The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 202 0136. The secret in Gutao Town

If it weren't for the lack of confidence in capturing Alice, Zheng Ping and his party would have taken action long ago.

At the conference table, Zheng Ping lowered his head, constantly recalling what Chen Chong had said to him before.

He had a hunch that Chen Chong definitely knew this woman. And they understand each other better.

Seeing Alice staring at him, Zheng Ping pursed his lips and subconsciously wanted to ask her if she knew Chen Chong, but the words came to his lips but no words came out.

After all, this was Chen Chong's private matter. He didn't tell me on the phone, maybe because there were other factors involved.

Out of his trust in Chen Chong, Zheng Ping chose to believe what he said.

Well done, Chief Love, I believe you.




The second battalion commander, third battalion commander and others all looked at Zheng Ping strangely. Did they believe him so easily?

Alice's eyes lost a hint of caution and showed a kind smile:

Thank you, Chief Zheng, thank you for trusting me.

At this time, Zheng Ping waved towards the door, and a soldier came in holding a tray covered with red cloth.

Chief Love, there's no problem if you want to pass through here. It's just that I want to ask you to do us a favor.

Alice's expression changed and she glared at Zheng Ping, thinking that he was playing second-guessing, but when she saw the sincere look in his eyes, she resisted the urge to get angry.

you say.

Zheng Ping gently pulled away the red cloth on the tray, and a tyrant's head was revealed in front of the conference table.

No need to panic, Professor Su has already guaranteed that this head is not contagious to the virus.

Zheng Ping explained and then looked at Alice, I heard from Professor Su that Chief Ai seems to know this monster, and even said its name is 'Tyrant'?

Alice nodded: Yes! It is Umbrella's T-type biological weapon. I don't know which generation it is, but one thing is for sure. Umbrella already has the ability to mass-produce this monster. ability.


Damn! These devils!

Du Biao gritted his teeth and punched the corner of the table.

Zheng Ping gave Du Biao a look, then nodded to Alice:

That's true! We were fighting the mysterious forces at the foot of the mountain, and then suddenly four of these monsters ran out from under the mountain. And Professor Su also said that most of the humans at the foot of the mountain are artificially created clones.

Alice raised her eyebrows and sat upright involuntarily, clenching her delicate fists tightly.

At this moment, she was 80% sure that the forces under the mountain were definitely Umbrella's people.

Although she didn't know much about Umbrella's industry, she still knew about cloning technology.

For Alice, who is obsessed with revenge, she will never let go of any opportunity.

Alice stood up with a loud noise, scaring the already nervous second battalion commander so much that he almost didn't pull out his gun.

Chief Zheng, if you want to deal with the forces under the mountain, I can help you!

Um? So fast?

This ending was obviously beyond Zheng Ping's expectation. He thought they would need to communicate for a while.

Oh? So what are the conditions for loving the leader?

No conditions. Alice replied decisively.

Zheng Ping and his party all looked at each other in confusion. Is there such a good thing in the world?

Zheng Ping felt that it was a bit unrealistic that such a powerful evolver would help them unconditionally.

And here Alice has already begun to warn everyone:

If you want to take action, you have to do it right away! If my guess is right, Umbrella will release more biochemical weapons like Tyrant next time!

Everyone became serious when they heard this, indeed. If the other party can mass-produce, they will face more and more powerful monsters.

Okay! Please wait a moment, leader Ai, I will arrange an attack right now!

Old Zheng, are you crazy? We have lost so much today, do we still need to fight now? The second battalion commander took Zheng Ping's arm and motioned for him to calm down.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Ping patted his arm gently and said word by word:

If you don't fight, you will die.

The night sky was covered with a thin layer of mist, and the half-full moon hung quietly in the sky, shining on every inch of land in Gutao Town.

On the streets of the bombed-out town, groups of humans wearing silver uniforms, in groups of five, holding four long metal rings, like minesweepers, turned into an alley, meticulously Explore every inch of land.

The person walking at the end was holding a laptop-like instrument in his hand and followed the four people.

