The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 250 0023. Biochemical Experiment Area

Two speeding cars collided fiercely on the chaotic road, and the flying car parts involved the following vehicles in the disaster.

The window of the shop on the corner was shattered by the huge explosion. Several people who were running for their lives in panic were accidentally scratched by the glass. Before they could scream, the zombies that followed had already thrown them to the ground.

Back up! Back up! Everyone keep order!

A group of police and soldiers established a simple defense line on the roadside relying on roadblocks, cordons, and a few police cars.

Facing the fleeing crowd in Wuyang Wuyang, the police were at their wits' end.

At this moment, people and man-eating monsters were mixed together, and there were screams and roars everywhere.

The police captain leading the team, Jon Felick, had no choice but to ask his superiors for help, but his phone number had been busy for more than an hour.


Jon angrily threw the communicator in his hand to the ground. Several young policemen around him were trembling slightly and looked over with longing eyes.

He knew that his men were waiting for the order to retreat. He also knew very well that just a few of them could not stop chaos on this scale.

“Tok, go and bring the sprinkler truck over there, and we’ll use that big guy to block this place.

Tommy! Go blow up the fence over there, we're going to take the high ground!

Instructions came from the captain's mouth one after another. The two young policemen followed him and climbed up to the roof on the left side of the street from the external climbing ladder.

Viewed from a height, the entire street was completely in chaos, and the densely packed 'thugs' in the back half of the street had converged into a black torrent rushing towards the defense line here.

The two policemen who followed him looked into the distance with pale faces. At this moment, they were very grateful that their captain led them to the top of the building.

Sir, do we still have to hold on?

Yes! Jon said firmly, We must trust our superiors, they will handle all this.

In the villa, the blond old man held a phone in his hand and looked at Chen Chong with pleading eyes:

Sir, although I know this is ridiculous, I still want to ask you to help us.

The child's mother is in the hospital now, and I can't get there with my old bones.

The old man's daughter-in-law is an emergency department doctor in the municipal hospital, and the other party on the call just now is already trapped in the hospital.

Now that the son is dead, there are three people in the house: an old man in his seventies, a seven-year-old child, and Chen Chong, a disabled person with no lower body.

Asking a person with a lower body disability to go to the hospital to save people, even the old man himself felt a little hot on his face.

Rescue people? Have you thought about it? The situation in the hospital may be worse than outside.

Chen Chong said calmly, but his eyes had secretly turned on the heat sensing ability to observe the situation on the street.

The old man touched little Ethan's head with one hand, with a somewhat struggling expression on his face.

On one side is his daughter-in-law, and on the other is his underage grandson. If his old bones died outside, Ethan would probably not survive.

Sir, I have already thought about it. I will take Ethan with me to find his mother. The old man looked down at Ethan and asked kindly, Ethan, let's go find your mother together, okay?


Chen Chong said nothing more, made a silent gesture to the two of them, and then quietly slipped into the yard.

Looking up at the sky, there was no sun in such a clear day.

As expected!

Chen Chong smiled secretly and immediately understood where he was.

I remember what Professor Qin told me when he caught him in Wanjiang City.

Umbrella built an underground testing base that can simulate various countries and cities.

They simulated the outbreak of the T virus in the island country and showed it to the military in Daxia. They in turn simulated the outbreak of the virus in Daxia, and then demonstrated it to the island country.

And in the Resident Evil movie, Alice was once imprisoned here. Thanks to the ground team sent by Wesker and the cooperation of Ada Wang, she was brought out.

The place where Chen Chong is now is probably also a place similar to a simulation experiment.

And this city is not as big as imagined, maybe only a few simple streets. As for the old man and the little boy, they are just clones produced in batches by Umbrella.

Just implant a memory into them, and they will start playing their respective roles in different identities.

Under the observation of the heat-sensing ability, there was a zombie walking towards this place twenty meters away from the opposite side of the small courtyard.

