Under the deep sea, a submarine made of steel was moving forward rapidly.

A man wearing a black jacket with a stand-up collar and his eyebrows covered was standing upright in the lounge.

As the submarine shook slightly, the information in the man's hand also trembled slightly.

Leon, are you still studying this information?

At some point, a bearded man appeared at the door of the lounge.

The man holding the information slowly raised his head, revealing a slightly weathered face. This person is Agent Leon of the M Federal Biochemical Emergency Response Team.

Yes! This time I go to Daxia to negotiate, it all depends on these materials.

The bearded man sat on the bed with a look of displeasure on his face: Humph, what are you waiting for? We in the Federation have to look at other people's faces. If you ask me, we might as well detonate all the nuclear bombs and kill Umbrella and all those who don't cooperate. Erase!”

Leon smiled and handed the information in his hand to the bearded man:

Take a look at these. You won't think so after reading this.

In the document, photos of all kinds of strange infected bodies were listed. Some monsters know the horror of such things just by looking at them.

Where do these monsters come from? Why haven't I seen any of them? Hey! Leon, aren't they asking you to negotiate with these synthetic things?

Leon shook his head and his expression suddenly became serious: These are not composite pictures, they are real.

What? You must be lying, right? Although I have never seen most of them, the monster in this picture is obviously a licker. It's just that you added an extra head to it. And this Predator, how come it has black and red tentacles growing on its head?

Devin, do you remember the Umbrella laboratory we destroyed last week?

The bearded man danced and said, Oh~ of course I remember. Two bastards suddenly ran out and almost bit my little brother!

This information was found in the black box in the laboratory, and a new virus was found in the culture vessel we brought back.

New virus?

Yes, this virus is formed by fusing the G virus, the T virus, and a 'black virus' that has never been seen before. Ambrey calls it the 'Z virus'!

Z virus? Oh my god! Leon, don't lie to me. This world is bad enough. I also want to get rid of Umbrella as soon as possible and retire in peace.

Devin reached out his big hand in annoyance and scratched his scalp.

Devin, we have no retreat. Alliance with Daxia is the only way we can defeat Umbrella. They still retain a strong military power, maybe uh... um...

Just as he was talking, the blood vessels in Leon's body suddenly bulged, and he fell to the ground in pain, twitching non-stop.

Leon! What's wrong with you, Leon? The bearded man held Leon's body hard, trying to help him to the bed. Unintentionally, the button on Leon's cuffs burst open, revealing a syringe mark composed of four petals.

Seeing this mark, Big Beard immediately understood: Leon, you bastard! You actually injected yourself with the evolution reagent! Why! Why!

Did you know that the success rate of this kind of thing is only 10%! You will become a monster!

No. Devin, I have no choice. I have to become stronger. If I become a monster, you kill me.

No! You bastard! I will never forgive you! Get up!

Looking at Leon, whose eyes were blurred and his breathing was gradually disappearing, the bearded man took out his pistol with tears on his face.

Research on evolutionary reagents had already begun when Raccoon City was destroyed. However, the performance of this reagent is very unstable.

Until now, only people bitten by zombies would be forced to inject evolutionary reagents to improve their luck.

But Leon was the only one who took the initiative to inject this reagent without any damage.

[Wanjiang City·Underground Warehouse]

The fight between No. 2 and the mutant hunter continued, and the fierce battle attracted Alice and No. 1.

King, what kind of monster is that?

Alice looked at Wang Hao curiously.

It looks like a predator, but I can't figure out how it could become like this.

As early as two months ago, Chen Chong established an infectious agent research class in the Fuxing Association. The main task of the research class is to popularize the types of infectious agents that exist outside and their special abilities.

Now, if you take any member of the Revival Society and place him somewhere else, you can call him an expert on infectious agents.

Of course Alice knew it very well.


While the two were chatting, No. 1 had already entered the battle circle and launched an attack on the monster.

The monster was caught off guard by the addition of Number One. The situation that originally suppressed No. 2 was instantly reversed.

Waves of energy mist stirred up the dust around the battle circle.

