The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 207 0141. Silver eagle wing pattern!

Sir, have mercy on me! I haven't had anything to eat in three days.

Have mercy on me.

Sir. Sir!

The streets of the slums echoed with such voices everywhere.

The military's food transportation operation in Songchuan City failed, making the food problem in the city even more serious. After the first snow, a large number of people in the slums disappeared quietly in the silent winter.

The soldiers carrying guns looked at the ragged and skinny poor people in front of them with mixed feelings in their hearts.

But now, let alone civilians, even their food has begun to implement a rationing system. In addition to those who are on missions and on guard duty who are guaranteed three meals, soldiers in training are given two meals on weekdays.

This is the first time this has happened since the virus outbreak.

Although everyone didn't say anything, they were inevitably a little panicked in their hearts. In the face of food shortage, He Hua's group, who advocated seizing missile bases and attacking big cities to rob supplies, became the people who supported them the most.

Now He Hua's reputation and status in the military have reached the highest level. After Zhang Zhongxian's death, the big forces who were waiting and watching began to secretly show their favor to He Hua.

Now that He Hua gave the order, several other commanders also responded immediately. On the surface, it seems that Linzhou City has reached some kind of compromise, or a delicate balance. The military truck carrying the virus detector slowly drove through half of the street. The two soldiers standing in the bed of the military truck responsible for protecting the observation equipment looked around boredly.

Oh! I don't know why I'm so crazy. I just made such a crappy thing. What kind of things can I detect?

Who says it's not the case? Even the scientists in our research department can't come up with a virus detector. How come someone named Chen suddenly appears and can do it?

Yes! I also heard that this man named Chen seems to be the instructor of our special operations group.

Huh? That's right? What ability does he have to dare to serve as an instructor for the special operations group? There are three evolution masters in the special operations group. Who has this qualification except Andy, the first evolutionist?

I think it's probably the person who arranged the entry.

Just as he passed the second traffic light, the instrument on the truck suddenly rang.

beep beep beep beep

【alarm! alarm! Virions detected nearby. 】

The two soldiers who were discussing were startled. They looked at each other and hurriedly lay down on the instrument.

I saw a red dot the size of a match head, located about 80 meters west of the street.

what's the situation?

The officer sitting in the passenger seat of the military truck got out of the car and asked the soldiers in the car.

Sir, this instrument just said it detected a virus. It seems to be behind this building.

The soldier pointed doubtfully at the roadside.

Team 1, control the scene. Team 2, Team 3, seal off the area. If you find suspicious people, you can kill them on the spot. The rest of you follow me in!

Seeing such a massive scene, the two soldiers standing in the car became nervous.

Brother, do you think this thing is accurate?

Hey! Anyway, it's what this instrument said. If it's not correct, you have to blame the man named Chen. It has nothing to do with us.


The military card followed the large army and slowly moved towards the back of the building.

The officer leading the team cautiously opened the safety of his pistol and walked in front of the team.

Go around the building and to the back. A few idle people with cigarettes in their mouths and painted pictures on their arms were standing at the door of a compound chatting while carrying a few old rifles.

The moment they saw the soldiers appear, these people dropped their weapons in panic, knelt on their knees, and raised their hands directly above their heads. This slippery movement looks like it has been practiced many times.

Master Junjun, we are good people!

Master, don't shoot.

The officer leading the team glanced at several people, then pointed at one of them and asked, Where is this place?

Going back to Master Jun, this is the warehouse of Nantaihui.

Nantai Club?

While the officer was puzzled, the soldiers on the side had already quietly explained the organization's information.

Oh, that's it! Is this what the instrument says?

The officer turned around and asked again, and the two soldiers in the car confirmed again and nodded in unison:

This is it.

Search for me!

Hu la la. A large number of soldiers poured into the compound instantly. There are tall cement bags, red bricks, and some engineering mixers stacked in the yard.