Chen Chong grabbed the low wall and climbed over it, successfully climbing out of the wall. When the zombies saw a human appearing, they immediately rushed toward Chen Chong with red eyes.

It's just that this unlucky zombie doesn't know that he is the real prey.

[Swallow activation]

Eight thick chains of flesh and blood suddenly shot out from Chen Chong's chest and back and pierced into the zombie's body.

In an instant, the zombie's body began to shrink rapidly. A large amount of flesh and blood energy poured into the body, and the refreshing feeling of a long drought almost made Chen Chong moan in comfort. As the flesh and blood energy in the body began to increase, fine black and red granules began to squirm from the incision on the waist.

A zombie was quickly devoured, and the flesh and blood energy contained within it was only 17%.

Then Chen Chong turned his attention to the yard across the street. Under the observation of the heat sense, there were three transformed zombies being locked up in the yard.

Chen Chong clung to the door with his arms and rolled in as nimbly as an ape.

A bald zombie spotted him immediately. Just as he was about to stretch out his hand to scratch, Chen Chong broke his neck and devoured him greedily.

Three minutes later, when the last zombie in the yard was devoured, Chen Chong's body finally grew back, and his new legs didn't feel unfamiliar at all.

As expected of a virus that can survive a nuclear explosion. It's really strong!

Feeling the explosive power in his body, Chen Chong raised his foot and kicked the big iron door of the villa out.

The loud noise quickly attracted a small wave of zombies. Facing the greedy faces, Chen Chong smiled slightly and opened his arms to these blood packs.

At the same time, Chen Chong's every move was completely displayed on a huge monitor.

Wesker, wearing a crisp suit, was standing in front of the screen and watching it seriously. When he saw Chen Chong devouring zombies and slowly recovering his body, an imperceptible smile appeared on his lips.

Red Queen, calculate his current energy response.

Didi didi didi

A reminder sounded, and a series of rising and falling numbers appeared on the left half of the screen.

[Detection target: Biochemical man Chen Chong]

[Type of virus: HL black virus]

[Vitality: continues to increase]

[Power fluctuation: 22]

[Defense level: 22]

[Speed: to be tested]

Wesker looked at the data on the screen and fell into thinking, while the Red Queen on the side took the initiative to explain:

The target's strength value changes too frequently, and it is currently impossible to directly assess it through data.

Wesker frowned and then smiled: If you can't directly assess it, let him show his true colors. Release the executioner and I want to see where his limit is.

Okay! The executioner is ready!


In the gray sky, several muffled thunders sounded suddenly.

Sheriff Jon raised his head and glanced at the sky in confusion. At this moment, the police officer beside him suddenly screamed and pointed tremblingly into the distance.

Sir! What is that?

Looking in the direction of the police officer's finger, a three-meter-tall giant with a coarse sack on his head was slowly walking from the end of the street, dragging a giant ax with one hand.

Even the thugs who bit anyone they saw took the initiative to make way for this big man.

Such a weird scene stunned several people, including Jon.

Jon, who was in a daze, quickly reacted. He immediately raised the muzzle of his gun and aimed at the big man.

Attention! That big guy is probably the leader of these thugs.

Until now, these clones with programmed memories still think that the zombies below are irrational thugs.

After hearing Jon's analysis, the two police officers agreed very much. After all, the news said that the first riot was a group of miners, but the appearance of the executioner was more in line with this temperament.

Several people enthusiastically picked up their guns, preparing to capture the leader, quell the chaos, and embark on a glorious path to promotion and wealth.

Unexpectedly, the 'leader' holding a giant ax turned around and walked towards another street.

Sir, he went to the villa area.

Villa area?

After devouring more than ten zombies in succession, Chen Chong's health finally returned to its peak.

Walking to the old man's villa, Chen Chong was hesitating whether to take these two clones with him. Suddenly, a sound of metal scraping against the ground sounded from a distance.


Chen Chong turned to look ahead and saw a tall executioner holding a sharp ax appearing in his field of vision.

Hey! Is it starting so soon?