There are more than thirty teams like this in this street alone.

Under the moonlight, several figures suddenly emerged from the houses on both sides of the alley. The five team members fell to the ground silently without making a sound.

The leader of the team was Liu Quan, and the big guy standing next to him was Duan Feng, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Ha! Is it still okay for Old Duan to reach out? The injuries on his body won't affect it, right?

Duan Feng gently held his chest and rolled his eyes at the other person:

There's so much nonsense, hurry up and change your clothes!

Several people dragged the five people into the house smoothly.

This time, there were ten people in the Evolution Team, five of whom had already changed into silver uniforms.

Duan Feng pulled off the opponent's mask. Under the moonlight, the faces of the five people were exactly the same.

Damn, another group of wholesalers. I think everyone in this town has been cloned.

Duan Feng cursed angrily.

Liu Quan on the side frowned: Do you think that foreign woman is reliable? Don't deliberately bring us in and then treat us all at once!

Duan Feng touched his chin and shook his head gently: No, I have fought with her before. I know her strength very well. If she wants to eliminate us, she alone is enough, and there is no need to play any conspiracy at all. .”

Liu Quan's expression changed slightly, and then he gave a helpless smile:

Yes! Compared with her, we so-called evolved people are not much better than ordinary people. It would be great if Brother Chong was here.

Duan Feng and Liu Li also sighed.

Okay, the ten of us will split up. Lao Duan, is your health still okay? If not, I'll ask Xiao Li to help you.

Even though Liu Quan and Duan Feng usually quarrel with each other when they meet, they still care about each other at critical times.

Duan Feng shook his head: You should take your wife with you, I don't have that hobby.

Under Liu Li's dangerous gaze, Duan Feng smiled and took the people away first.

let's go!

No one knew that two teams had been replaced.

Several people put on their uniforms and masks. He pretended to walk out along the alley.

They set off along the street towards the agreed-upon location. Occasionally, other teams passed by them, but it was as if they hadn't seen them, and no one would ask at all.

The whole street was so quiet that you could hear each other breathing.

So many people were walking up and down the street, but no one spoke.

They are like a precision machine, just working with their heads down.

In this strange environment, Liu Quan and his party always felt an uneasy feeling in their hearts.

At the same time, in a room filled with huge display screens, two teams led by Liu Quan and Duan Feng appeared on the screen.

In the darkness, a man sitting on a leather chair quietly looked at the two teams with strange behaviors on the screen, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

The bright light on the monitor could only illuminate half of his face below his nose.

The man stretched out his big hand, slowly picked up a cup of turbid and viscous red liquid from the table in front of the display screen, and shook it gently. The spotless white shirt cuffs look particularly white in contrast to the black suit sleeves.

It can be seen that this man is an elegant man, and he is still so well-mannered even in the apocalypse of cannibalism.

Even the gesture of shaking the goblet was so skillful. As the liquid in the glass swayed gently, the red liquid imprinted on the glass became darker.

The man took a careful sip of the liquid in the cup, and his originally light red lips seemed to become more vivid.

You... you came at the wrong time.

The further he walked, the uneasiness in Liu Quan's heart became stronger and stronger. Even Liu Li and the others around him looked a little uneasy.

The five people quickened their pace slightly, and at this time another team wearing silver uniforms came out of an alley on the left.

They still lowered their heads, holding the metal rings in their hands, facing the ground, and walked towards Liu Quan and the other five.

However, a group also walked out of the alley on the right, still with their heads lowered, looking for something on the ground.

Without Liu Quan's explanation, Liu Li, who was in the lead, took the initiative to bypass the two teams and leave from the center of the street.

Just as the two teams passed by, these people suddenly raised their heads and looked straight at Liu Quan and his party. Their eyes were staring at this place without any movement, as if they were just observing something.

Liu Li, who was standing in front, was startled by this sudden scene and almost screamed. At this moment, a pair of warm big hands held her little hand tightly, and half of the fear in Liu Li's heart disappeared instantly.