Two super soldiers who were over two meters tall were fighting with a monster that was only the size of a monkey. No matter how you looked at it, it looked like two adults bullying a child.

Soon, under the joint attack of No. 1 and No. 2, the monster's tentacle was grabbed by No. 1 and pulled off fiercely.

The hunter who lost his tentacles was still not dead. It struggled to escape from the encirclement of the two men, but No. 2 unexpectedly found the opportunity and suddenly threw the monster to the ground with a sudden hug.

A stream of black blood flowed from the monster's head. If you look carefully, you can see that the holes in the head actually have fine flesh sprouts growing out.

Seeing such a powerful monster, Warren Ting and Chris were also a little surprised.

Especially Chris, he always felt that the monster's tentacles were somewhat similar to the virus in his body. But there are some essential differences.

Captain, all weapons and ammunition have been transported.

Have you found the instruments the doctor needs?

Found it, now it's loaded into the car.

Wang Hao glanced at the fully loaded truck, and then looked at Alice: This mission is completed, the president asked us to take the spare convoy and load a batch of arms and supplies to Gutao Town to pick up people.

Alice nodded: I'm going to get rid of that monster. Jill! Chris! I'll leave the supply convoy to you!

The long convoy split into two groups, and Warren Ting and Chris returned to Linzhou City with the goods.

Alice, Wang Hao, and No. 1 No. 2 went to Gutao Town to meet up with Chen Chong.

Before leaving, Alice gave Chris the corpses of the dead mutant hunter and the long-tongued monster to take back with him.

Sitting in the swaying van, Chris stared blankly into the distance.

Valen Ting grabbed a bag of imported candies found in the warehouse and handed them to Chris:

What are you thinking about?

Chris took the candy and threw it into his mouth:

I want to leave.

To save Claire?


Have you found a way to leave? Claire is in Antarctica!

Not yet, but I think I might give it a try.

Valen Ting took a deep breath and paused: Why don't you tell Chen? Maybe he can help you.

Chris shook his head: I can see that he carries a lot on his shoulders. And every time I get close to him, I always feel like I am very dependent on him. This feeling is very strange!

Dependent? Warren Ting looked at Chris in surprise. Unexpectedly, the word 'dependence' would come out of Chris' mouth.

Jill, I found that you have a special feeling for Chen. Have you fallen in love with him?

The corners of Jill's mouth unconsciously raised a little arc:

I don't know, but I think he feels very safe. I was rescued by him before, and then followed him to Linzhou City, just to find Alice.

But after I saw Alice that day, I suddenly realized that I didn’t seem to want to leave here.

I don’t want to go wandering, and I don’t want to live in those days where I can’t sleep well every day and people are chasing me everywhere.

He is a good person and has the ability to protect everyone.

Chris, maybe you should talk to him. I think he will definitely help you.

Chris smiled and didn't answer, but he was replaying a scene over and over in his mind.

I remember lying on the bed in that small town. When he was dying, he saw Chen Chong biting his finger and dripping a few drops of blood from his mouth.

It seemed that from that moment on, he had a blind sense of trust in Chen Chong. This kind of trust seemed to be innate, which made him very puzzled.

He guessed that this situation was related to Chen Chong's blood, and even thought about the time when he was controlled by the other party. However, for such a long time, Chen Chong did not actively ask him to do anything. The only job he had in the Fuxing Association was the one he found for himself.

If you think about it carefully, Chen Chong is really special. Even Warren Ting and Alice, who have always been strong, seemed to find Chen Chong trustworthy after meeting him.

Maybe I really should talk to Chen Chong.

[Gutao Town·Qianling Mountain Base]

Zheng Ping's office door suddenly opened.

Old Zheng! Oh no! Du Biao and the people from the third battalion have occupied most of the base with the residents who are unwilling to move.

What? He. What happened to him? He also agreed when we had a meeting before!

Zheng Ping looked at the second battalion commander in disbelief.

Oh! I heard about it. It was because Professor Su's daughter shot Du Shijie with a gun, and then Du Biao wanted to arrest him, but Chen Chong stopped him.

