Under the backlog of anger and the attention of the public, the ceremony to sacrifice to heaven quietly came.

Originally, this big day of celebrating with the sky and with the people was to be held grandly!

As early as a month ago, the officials in charge of this aspect were prepared.

But nearing the sacrifice to the sky, the emperor cut off most of the red tape and kept the ceremony as simple as possible, preferably in a low-key manner, so that he could also relax.

Under the emperor's instruction, the ceremony of offering sacrifice to heaven has become very simple.

But no matter how simple it is, it is carried out in public. Those who want to see the emperor and Xie Linlang surrounded the altar by the Longcheng River early in the morning, waiting for the moment when the ceremony began!

The reason why there will be a sacrifice to heaven today is because more than a decade ago, the capital suffered a severe drought that was rare in a century!

At that time, all the currents dried up, and the emperor repeatedly prayed for rain and failed, but he could only watch the people die of thirst one after another, helpless.

Just when many nobles decided to move out of the capital, one night, there was a sudden thunder, and the next day, a big mouth suddenly opened in the long-dried Longcheng River bed!

A steady stream of water is pouring out of it, and there are many big and fat fish jumping!

Because of the sudden flood of water in this river, the capital survived that drought.

After that, the emperor believed that this must be the benevolence of the heavens and the manifestation of the ancestors, so he set that day as the day of sacrifice to the sky and kept this ritual habit until today.

He also built an altar dedicated to offering sacrifices to the sky by the Longcheng River to show his respect!

This altar is circular, with white marble steps underneath, step by step.

And behind the altar, there is a tall semi-circular stone screen. Most people don’t know what it does, but those who have participated in the ritual before know that as long as they stand in the middle of the altar and talk, the people below You can hear clearly.

So many people regard this altar for sacrificing heaven as a holy place. Normally, no one would dare to walk on it even if it was unguarded.

At noon, a ray of sunlight runs through the center of the city.

After noon, it was the time to sacrifice to the sky. The reason why the time was set at that point was because the dragon city river gushed at that moment.

The emperor and others must rush over in advance and accept the worship of the people.

This made the emperor a little nervous, because he heard that the Shen's house was set on fire twice last night, which shows that the situation outside has become tense.

You know, the emperor is very prestigious among the people, and he doesn't fight against the soldiers. Under such a class-different situation, he can actually force the people to set fire. Obviously, it is extremely angry!

The emperor didn't deliberately inquire about the situation outside the palace, but Xie Linlang knew exactly that it was Concubine Liu Hui sent someone to tell her.

Now those students who have lost their future and have nowhere to go have become the backbone of resisting the emperor master. How much they respected the emperor master before, how much they hate him now!

The same is true for their families.

As for ordinary people who have not suffered directly, they are also very dissatisfied with the emperor.

After all, who wants to be a commoner for life and life? Especially after there was hope, the hope was ruined by others, or for some absurd reason, which made most people unacceptable and hoped that the emperor would pay the price!

The good show was about to start, but Xie Linlang did not go to the altar with the emperor, but planned to wait again.

At this moment, she was sitting at the table and carefully looked at a letter that Concubine Die secretly sent to her. This was Qin Jue's reply.

Seeing the content of the letter, Xie Linlang was satisfied but also a little grateful.

Originally, she wanted to help the emperor and the emperor, but she was afraid that Qin Jue would feel uncomfortable and refused to help.

But fortunately, he is still very aware of the overall situation, temporarily put aside his prejudices, and tried his best to help her to make her even more powerful!

Sure enough, the previous indoctrination was not in vain, this child is a man of creation!

On the other side, after the emperor arrived, he was immediately shocked by the impenetrable posture in front of him!

Not only on both sides of the river, but also in the houses on the streets next to them, and on the stone bridges above the river, are crowded with people!

It used to be very lively when the sacrifice ceremony was held, but compared with today, it was two orders of magnitude!

Moreover, there were so many people on the scene, but they were not noisy at all. This solemn atmosphere not only made the emperor nervous, but also the ministers who accompanied them!

They can even feel a lot of veiled eyes looking at themselves, as if they are looking for someone.

Even more frightening is that the guards of the **** discovered that many people were secretly holding something in their hands, which was probably a weapon!

This made the commander of the imperial army a little worried, he ran to the emperor, said about it, and asked.

"Your Majesty, there is something wrong with the situation. Do you still have to continue today's sacrifice ceremony?"

The emperor flicked the curtain to look at the crowd outside the sedan chair, remembering what Xie Linlang said, he gritted his teeth and said firmly.

"Go ahead and leave them alone!"

Obtained the emperor's order, the honor guard continued forward.

After the emperor's sedan chair passed, it was the concubine's sedan chair.

Not all concubines can attend this kind of occasion, so only Concubine Liu Hui, Concubine Die, and the other two concubines came.

Concubine Liu Hui felt the unusual atmosphere and couldn't help but lift the curtain to take a look.

Seeing those people who were as weak as quail in the past, I couldn't help showing an unwilling side at this time. Concubine Liu Hui secretly smiled, thinking that when the emperor comes, she won't be killed directly?

How about saying that untouchables are untouchables? So stupid, just for her use.

After the concubine's sedan chair passed, it was followed by a hundred officials.

On such an important day, none of them would sit on a sedan chair, and those who came today were all ministers of rank six or higher in the court.

In addition to them, the clan elders who had already withdrawn from the court also came over, and reached the altar one step earlier than the emperor.

At that time, they will sit on the altar, under the emperor, and observe the entire ceremony.

At this time, many officials have reached an alliance or consensus, but how they will develop in the future depends on the outcome of today's drama.

After the ceremony was completed, all the nobles came to the altar under the eyes of the public.

The emperor took the hand of Concubine Die and walked up the white marble steps step by step.

During this process, he regretted a little bit, regretting that Concubine Die was brought out, so she should stay in the palace.

Waiting on the altar, the whole people bowed to worship, Shanhu Long live, but the emperor felt the unrest and resentment hidden in it, and the officials felt it, even Longchenghe felt it!

The emperor settled his mind, and made everyone stand up in a majestic manner. Before he started the ceremony, he heard a pass from afar.

"——The emperor arrives!"

With just a sound, everyone looked over, and the emperor on the high platform was frightened by the rush of pace!

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