On the other side, in the emperor's bedroom, the emperor teacher heard the response of his subordinates, his face sinking like water.

Wen Ling "resurrected from the dead", he originally thought it was an assassin who was responsible, but he did not expect it to be a ghost!

His wife hides so deeply, more than ten years of keeping herself safe and lingering on the bed, enough to make everyone ignore her, so that even he forgets, Mu Ru Shi is the daughter of Dongling Mu family, is a century old The jewel in the palm of the family.

She has been married for more than ten years, and she has won the trust and neglect of the people in the house. In addition, she has the support of the Mu family behind her. She has money and power. In this case, she wants to do something while the housekeeper is not prepared. It's simple.

She found a slave to change her appearance, asked her to die for Wen Ling, replaced the real Wen Ling, and interrogated her secretly.

With Wen Ling's character, she must be dying, and she must have recruited everything, that is to say... Mu Rushi, knows the secret she shouldn't know.

A killing intent flashed in the eyes of the emperor.

He knew what Wen Ling would say, but she had no evidence and couldn't win people's trust, but the object she told was Murush.

Mu Rushi is a woman who would rather kill by mistake and never let it go. As long as Wen Ling said it, she would believe it. Once she believes it, she is likely to do something beyond her control.

And now, Lin Lang is also in the Imperial Palace!

This thought made the emperor a little anxious, but he couldn't leave now, so he could only block the emperor's mansion first, forbid anyone to go out, and wait for him to return.

The subordinates took the order and hurried away, while the emperor frowned deeply looking at his back.

He had a hunch that the situation was out of control, and the worst result would be that the Mu family used this as an excuse to quarrel with him and never stop dying.

But they have no evidence, so the emperor is not afraid of them making trouble. It is really torn apart. In the end, it is not known who will die.

But he was panicked again. He was afraid that Lin Lang would know about this... If Lin Lang knew that he seemed to be worthy of her as a master and apprentice, but what was hidden in his heart was that kind of thought, what would she do?

This thought just made the emperor close his eyes in a flash, and he didn't dare to think again.

At this time, a roar came from the bed, and the emperor kicked a royal doctor and shouted angrily!

"Trash, it's all trash! My concubine is fine in the morning, how could she have an emergency? How could she die? I order you to save her and save her immediately! Otherwise, all of you will be buried together!"

The emperor's voice shocked the whole room! Accompanied by the imperial doctor's pleading, everyone present felt a little guilty.

Concubine Die suddenly became seriously ill, and the emperor suspected that it was the hands of his courtiers, so he called them all.

And they are standing here, also doubting each other.

I don’t know who is so clever, who actually knocked down the Concubine Butterfly under the protection of the emperor. You know, in the past six months, there have been countless people who have shot the Concubine Butterfly, and they all ended in failure. , This is not an easy task.

But no matter who moved her hand, she died.

A demon girl who has dominated for half a year, a person who looks extremely similar to the first queen, is still more at ease when she is dead.

Just when they thought so, but didn't want to, the closed door to the palace suddenly opened! Xie Linlang stood at the door panting slightly, and then slowly raised a smile.

"Emergency? Maybe Weichen can give it a try!"

Her words stunned the officials in the house.

They came, waiting for Concubine Die to die! Although the emperor wanted to find the murderer, he had no clue and no evidence. In the end, the only thing he could do was to scold them, so they were all ready to be scolded.

At this time, Xie Linlang suddenly appeared and said that she could treat the "emergency". Isn't this a mess?

Everyone thought in their hearts, they all looked at the emperor who stood at the top of the list with hidden eyes.

This is your apprentice. You just make trouble when you come back, don't you care?

When the emperor heard Xie Linlang's voice, his whole body froze!

What he thought of at the first time was not that the situation was out of control, nor was he worried that the Mu family would erupt, but that Xie Linlang already knew everything!

But he quickly regained his sanity... Lin Lang probably didn't know, she entered the palace so fast, and said that she wanted to save Concubine Die. Obviously, she discovered that Concubine Die's poison was related to her.

But she is not toxic, how could she find out so quickly? When the emperor's thoughts turned, he suddenly remembered Wen Ling's assassination! Is that the wound? !

The emperor's eyes focused on Xie Linlang. He didn't have the time to investigate Xie Linlang's failure to be summoned into the palace. He was full of Xie Linlang's words, she could give it a try!

His eyes lit up, and he said quickly, "Quickly, come and see my concubine, these quack doctors are not credible, Lin Lang, you must save her!"

Xie Linlang took a deep breath and looked around.

"Lin Lang will definitely do her best, and I ask your Majesty to clear the scene. There are too many people on the scene, which is not good for treatment."

Seeing that she really intends to "rule", the emperor can't even stop it.

At this time, he deeply regretted the difference in his previous thoughts. As early as when Wen Ling appeared, he should abide by his heart and terminate today's plan instead of taking a chance and taking a chance.

Now that Mu Rushi was completely out of control, Lin Lang also reacted in time. It was really a wrong step!

Hearing this, the emperor hurried everyone to the main hall outside the palace, leaving only a few brisk **** ladies, and he did not go out himself.

After treating people less than half, Xie Linlang finally had the energy to observe Die Fei carefully.

She was lying on the bed, trembling all over, her body temperature was cold, but she whispered like a patient with a high fever, Xie Linlang was sure that she was indeed poisoned.

Although she does not know how to detoxify and has never studied medicine, she has seen a lot of similar symptoms of poisoning and has developed intuition.

But what needs to be determined most now is whether Concubine Die has internal strength. If she is a martial artist, the process of detoxification will be very simple. If not, she can only adopt a very dangerous method.

So her first step is to press Die Fei's vitality to see if she has internal strength.

This is different from the pulse. It took Xie Linlang a while before he felt a trace of "true energy".

That said, the butterfly concubine does have a problem, because ordinary women have no chance to practice martial arts.

Xie Linlang put this doubt in his heart and did not say it, but the emperor saw Xie Linlang relieved and asked tentatively.

"how is it?"

Xie Linlang hurriedly arched his hand to him and said, "Emperor Hong Fu Qitian, this is just a small problem, please rest assured."

After listening, the emperor felt at ease.

Although he has never heard of Xie Linlang's medical skills, this does not prevent him from believing in Xie Linlang, this child has never disappointed!

"Then you will cure her quickly, as long as you can cure Concubine Die, I will reward you many times!"


After confirming that Concubine Die had True Qi in her body, Xie Linlang's attitude was much more relaxed than before. She pressed Concubine Die's Qi and drove the other's True Qi to penetrate the seven meridians and eight channels, and then was directly sucked away by her with poison gas.

After she sucked up the opponent's internal strength, Die Fei's poison was almost drawn.

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