Chen Chong raised his head and smiled at the gray sky. He knew very well that the game surrounding him had already begun.

The moment he saw Chen Chong, the executioner immediately raised the giant ax that was dragging on the ground above his head. The tall figure was striding towards this direction with an indomitable power.

Every time the executioner took a step, the whole street trembled.

Chen Chong narrowed his eyes slightly. In an instant, the monster's data had been captured by the illustrated book.

Wesker stood in front of the screen and quietly watched the confrontation between the two, his eyes under his sunglasses flashing with a faint light.

Red Queen, prepare data records and save his battle data.

As you wish, the battle record has been opened.

As soon as he finished speaking, the battle between Chen Chong and the executioner had already begun.

The huge sharp ax struck Chen Chong's head accurately with a clear sound of breaking through the air.

Chen Chong waited quietly without dodging or dodging. The moment the cold light of the ax blade hit his face, he slightly bent his legs and struck the executioner's head with a simple straight punch.

For a moment, the world seemed to become pure. The three policemen standing on the top of the building looking over were stunned.

The old man who was peeking behind the villa door was dumbfounded.

Everything that happened before them was like filming a movie.

The man who was half disabled before was now fully grown in less than ten minutes. And he even knocked out a tall giant with one punch!

The fluctuation is 10 points. When he punched just now, the value increased by 10 points compared to our previous estimate. Do you want to release the next biochemical weapon?

The Red Queen reported the test data meticulously.

Wesker paused: Who's next?

Red Queen: The first generation of the King of Destruction, the H-9 Slayer.

Wesker shook his head: No need, just release the tyrant! The Slayer can't force him to reveal his true strength.


Several streams of white gas spurted out, and two five-meter-high metal columns slowly rose up from the originally smooth street.

Sheriff Jon, who had just recovered from the shock, was immediately attracted by this sudden abnormal situation.

What is that? Why is there a mechanism under the street in the villa area?

His question is destined to be answered by no one. The clone's memory is just a blank piece of paper, and of course they have no way of knowing what is on the paper.

The huge metal cylinder cracked, and two tall tyrants sandwiched Chen Chong in the middle.

No dialogue, no preparation time.

As soon as the two tyrants appeared, they attacked Chen Chong with a clear target.

At the same time, fists as big as Pu fan hit Chen Chong. The earth wailed and the streets collapsed.

Dense black bloodshot threads gathered on the arm, and a slender black tendril stretched rapidly, accurately wrapping around the tyrant's wrist.

The tyrant standing in front of Chen Chong raised his fist and tried to shake him away. Who knew that the seemingly insignificant Chen Chong was actually stronger than the tyrant.

The tyrant's punch was not thrown away. Instead, Chen Chong pulled him hard, and his whole body uncontrollably hit the tyrant who was coming from behind.

The two tyrants couldn't avoid it, and the tyrant behind punched the other tyrant in the face, breaking half of his face instantly.

At the same time as the two collided, Chen Chong had already retracted the tendril. With the help of the tyrant's body, he stepped out of the battle circle.

The tyrant who came from behind had no compunction about accidentally injuring his teammates. He raised his legs and crossed his companions' bodies. The metal outer armor he wore fell off layer by layer, revealing a muscular body that could crush any bodybuilding champion.

Bang bang bang!

Jon, who was lying on the roof of the building, finally couldn't stand it anymore. He suddenly pulled the trigger and fired three shots at the tall monster.

The bullet hit the tyrant's head accurately, and all three shots in a row were bounced away.

Jon stared in disbelief, and all the courage he had finally summoned was drained away in an instant.

Oh! No. It's not true, tell me! It's not true!

Oh my god! Look, that guy.


Two fists, one big and one small, collided. Chen Chong put a single fist on the tyrant's giant fist, waved a tendril with his right hand, wrapped it around the tyrant's neck and used his strength to throw it. His four-meter-high body was like a sack that was thrown away, and he aimed accurately towards the tyrant who had just climbed up from the ground. The tyrant flew away.

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