The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 247 0020. Chen Chong’s fate

Intense flesh and blood spasms, bulging in Chen Chong's arms.

The powerful flesh and blood energy of the finishing move once again put him in a situation where his arms were swelling.

The eight-armed master seemed to realize that something was wrong. It felt an extremely dangerous aura in this human being.

Out of the parasite's fear of death, the eight-armed master slowly stopped.

He began to summon the surrounding infected bodies and launched an attack on Chen Chong who was charging.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of infected bodies swarmed towards Chen Chong.

They pounced on Chen Chong's body without fear of death.

A hellhound with a split head bit into Chen Chong's bulging left arm with two rows of sharp fangs.

Chen Chong frowned slightly, gritted his teeth, endured the severe pain of being bitten, and gathered strength regardless.

The moment the sharp teeth pierced the skin, an extremely violent force spurted out along the gap in the skin.

The Cerberus, which was greedily tearing at flesh and blood, was suddenly hit by this force.

The dark red flesh and blood was instantly transformed into a puddle of flesh by the black light energy.

However, the zombies did not stop attacking because of Cerberus' tragic fate.

The huge two-headed licker suddenly swooped down from the sky.

The long scarlet tongue wrapped around Chen Chong's neck and pulled hard.

At the same time, several lickers came and entangled one after another, as if they had made an appointment, and Chen Chong's hands and feet pulled hard.

It seemed that he wanted to use this primitive method to interrupt Chen Chong's energy accumulation.

Chen Chong clenched his fists tightly, and the large black and red bloodshot threads under his feet were like a carpet, cocooned and clinging to the ground.

Just when Licker and Chen Chong were in a stalemate, a loud roar came from the street entrance of the city.

Chen Chong took a closer look, and a deformed monster with no left arm and a body larger than the black light master appeared in his sight.

【Picture Book】

[Race: One-eyed Mammon]

[Status: alienation, evolution,]

[Level: 5]

【Life: 7000】

【Strength: 57】

【Defense: 39】

[Physical strength: ∞]

[Speed: 25]

[Talent skills: 1. Infection: Carrying a deadly virus, causing genetic mutation of the target through biting and scratching. Ineffective against organisms with higher viral resistance.

2. Violent strike: forcefully dominate the body with kinetic energy! Incidental area damage! Strength +30%

3. Catalytic virus: Inject a special virus in the body into the target, forcing it to transform into the same kind. 】

[Danger level: 4 stars]

This monster is the size of a super soldier. Its right arm was stretched almost from shoulder to sole.

But the head is pitifully small, only the size of a monkey's head. The entire face has only one eye in the middle of the brow, and a large mouth full of sharp teeth horizontally below.

Turns out that’s it!

Chen Chong had seen this monster before in the mutant infected body information provided by He Hua. I just didn't expect that this monster didn't mutate due to the nuclear explosion.

As soon as the one-eyed Mammon appeared, she showed a unique tendency to violence.

A hunter who responded to the call of the eight-armed master just passed in front of it and was knocked away by its huge right arm.

This miserable hunter didn't even understand why, half of his body had been crushed, and he was lying on the ground dying.


The big mouth full of sharp teeth let out a scream, and then the one-eyed mammon assumed the same posture as Goliath, raised its right arm flat in front of the body, and accelerated towards Chen Chong with a clear target.

not good!

Chen Chong sighed secretly, his heart tightening in vain.

At this moment, the energy accumulation of the finishing move was stuck at 70% for some reason. No matter how he mobilized the flesh and blood energy, he could not make any progress.

You must know that when dealing with a level three Goliath, he used 100% of his energy to barely injure the opponent.

Now facing a monster that is not a level four Goliath, 70% of the energy released may not even be able to defeat half of the opponent's life.

No! I can't stop like this! This is the only chance!

The bloodshot threads under his feet instantly became denser and thicker, and even his legs were instantly wrapped in black bloodshot threads.

As the ground shook slightly, One-Eyed Mamen's giant arm carried the power of thunder, knocking away many besieging infected bodies, and then slammed into Chen Chong's chest.


A burning feeling burst out in his chest, and Chen Chong felt a sweetness in his throat, and a stream of sticky blood mixed with some organs spurted out of his mouth.