To the west of the compound is a row of garages. Since no one is using them, they are now used as a place to store construction materials.

Where are the keys? Open all these warehouse doors for me.

The idle gatekeepers look at me and I look at you.

Sir, the key. The key is not with us.

Whose hands is it?

It's at our boss's place.

The officer did not continue to ask, or even ask who the boss of the other party was.

Break it open for me.

Wait! Sir, wait!

At this time, a voice sounded outside the courtyard door, and it was Guo Feng.

Two soldiers, one on the left and one on the right, led Guo Feng to the officer.

Are you their boss?

Guo Feng nodded with an apologetic smile: Yes, dear military lords.

I heard that you have the key here. Please cooperate to open these warehouses.

The officer didn't give him any room to talk, which made Guo Feng's heart beat.

Sir, I can ask.

Don't ask yet. It's not too late for you to ask again after we finish the investigation.

Ha, good. Guo Feng laughed dryly and walked slowly towards the warehouse.

The officer standing at the back stared at the man. Judging from his many years of experience, there was definitely something wrong with the boss of the Nantai Society.

Guo Feng walked towards the warehouse step by step, and his face began to become more and more gloomy.

Magnetic card~

Soon the first warehouse was opened, and as the electric door curtain slowly rose, the soldiers behind him nervously aimed their guns inside.

The roller shutter opened, and there were piles of tiles and various types of scaffolding inside.

The soldiers inspected every corner meticulously, even the gaps between the tiles.

Such a meticulous inspection made Guo Feng even more nervous. As he walked towards the second warehouse, his other hand slowly reached into his pocket.

What are you doing? Put your hands out!

A cold gun muzzle was pressed against his lower back instantly. Guo Feng's whole body stiffened, and he gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand.

At the officer's signal, the soldier took the key from Guo Feng's hand and walked towards the second warehouse.

Guo Feng, as if his muscles had been pulled out, slumped on the ground helplessly, not even bothering to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

There was a sound of heavy footsteps, and the officer stood in front of Guo Feng, looking directly into his eyes:

Give you one last chance to tell me what's inside? If you take the initiative to tell me, you have another chance to survive.

At this time, the second warehouse door was also opened, and there were also some engineering equipment inside.

Guo Feng was silent and wanted to speak several times, but in the end he did not say anything. He shook his head as if talking to himself: It's useless, I will die if I say it. You'd better kill me now!


The officer suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed Guo Feng's collar, and lifted him up:

I tell you, whoever dares to bring the virus into the city will die. This is a matter of principle.

So let me ask you again, what is in the warehouse, and who is your behind-the-scenes instigator?

I, I, I said, I said, that person is.

Halfway through Guo Feng's words, his whole body seemed to be about to burst. His skin suddenly turned black and blue, with blood vessels and high bulges.

The officer was startled by the scene in front of him and quickly threw Guo Feng to the ground.

However, as soon as Guo Feng's front feet landed, his head exploded like those silver clones in the town of Elm Bay, growing a tentacled head like a snail.

Monster! Monster!


Kill it quickly!


Guo Feng's head exploded, just like a signal, the heads of several boys kneeling on the ground also exploded, and they attacked the soldiers responsible for guarding.

The two soldiers guarding the detector widened their eyes and quickly pulled the trigger to shoot at these disgusting monsters.

Due to the preparations made in advance, several monsters that suddenly transformed were instantly beaten into pieces before they could attack anyone.

The battle goes as quickly as it comes.

With this, everyone believed in the power of virus detectors. The leading officer looked at the monster lying on the ground, a look of deep worry flashing in his eyes.

Check it for me! Don't miss even the slightest bit of space, even the walls and the ground must be dug for me!

Sir! There's a metal box here.

A 24-inch metal box was lifted out by a soldier. On the front of the box, a silver eagle wing emblem was clearly printed on it.

Alice would definitely recognize her if she were here.

Because this round emblem is exactly the same as the one seen in Hushan Park in Gutao Town.

