Mu Jiayuan is in the Eastern Tombs, rarely returns to Beijing, and Mu Rushi has no sons... So, the only intersection between them is the emperor.

But the emperor was very good to her from the beginning, she could use her vision across the ages to help him, and he could also make her live a better life.

If Mu Rushi is jealous that the emperor treats her well, it is impossible to burst out now, so the only possibility is...


Xie Linlang thought carefully and was extremely frightened. She couldn't help but leaned against the wooden fence and hugged herself tightly.

The sky soon became dark. In order to avoid suspicion, the emperor would definitely not send someone in today.

Although the jailer received the news that he wanted to be nice to her, at most he would not beat or scold her, and not cut off food. There were no such things as quilts.

So Xie Linlang could only hold herself in her arms, and if she felt cold, she would want to divert her attention.

She was originally thinking about how to get away, how to make the emperor continue to fulfill his promise and so on.

But after thinking about it, she couldn't help but think of Qin Jue, Xiaoxi, Huang Lao, Mr. Liu...

And I don’t know how Xiangcheng has been built. She is not there, so no one should be lazy, right?

Thinking like this, Xie Linlang gave a smirk.

Certainly no one will be lazy. She forces everyone to turn around. The control method is like running a large military factory. After a long time, it will become a habit. So even if she is gone and Qin Jue is in town, it will not Something happened.

The more she thought about it, the more she missed there. In Xiangcheng, she would not be wronged... It's like now, she's so hungry. If in Xiangcheng, as long as she wants to eat, no matter how late it is, Fuya's The cook would rack their brains to make it for her.

Although what she did was not what she wanted, she could taste the other's intentions.

And sometimes when she goes to bed very late, the cook will silently make a bowl of gnocchi and send it over. Every time she sends it over, the noodles are thick, but at this time, when she recalls the taste, she feels very eager to eat it.

And Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi is a hard-headed person. Every time I see her writing and drawing, I keep a posture. After a long time, I can’t help but run over and give her a massage while talking about her. Use this Such an illness came to scare her.

As for Qin Jue...Qin Jue is still very gentle, but his gentleness was on the surface before, but now in the bottom of his heart, he only stays for a certain time, quietly blooming.

Many times, she fell asleep on the table without finishing her work, but when she woke up the next day, all the accounts and the tasks to be done were laid out on the table in a clear and orderly manner, and she was wrapped in a cocoon. , Buried in the quilt, it takes a long time to crawl out every time.

When she waited by the desk and saw that everything was done, she crawled back to sleep again...

Xie Linlang thought about it, fell asleep with a smile, and after an unknown period of time, a piece of clothing passed through the fence and quietly covered her.

She woke up immediately, turned her head abruptly, but was covered by a hand!

Under the dim candlelight, an ordinary-looking jailer squatted halfway outside the fence. He had a pair of deserted eyes, and his fingertips had a cold fragrance.

Xie Linlang originally wanted to fight back, but after seeing the opponent clearly, she was stunned.

Qin Jue...

Her heart jumped!

She only arrived in the capital today and was arrested, and Qin Jue appeared here. Doesn't it mean that Qin Jue has always followed her? !

Qin Jue squatted halfway in front of her across the fence and said in a low voice.

"Do not talk."

Xie Linlang nodded, sitting on the ground, her eyes still gleaming.

"How did you come?"

Qin Jue did not answer, but took out an oil paper bag from his arms.

"Eat first."

The oily paper bag still carried his body temperature, and Xie Linlang reached out and took it, a little doubting that she was dreaming.

Soon the smell of the food made her realize that she was not dreaming. She lowered her voice and asked in a series of low voices.

"How did you come in? Is there any danger? And who is in charge of Xiangcheng? No problem, right?"

The more she asked, the faster she spoke, and she seemed very anxious, and Qin Jue would not forget that when she first came, she shrank in the corner and hugged herself...

Obviously she was the one in the most dangerous situation, but this fool kept asking others.

With a move of his heart, his fingers pierced the wooden fence and clicked between her lips, stopping all the words she wanted to say next.

In the dim light, a gloomy light appeared in his eyes, seemingly deserted, but tenderness lurked.

"Don't ask, eat first."

Xie Linlang felt his fingers leave, and licked his lips unconsciously, sending out the word "oh".

Then open the oil paper bag obediently.

Inside the oil-paper bag, there was a beautifully roasted half-side roasted chicken, which looked like the kind that is limited daily by the Beijing Great Restaurant. Xie Linlang's eyes lit up, and she was indeed hungry, so she took a bite!

An unspeakable odor spread in her mouth. You don't have to think about knowing whose craft it was. She obviously wanted to laugh, but her eyes were red, and then she turned to ask.

"Where did you buy this?"

Qin Jue was a little wary. Could it be that the spices he just bought were not delicious?

So he paused for a second and said, "...I bought it from Piaoxianglou."

Xie Linlang nodded, took another big bite, squinted and said with certainty.

"Then their family must have the best cook in the world! That's why they can make such delicious things!"

The corner of Qin Jue's mouth was slightly raised. He wanted Xie Linlang to eat only what he made, but he was a little reluctant to say it, but seeing her praise and admiration so much, he wanted to ask her whether it was "Piaoxianglou". It's delicious, but he did it.

Because Xie Linlang was at the bottom of the prison, there were no prisoners around, but Qin Jue couldn't stay too long, so when Xie Linlang had finished eating, he said.

"Don't worry too much, I will save you out."

Xie Linlang, who had eaten food, regained his energy again, and immediately said, "You don't need to worry about it! I can handle this, and I can go out in a few days!"

Qin Jue pursed his lips. Although she was very confident, he couldn't be completely relieved just because he believed in her ability, so he put a small whistle into Xie Linlang's hand and said.

"If something goes wrong, you just blow three whistle to the small window behind you, and I will come to rescue you."

Xie Linlang originally wanted to say no, but Qin Jue was definitely not at ease if she didn't accept it, so she just accepted it, letting him rest assured.

Seeing Qin Jue stood up after speaking, but did not leave, Xie Linlang couldn't help asking, "Is there anything else?"

Qin Jue shook his head, then took a small bag from his arms and gave it to her, placing it in her palm.

"There is sugar in it."

Xie Linlang was taken aback, just about to say that she is such an adult, is it possible that she still has to eat? As a result, Qin Jue continued.

"When you feel unhappy, don't resist, don't hide everything in your heart. If I'm not here, you will eat sweets. If I'm here, you will tell me all the uncomfortable things and I will help you solve them."

"...After all, we've made up, haven't we?"

His eyes seemed to have deep meaning, but at this point, he turned and left, leaving Xie Linlang staring at the sugar in her hand in a daze.

After a while, she shook her head and chuckles, took one in her mouth, and squinted her eyes somewhat comfortably.

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