The black and red blood threads adhering to the feet broke apart one by one, and the large areas of wet soil and ruins were shaken to the ground for the second time.

[The host's body is damaged and its health is reduced by 28%! 】

【warn! warn! The host's health dropped by 30%! The body's genetic sequence is collapsing! 】

In an instant, Chen Chong's body shook like chaff. The accumulation of flesh and blood energy from the finishing move emptied his body. The severe damage made the little flesh and blood energy in his body become even scarcer.



The one-eyed Mammon's giant arm punched Chen Chong's body one after another. Seeing the four-dimensional attributes declining continuously, Chen Chong simply launched an indiscriminate devouring of flesh and blood at the infected bodies attacking all around!

Eight thick chains of flesh and blood spurted out and inserted straight into the surrounding infected bodies.

Among them, the one-eyed mammon on the front is the most miserable, with four chains shot directly from the chest piercing deeply into the body.

The one-eyed Mammon let out a loud wail, and bit into one of the meat chains with a big mouth full of sharp teeth.

The pain like tearing flesh and blood made Chen Chong's expression even crazier.

At this moment, he was like a bloodthirsty demon, no matter how these infected bodies struggled or the pain in his body, he only focused on devouring flesh and blood.

Even if one of them is bitten off, there are still three flesh and blood chains devouring the flesh and blood in its body crazily. For a moment, the monster was completely panicked.

It desperately raised its right arm and hit Chen Chong with all its strength, trying to escape the fate of being swallowed up.

Chen Chong's body and face were constantly hit with large wounds. The degree of damage to his body was even more horrifying than that of some zombies that had been rotting for months.

But every time a wound appears, dense granulation will fill it in the next second.

The black and red blood threads kept surging, dissipating, surging, and dissipating again.

Absorbing and being beaten at the same time, this repetition for a while actually fell into a strange balance.

Due to the issue of hesitation space, there are only a few zombies around Chen Chong that can attack him, and there are only so many that can cause him damage.

As zombies are devoured one after another, there will be other zombies to replace them.

It's just that the wound can heal, but the pain is hard to erase.

At this moment, Chen Chong was experiencing unspeakable pain, and even his soul began to twitch.

What kept him from falling and waking up from the brink of fainting many times was only the obsession in his heart to kill the eight-armed master.

The one-eyed Mammon in front of her was beating with increasingly weaker strength. Its body also shrunk to the same size as the Dominator at a speed visible to the naked eye.

finally! The eight-armed master who was watching on the side couldn't help it anymore. He waved eight different arms, and two sickle-like upper limbs took the lead in slashing at Chen Chong's head.

A fatal sense of crisis came, Chen Chong's eyes widened, and he quickly retracted the flesh and blood chain.

The whole person jumped into the sky with all his strength, raised his two arms that expanded several times, and stabbed hard at the feet of the eight-armed master.

Thousands of tentacles! End everything!

Dense chains of flesh and blood rose from the ground, and the building that was already in ruins was destroyed a second time by the new production chains.

The eight-armed master trapped deep inside let out an impatient howl. The eight arms on his back surround his body like a catfish.

A pair of thick biochemical shield arms were placed horizontally under the body, blocking most of the chain impacts.

A large amount of smoke and dust rose up, and the infected bodies within a radius of fifty meters were almost wiped out.

Even the powerful one-eyed Mamon had a chain pierced through his right arm and head, and received the lunch directly.

Liu Quan, who ran out of the city in one breath, heard a huge noise behind him and couldn't help but look back.

Looking at the black and red chains that went straight into the sky, Liu Quan was so shocked that he could hardly speak.

It's him!

It's really him!

The man who left black thorns and chains everywhere in Gutao Town turned out to be Chen Chong.

To this day, he still remembers the scene when he and Duan Feng saw the chain piercing the helicopter.

This kind of chain made of unknown material can not only penetrate the metal shell of the aircraft, but even the main body of the building made of concrete and steel bars cannot stop it.

Maybe Brother Chong can defeat that monster! Maybe I don't need to be so pessimistic at all.

Thinking of this, Liu Quan suddenly became excited. He ran all the way, climbed up to a relatively high residential building, and looked at the central area of ​​the chain from a distance.


