest separated the entire chest muscles.

In just a few breaths, the forward position was destroyed by the two giants.

Zheng Ping was not as decisive as Huang Zhengjiang. He could not let the soldiers on the front line perish together with these two monsters.

Retreat! Retreat quickly!

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