Report to the headquarters immediately. All the items found will be temporarily sealed and will not be opened without orders.

While there was chaos outside, Chen Chong returned to the revival meeting.

What he didn't expect was that Chris also came here and was having a lively chat with Wan Lun Ting.

The president is back!

I didn't come back for two days, and now the wall of the revival meeting has been completed. The tall and thick wall is stronger than the prison wall in Elm Bay Town.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Valen Ting shouted something in a slightly jerky Daxia script.

Chris was also excited when he saw Chen Chong coming back.

No wonder Chen Chong said that he could meet the people he wanted to see when he came to the revival meeting.

Back then, Jill and Chris were both members of the Raccoon City Rapid Response Force. When Chris came to Daxia, he never expected to meet his teammates in a foreign country.

And he still had a question in his mind.

That is, the Chen Chong in front of him seems to know himself, and also understands some things about himself. Even his relationship with Jill was clear.

Before Chris could ask, Lin Anqi ran out immediately.

No matter what other people think, he just grabbed Chen Chong's arm carelessly, lifted up Chen Chong's collar, looked at it as if inspecting an item, and kept saying:

Let me see if you are injured. Master, you are really running around all the time, which doesn't make people worry at all.

As he spoke, this girl started to lift up Chen Chong's trouser legs. Now Chen Chong became anxious and gently flicked Lin Anqi on the head.

Okay! Are you checking or frisking me?


Lin Anqi rubbed her little head dissatisfiedly, standing aside and staring at Chen Chong aggrievedly.

Chen Chong couldn't resist the resentment in the other party's eyes, so he naturally pretended not to notice, and greeted the backbone of the Renaissance Association who came out.

Zhang Zhigang, who never liked to join in the fun, uncharacteristically took the initiative to squeeze to the front.

When he came up, he winked at Chen Chong, and then motioned for Chen Chong to go and talk.

What's wrong, Lao Zhang?

President, in the past two days when you were away, I found that there were always people watching outside, and there were also people secretly taking photos.

Yesterday I lay in wait outside, ready to catch a few tongues. As a result, I overheard their conversation and found out that those people were from the military, and they came specifically for you.

Zhang Zhigang looked at Chen Chong with a worried look on his face, expecting that the other party would be a little nervous after hearing this.

But Chen Chong didn't even have any doubts, but smiled and patted his shoulder:

Old Zhang, you are very vigilant! I saw you right. However, there is no need to worry about this matter anymore. No matter which party is investigating me, no one can touch our revival meeting in the future.

Chen Chong's confident smile made Zhang Zhigang's eyes trance for a moment.

How confident do you have to be to say this? Is what this young president said true?

After dealing with Zhang Zhigang, Wang Hao and his party also came over.

But Chen Chong spoke first: Let all workers stop what they are doing now.

Zhao Xiaona, Wang Lin, you two took all the logistics and warehouse management staff and went to clean up the warehouse immediately.

The two women looked at each other in confusion, completely confused by Chen Chong's order.

When it comes to cleaning up the warehouse, isn’t it enough to have managers? What does it mean to ask all workers to stop?

President, have you obtained supplies again? Wang Lin looked at Chen Chong mischievously, If there are supplies, our logistics and warehouse personnel can handle them without any need for workers to work together.

Chen Chong turned to look at Wang Lin and smiled: Oh? Are you sure you're okay?

Wang Lin puffed up her modest chest and said confidently: Don't worry! If it's food, I can finish it no matter how much it is.

That's what you said.

As soon as he finished speaking, a military truck with a load of up to 100 tons slowly stopped in front of the gate.

Looking at the high piles of grain bags, Wang Lin happily ran out of the door.

Sir, is the food in the car for us?

The soldier in the cab smiled at the cute girl, then pointed at the grain truck that had covered half of the street, and said loudly:

Yes, not only this car, but also everyone blocked behind.

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