Now Lao Du has said that he wants to part ways with us. Nearly 7,000 survivors now follow him.

Zheng Ping frowned and asked, Did everyone follow him voluntarily, or were they forced?

It's all voluntary. We don't want to take the risk of going on the road. We are also afraid that we will have no food if we go to Linzhou City. The second battalion commander looked at Zheng Ping seriously, Old Zheng, have you asked Chen Chong? He can really guarantee everyone's safety. Is it safe? There are so many people in Linzhou City, can he ensure everyone’s food rations?

Zheng Ping nodded affirmatively: I believe in Chen Chong's character and his abilities. You have also seen that the giant Chen Chong rides on is powerful!

With it, how difficult would it be to even push a city?

The Second Battalion Commander finally felt relieved: That's right, Brother Chen is really a god! We are lucky to be able to follow him. This time I have decided. When we enter Linzhou City, all the brothers in the Second Battalion including Everyone, including myself, obeys Brother Chen’s arrangements.

Lao Zheng, I know you have a good relationship with Brother Chen. Remember to say good things to the brothers in the Second Battalion and don't treat them badly.

Zheng Ping patted the second battalion commander on the shoulder: Don't worry, I know Chen Chong's character. When we came out of the science and technology park, he was the one who led away the zombie dogs. There is nothing wrong with following such a person. of.

What about Lao Du and the others?

Oh! Let's get together and break up. If we have to take people away, there will really be conflicts! Let's discuss it with Chen Chong and see if we can bring less supplies and leave more for Lao Du and the others.

As soon as Zheng Ping finished speaking, Chen Chong's voice sounded outside the door.

There's no need to discuss it. Since Battalion Commander Du doesn't want to leave, let's leave everything in the base to him! Including weapons and ammunition.

Seeing Chen rushing in, both of them were stunned.

These weapons and ammunition are no joke. We have nearly a thousand people under our command. Where are you going to get so many weapons?

Chen Chong pointed outside the house: You two, come with me down the mountain to have a look?

On the road in the distance, a long line of large military trucks lined up in a straight line and drove towards Gutao Town.

The soldiers guarding the mountainside became vigilant when they saw this situation.

On top of the leading truck stood a blonde woman. The zombies on both sides of the road kept running towards the convoy, but they were bounced away by an invisible barrier.

Two tall soldiers, like gods of war, ran on both sides of the convoy, knocking away zombies blocking the way.

Quickly report to your superiors that unknown armed forces are approaching! Everyone is ready to fight!

Captain, Chief Zheng Ping is here! There is also the Divine Envoy!

It's better now! With the help of God, you won't be afraid of anyone coming.

Chen Chong, is the convoy over there your power?

They were all military heavy trucks, and the members of the convoy were all wearing equipment armed to the teeth.

Even the special forces on Qianling Mountain cannot compare to such an armed force.

Chen Chong smiled and said nothing. He took out a communicator from his hand and communicated with Wang Hao in front of Zheng Ping and the second battalion commander:

Wang Hao, bring the convoy over here. I'll wait for you on the mountain!

Understood, President!

After hearing the conversation between the two, the second battalion commander and Zheng Ping looked at each other with expressions of joy on their faces.

With such a team escorting us, safety on the road is absolutely guaranteed.

As the convoy gradually approached, a huge noise also attracted everyone's attention.

Looking down from the mountain, it's easy to see the contents of military trucks.

The first three large trucks were filled with various weapons. They range from bullets and pistols to rifles and artillery. Each large truck with a load of hundreds of tons was full of three.

The big card at the back holds even more stuff. Rarely found red wine, chocolate beans, cigarettes, and a whole truckload of them.

All kinds of meat and canned fruits were piled so high that they almost fell out of the truck bed.

Seeing so many supplies at the foot of the mountain, some soldiers' saliva flowed to the base of their necks.

Zheng Ping couldn't help but pursed his lips: What do these things mean?

Chen Chong stretched out his hand and made an invitation gesture to Zheng Ping:

These are meeting gifts and can also be considered as moving expenses.

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