The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 131: The vicious son Xie

After the Guoxuetang was sealed, more than 300 students under the emperor teacher's name were forced to pack up their things and leave the school. At the same time, rumors about the emperor teacher went viral!

People are curious, everyone is discussing this matter privately, of course, there are still a large number of people who don't believe it and think this is a slander on the emperor!

But no matter what, this matter fermented so violently, and everyone knew it in just one afternoon!

People in the Liu and Mu families heard the response from the people and felt they had a lot to do!

They originally just wanted to make a small fight, but after seeing the development of things, they thought they could make a big one!

Just smashing the name of the emperor teacher seems to be unable to satisfy them. If the emperor teacher and the Shen family can be completely stinky and make them unable to raise their heads in the circle of the capital family, then they can force the Shen family to give up more. Benefits!

After all, what is the most important family? In addition to rights, it is reputation!

So they gradually let go of their hands and feet, not only publicizing Xie Linlang's painful memorial to the emperor, but also promoting the emperor's notoriety in the capital.

Although the dozens of crimes before were irrelevant to the emperor's master, they were also taken out by them.

At the same time, they also hired some refugees to go to the Imperial Palace, asking them to use stones and rotten vegetable leaves to smash the plaque of the Imperial Palace.

They even sent people to encourage the students, take the lead in gathering them, and make a joint voice to force the emperor to punish the emperor teacher!

In just one day, the emperor received as many memorials as snowflakes, all of them impeaching the emperor.

Although the aristocratic families who had made friends with the Shen family did not impeach them, they did not speak out for the emperor and chose to be onlookers.

And Xie Linlang, who witnessed all these changes, did not worry at all, because everything was under control.

Sure enough, at night, the rumors in Beijing turned over.

The disciples of the Guoxuetang under the name of the emperor advertised everywhere that the court intended to ban imperial examinations.

Once the imperial examination is banned, ordinary people like them will never have the opportunity to become officials!

It is also said that Guoxuetang is the only place where they can receive "aristocratic education". Once there is no imperial examination, there will be no Guoxuetang in the future. Then they can only be ordinary people for generations!

Because the influence of the emperor in the people has not been completely destroyed, a considerable number of people still believe in the emperor, so the words of the students under his name are also quite influential. They only took a short time to let new rumors Covering the entire capital.

Although many ordinary people have no chance to study, they have to consider for their children. If there is an imperial examination, there will be a rush. If there is no imperial examination, they will not even have a rush.

Seeing the rumors turning, and gradually developing in a bad direction, the Liu Mu family murmured in their hearts.

Concubine Liu Hui even found a reason and asked Xie Linlang in person, saying that in this situation, shouldn't mention the imperial examination for the time being, so as not to ignite the fire?

Xie Linlang, who was originally reading in the side hall, put down the book in her hand and sighed with disappointment.

"So the empress does not intend to completely destroy the Shen family?"

After hearing this, Concubine Liu Hui immediately became energetic, why? Is there a way for Xie Linlang to completely destroy the Shen family?

The best result they had anticipated was to make the Shen family's reputation fall to the ground and completely lose its influence, and then take the opportunity to squeeze the benefits and force them to retreat from the first-class family to the second-class, so that they don't have to worry too much about being retaliated later.

As a result, Xie Linlang has a better way?

Xie Linlang looked at her and said in a voice that was almost bewitching.

"This time the rumors counterattack, it is obvious that the emperor is secretly operating, he wants to use the ban on imperial examinations to divert the people's attention, after all, the best way to combat rumors is to create bigger rumors to cover it.

Although his idea is good, he is still too anxious this time. It is very simple for you to fight back. Just bring back the focus of the rumors and tell the world that it is precisely because the emperor has done a scandal that disregards human relations, so those who want to monopolize Only by taking advantage of the opportunity to force the emperor to ban imperial examinations.

Tomorrow morning, you'd better unite and put pressure on your Majesty again to let the imperial examination completely disappear and shut down the National Academy.

And the ordinary people and students who have lost their heads cannot go to the troubles of those noble families, they will only go to the emperor, because the emperor is the initiator.

Finally, at the day after tomorrow’s ceremony, I personally went out and took the charge of the emperor teacher, so that those who insisted on believing in the emperor teacher would be completely shattered!

By then, even if the Shen family has a big business, it will not be able to bear the anger of all the people.

As long as the people are angry enough, the luck of the Shen family will come to an end. "

Every word of Xie Linlang's words shocked Concubine Liu Hui! She did not expect Xie Linlang to betray the emperor so thoroughly! This is to force the emperor to apologize with death!

Sure enough, the inferior is the inferior, and there is no such thing as benevolence and righteousness, but this is also good, as long as it is used properly, the Shen family has no room to stand up this time!

Before they were a little worried that they would have a feud this time, if the Shen family had a chance to stand up in the future, they would definitely come to retaliate.

And as long as you follow Xie Linlang's words, the Shen family will never turn over again!

Concubine Liu Hui thought a lot, and when she faced Xie Linlang, she also felt a little pressure.

The person in front of me is vicious and has a lot of methods. After this incident, I am afraid that she can't be kept, otherwise she will find that she has been taken advantage of and bite, and the consequences will be disastrous!

Thinking about this, she forced a smile and said kindly.

"Thanks to your suggestion, otherwise this palace would not be able to grasp such a good opportunity.

But if you want the emperor to completely lose the hearts of the people, the day after tomorrow's sacrifice ceremony is the key, and then it will all be up to you!

Although it will make you sacrifice a little fame, this palace will not treat you badly after it is done! "

After speaking, she took out a deed book and handed it to Xie Linlang's hands, her slender eyes were full of light of approval.

"The niece in the palace will come later, thank you, sir, I hope you will take pity on her..."

Concubine Liu Hui's words made Xie Linlang stunned, and then she left with a teasing smile. Before leaving, her eyes seemed to say that the spring night is worth a thousand dollars.

Xie Linlang shook all over, and quickly put the deed book into her arms. This thing was valuable, so she planned to "present" it to the emperor later, after all, she was not a big nobleman for salt production. It's not dead flower.

But after Concubine Liu Hui left, on the way back, the mother beside her couldn't help but say.

"That's how the empress gave him such a valuable thing?"

Concubine Liu Huiyuan's round face is full of smiles, "The day after tomorrow is very important, he must give him a little sweetness before he can do his best, but don't worry, mother, this thing will be returned sooner or later."

The mother thought about it, too, so many people are waiting to kill Xie Linlang, can she still run away with money?

But she remembered something, and said with some worry, "Manny, there are so many methods by Xie Linlang. If you use him, are you not afraid of being bitten by him?"

How could Concubine Liu Hui not think about this question? But just think about it, just listen to her sneer.

"Don't worry, he doesn't dare. Right now, Mu Family wants to kill her. It's a certain thing. This matter was made by the emperor. Xie Linlang, an ambitious man, can't be the personal pet of the emperor. If the emperor can't keep him, he will only have a dead end, so besides this palace, who else can he rely on?"

"Furthermore, at the moment the emperor is in such a situation, it is difficult for him to protect himself. Those families who have good friends with the Shen family do not dare to intervene at this time, and here, not only the Mu family but also other families are working together. Which side is big, won't he look at it?

Unless he Xie Linlang is sure to wipe out our aristocratic families, would he dare to betray? "

And kill them all at once?

Concubine Liu Hui sneered, feeling that she was thinking too much.

Xie Linlang is only a human being no matter how she is god, and how can she fight so many families by herself?

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