The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 109: The past with the emperor

Obviously, the emperor did not get any benefits, but was promoting the strength of the opponent's family, but in fact, as the issuer, he later controlled the imperial examination step by step.

Therefore, within a few years, he became a true "Emperor Master", and all those who passed the examinations from him were his disciples, and those disciples, no matter where they came from, had to honour him.

As a result, the position of the Shen family became stronger and stronger, and those concubines who secretly traded and promoted with him would also become the backbone of his hiding in the dark.

When Xie Linlang made this proposal, many of the staff around the emperor thought she was whimsical and absolutely impossible to pass. After all, whoever dared to touch the interests of the family's direct line was against them!

Only the emperor's wise eyes knew the bead and found the feasibility of it, so she looked at her with admiration.

This imperial examination proposal may seem risky, but the intention is far-reaching, and it is difficult to implement in practice. After it is resolved, all the gains are gained.

The emperor saw the situation a few years later, and understood that once he succeeds, he will become the biggest winner.

And Xie Linlang put forward such a plan, in fact, she also has her own careful thinking.

Without the imperial examination, ordinary people would have no way to rise. Once there was an imperial examination, even the leftovers of the nobles would be enough for them.

This was a very crucial step that she secretly took. As long as a civilian can climb up in this way, it will lead to a series of chain reactions.

Unfortunately, in the few years after the imperial examinations were implemented, no civilians could climb up. This was mainly limited by education. Generally speaking, civilians did not have the opportunity to obtain "higher education."

So later, Xie Linlang tried to deepen this influence step by step. First, he encouraged the emperor to set up a Chinese Academy to provide civilians with a way to obtain educational resources. Second, he practiced by himself, took part in the palace exam, obtained the champion, and became a role model for civilians.

It can be said that whether it is to promote the imperial examination or to encourage the imperial teacher to establish a national school, this has deepened the imperial teacher's influence in the court and the people.

Once civilians become officials in the future, although the power of other families will be reduced, the Shen family will definitely become stronger.

She would consider the emperor in this way, in addition to her own careful thoughts, she also thanked him for his rescue in the first place.

In return, the emperor also valued her more and more. This kind of value made her gradually realize the touch of "teacher's grace like a mountain", so the relationship between them has become mutually beneficial from the beginning and has become close.

It's just that when Xie Linlang first became a teacher, she told the emperor that one of the reasons she worked hard to become stronger was to really do something good, and the other was to repay the queen's life-saving grace.

She did not clearly say what this life-saving grace was, but expressed her determination to repay her. The Emperor also agreed to her at the time, saying that she would definitely tell her if there was any situation.

As a result, she grew up a bit later, and in many things, her differences with the emperor became bigger and bigger.

At the beginning, she cared about feelings, and often gave in silently, because it was not easy to know that the emperor was in that position, and because he was really good to herself.

But the queen's matter has become a fuse. She suddenly realized that the emperor is very good, but they are indeed not people on the same road.

The emperor cares more about the family than the country, and because of some of the tragedies she has experienced personally, she wants the country to cheer up rather than the individual.

She couldn't say that the emperor was wrong. After all, the environment determines the mind, and there is no way to blame the queen on him. After all, he kept it from her. In a sense, it was indeed a kind of protection.

So the only thing she can do is to give her the emperor's teacher, and give it back to him. If he is in trouble in the future, she will still help, but she has reached a dead end on his way. If she does not want to change herself, she will only Can change the path and start all over again.

But I didn't expect that the emperor should be so persistent to her. Is it really like others said that he raised her as a son?

Xie Linlang frowned, always feeling something strange, but she couldn't tell.

While thinking, she simply bandaged the wound, and then put on new clothes.

This dress fits very well. It can be seen that the emperor is very attentive to her. Xie Linlang secretly sighed in her heart, thinking that it seems good to have such a father, provided that he is not so overbearing.

Across the door, after the emperor teacher ordered the guards to check Wenling's affairs, he kept holding the teacup and looked at the door curtain in a daze.

She was only eight years old when she found Linlang, covered in blood, and fell in the middle of the road like this.

As a person who has no mercy, he just asks people to go around when he listens to the guard to tell the time.

Unexpectedly, when they passed by, the little Xie Linlang suddenly reached out and grabbed the trousers of a guard. The white and tender hands were tightly gripped, but his body remained motionless, wondering if he was awake.

The guard was a little embarrassed, and the adults were somewhat compassionate to the children, and the emperor looked at her tightly clenched fists through the curtain, and felt her effort to survive, which made him suddenly interested. Someone picked her up and threw her on the carriage behind the book.

She woke up when camping at night, crawling out weakly and saying that she wanted some water and food.

Seeing that she was not shy about facing so many adults, the emperor became more interested. After she was given water and food, she was sent to treat her wounds by the way.

After eating something and regaining her strength, Xie Linlang refused the doctor's help. She said that she was not injured and the blood on her body was someone else's. Just go to the river to wash it.

The emperor gave permission, and then asked a maid to take her to clean. After the cleaning, Xie Linlang, who looked weak but obviously regained her spirit, wore too long clothes and walked in front of the emperor, thanking him s help.

In just one meeting, the emperor discovered the specialness of this child. He has seen a lot of child prodigies, but this is the first time he has seen a child like Lin Lang, who is clearly organized, has something to say, and is neither overbearing nor overbearing.

He was originally full of depression, and chatted with Xie Linlang with great interest. He did not conceal his identity from a child, but after Xie Linlang knew his identity and status, he looked down and asked, suddenly.

"So you are the young patriarch of the Shen family who supported the new emperor ascended the throne? I heard that the new emperor has been supporting the Shen family since he came to the throne, but there are many more powerful and prestigious families than the Shen family, even with the support of your majesty. , The status of the Shen family will not be too stable, right?"

The emperor was stunned for a moment, his eyes turned cold!

This is definitely not something a child can say. Who is she, is she a spy?

Seeing his eyes changed, Xie Linlang was not afraid, but stood up and saluted him respectfully.

She looks so exquisite and cute in adult clothes, but her white and tender face is full of solemnity, and her words are very powerful.

"Masters don't need to be nervous, I am not a spy. The reason I dare to say this is because of the troubles of the adults, I can solve them! So adults, can we trade?"

She raised her head and smiled at him, "For example, are you still short of disciples? The clever and cute kind."

The emperor originally wanted to scold him, but her eyes dazzled with her smile. It was an attempt by her heart to move, which contributed to the fate that was difficult to cut later.

At this time, Xie Linlang finally changed her clothes and came out.

At the same time, the coachman outside also said, "Master Emperor, the palace is here."

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