Liu Quan blocked Liu Li with his fat body. At this moment, there were more and more silver squads on the street, and they were surrounded inside and outside in the blink of an eye.

These people did not draw their guns or swords. Just looking straight at them.

At the same time, Duan Feng and others on another street also encountered the same situation.

If looks could kill, they'd probably have been killed hundreds of times by this point.

Quan Quan. Brother Quan, what should we do?

An evolutionist asked in a trembling voice.

Even if he was surrounded by zombies, he was not as scared as he was now. These people did not use swords or guns, but they were more frightening than using swords and guns.

The fine beads of sweat on his forehead were constantly being absorbed by the silver uniform. Liu Quan held Liu Li's little hand tightly, feeling equally panicked.

What to do? It's definitely exposed now!

But the scheduled location is not far away. If we fight out now, other people will be under pressure.

While Liu Quan was thinking about it, a clone wearing a silver uniform suddenly swelled up. Then two, four, more than a dozen, and finally a whole street of clones swelled.

Cluck cluck

Ho ho ho ho

Strange sounds came from these people, and there was a sudden bang.

The head of the first swollen silver clone suddenly exploded. Before the thick blood mist and brain matter fell, something like a snail's head grew out of its neck.

On that ugly head, five or six octopus tentacle-like things were swinging crazily above the head.

They seemed to be eager to wrap themselves around something, and they kept rolling around.

Liu Quan was so frightened that he trembled all over and shouted with all his strength:

Quickly retreat!

In an instant, nearly two-thirds of the heads of the clones in the entire street exploded at the same time. The scarlet tentacles were swinging wildly.

As if they had received some order, they rushed towards Liu Quan and his party at the same time.

Liu Lijiao shouted and fired the darts in her hand towards the heads of the monsters that were coming around.

Liu Quan had already used his ability to transform into a beast, holding the metal ring in his hand and frantically attacking the surrounding monsters.

Seeing the boss attacking, the remaining three team members also recovered from their fear. They each exerted their own abilities and headed towards the outskirts of the town under the leadership of Liu Quan.

Gradually, they discovered that the strength of these monsters did not seem to be strong, that is, they were equivalent to an undegenerated zombie.

Understanding this, the fear in everyone's hearts has been diluted a lot.

However, on another street, Duan Feng and his party also encountered the same problem, but their luck was not so good.

There was no evolver in the five-person team who had the ability to kill people in a large area like Liu Li. As soon as those clones had their heads exploded, a frightened evolver was caught tightly by the tentacles on the heads of several monsters. He was dragged behind by a pair of hands.

This evolver has just stepped into the second level and is unable to break free.

At this moment, the monster's team made a passage from the middle. A shambling clone, whose head had not yet exploded, walked step by step in front of the evolver.



The silver mask on the clone's face was suddenly broken, and a four-petal mouthpart with sharp teeth protruded from the mouth.

The bound Evolver's eyes widened in horror. The covered mouth let out a low growl.

The clone didn't attack him with its mouthparts, but instead put his hand along the mouthparts and put something into his mouth.


It sounded as if something had been torn off in the mouthpart, and then something the size of a fist, like a flower bud, was pulled out of the mouthpart.

A long tentacle grows at the end of the 'bud', swinging constantly. The moment it was pulled out of the mouth, the 'bud' made of flesh and blood began to open layer by layer until the thumb-long spike hidden in the center of the bud was revealed.

The evolved man's mouth was finally released, and before he could let out a scream of terror, the clone stuffed the 'bud' into his mouth.

Uh huh

As soon as the bud entered his mouth, it eagerly burrowed into his throat.

The nearby clone monster, as if it had completed some mission, took the initiative to release him, and then continued to chase Duan Feng and others.

The evolved person who swallowed the flower bud lay on the ground and couldn't help retching. As his body trembled slightly, he suddenly raised his head and let out a soul-stirring scream into the night sky.

Under the moonlight, two streaks of bright red blood slipped from the corners of his eyes, and his eyes had already turned scarlet.

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