A deep roar broke through the smoke and dust and went straight into Liu Quan's ears.

As the smoke dissipated, the eight-armed figure with a particularly obvious figure appeared in the eyes, but the eight-armed master was not in a good condition at the moment.

Although the biochemical shield blocked most of the chains, because of its huge body, three chains still penetrated its body.

A pair of spider legs on the back were cut off at the heel, and even one of the uppermost blade arms was broken off.

The appearance of the eight-armed master destroyed Liu Quan's last hope. Although he didn't have the same illustration ability as Chen Chong, just by listening to the deep cry from this monster, he could tell that this guy's injuries were not serious.

Liu Quan carefully searched for Chen Chong, but the person he would never forget for the rest of his life still did not appear.

Brother Chong! Just wait! I will definitely avenge you! Blast this beast to death!

If Liu Quan had waited a moment longer, he would have gotten what he wanted.

As early as the moment he launched the finishing move, Chen Chong knew the result of this blow.

When the eight-armed master had no time to take care of himself, Chen Chong had already rushed to the infected corpses and started devouring them crazily.

He has not lost this battle yet, as long as he has enough flesh and blood energy.

As long as you can seize the opportunity.

If the ultimate skill doesn't work once, try it a second or third time.

After enduring a wave of finishing moves, the Eight-Armed Lord's health only dropped by 20%. The pain of broken limbs made the monster's temperament become manic.

The biochemical shield with two holes poked out angrily hit the ruins on the ground.

The huge force caused the entire ground that had been hollowed out to collapse.


The eight-petaled mouthparts suddenly opened, and a large parasite tail stretched out from the mouthparts.

I saw the tail swaying a few times along with the air flow, and then suddenly looked towards where Chen Chong was.

Good guy! It turns out this thing is the organ that tracks scent!

Chen Chong's eyes lit up, his hands turned into blades, and he calmed down and waited for the opportunity.

The eight-armed master strenuously spread his legs and ran towards Chen Chong.

With his tall body and extraordinary speed, he was in front of Chen Chong in the blink of an eye.

Facing such a huge size and irresistible strength, Chen Chong did not dare to step forward and fight hard. His figure was like electricity, his blood-streaked legs jumped hard, and his whole body moved sideways in mid-air like a flexible ape.

The Lord's running stirred up smoke and dust in the sky, and the already broken ground was shaken tens of meters high by its violent power.

Chen Chong's sword arm stood horizontally in front of him, blocking all the flying gravel.

When the eight-armed master raised his arms, a huge hole with a diameter of four meters appeared on the ground.

Looking at such a huge pothole, a chill came over my heart.

Only at this moment did he truly see the power of this monster. With hundreds of power attributes and double ability blessings, not to mention his own body, not even the earth can bear it.

In vain, a huge blade arm swept over Chen Chong's head, and the roaring wind brought out a series of surging energy fluctuations.

Chen Chong bent over and jumped out to the side. Unexpectedly, the eight-armed master had already anticipated Chen Chong's movements, and the biochemical shield that covered the sky and the sun immediately hit Chen Chong.

Seeing that he couldn't avoid it, a large black-red bloodshot instantly formed in front of him. The big one and the small one used quick biochemical shields to fight hard.

The violent concussion of power caused Chen Chong's energy and blood to surge. His small body was like a ping pong ball that was blown away by a racket, and shot straight out. Two buildings collapsed in succession and fell to the ground hard.

The system's warning prompts never stopped from the beginning of the battle.

With the huge disparity in strength, it was simply a miracle that Chen Chong could persist for such a long time.

【warn! warn! The genetic sequence of the host body is collapsing! Form transformation is about to close! 】

The blood-streaked biochemical shield dissipated on its own without Chen Chong's control.

Chen Chong staggered out of the ruins. At this moment, he found that he could no longer transform into any form, and even his finishing moves and other skills could not be used.

The flesh and blood energy in the body seemed to be solidified and could not be mobilized at all.

Spitting out a mouthful of turbid blood, Chen Chong turned around with difficulty and looked at the eight-armed master walking towards him step by step, showing a helpless smile.

Perhaps, this result will be my final fate!

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