The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 140: The end of the perfect game

Xie Linlang was recuperating in the palace at this time.

She was really hit at the time, but the blood was not all hers, it was just for effect.

Later, when she returned to the palace, the emperor protected her tightly, and no one was allowed to visit her. The emperor's people were all around her, and all items in and out of her should be strictly checked to prevent her from being caught.

As for the lady Liu Hui sent, Xie Linlang didn't touch her, but asked for some medicine from the emperor, which fascinated her.

When she woke up, everything was over. The emperor returned her to Concubine Liu Hui. At the same time, she also sent her to Xiao Tao, who delivered the letter.

In this incident, the emperor had already wanted to have Concubine Liu Hui. The co-author of the letter was Taifu Liu who took the lead, which made him very disappointed!

What made him even more disappointed was that Concubine Liu Hui, who had been keeping herself safe, was also involved in this incident, and she was still in the palace with so many eyeliners!

It's just that Xie Linlang kept pressing him and didn't let him do anything, so on the face of it, he was only dissatisfied with the Liu family, not with Liu Hui.

But after the matter was over, he could no longer restrain, and Concubine Liu Hui immediately broke out, and during her coma, he directly swept her power and shared the power of the harem to the other two concubines.

So after Concubine Liu Hui woke up, she was once again stimulated and passed out.

After the harem changed its owner, all the nails Liu Hui had buried before were pulled out.

The same is true of the previous dynasty. The change of rights gave Chaotang Neiyuan a completely different look, and all of this was due to one person.

Although there is still a lot of work in the aftermath, Xie Linlang is "injured", so she doesn't need to participate in anything except reading and writing.

This time her four letters have played a very good role. The emperor and the emperor have cooperated very well, not only deceiving the old foxes, but also deceiving the people of the world.

Concubine Liu Hui also cooperated very well.

If they are not so greedy, are not bewitched by her, and don't want to completely swallow the Shen family, she may not be able to completely control them.

But fortunately, they are greedy enough, and they have enough charges to exploit.

The previous letter Xie Linlang gave to Qin Jue was to ask him to collect the crimes of the Liu Family Alliance. If this matter is allowed to be done by the emperor or the emperor, it is easy to be detected by the family staring at them. Only Qin Jue, he hides Behind the scenes, no one will guard him.

After the crimes are found, Qin Jue does not need to find any evidence. He only needs to find some people who pretend to be the "parties" and sing with her.

This matter was handed over to Qin Jue, and he really helped her a lot. Not only did he collect complete information, but the people he found were also very cooperative.

It can be said that even if the person who jumped out was not Shi Lang, but someone else, Xie Linlang could tell the evil things they had done and cooperated perfectly with Qin Jue's people.

Although these "parties" are all false, the crimes Xie Linlang said are true.

She is not afraid of being exposed in public, because the other party has no chance at all.

After all, the ordinary people were already full of anger when they came! It just caught fire without breaking out.

And her words and the testimony of the "parties" will become common people's gunpoints to vent their anger!

It can be said that in the situation at that time, she could take advantage of public grievances and do what she said!

So even if she had only the testimony of the "parties", under the pressure of public grievances, those people had no way to resist and could only bear the anger from the people and the emperor.

All in all, with everyone's cooperation, her chess game was not bad and ended perfectly.

And as a chess player, she didn't have much pleasure, and some were just melancholy of inexplicable words.

Xie Linlang opened the window and looked outside.

At this time, under her windowsill, there were imperial soldiers guarding them. She glanced at them and then looked towards the sky. The sky in the capital seemed to be depressed, like an upside-down prison, which made people nowhere to escape.

After a few days of rest, things outside almost calmed down.

On this day, Xie Linlang was reading a book, and suddenly, she heard a loud noise.

It turned out to be Concubine Liu Hui.

In this incident, the Liu family suffered heavy losses. They were only one line behind the Shen family before. If they could get the opportunity to defeat the emperor, they would have become the first family in the dynasty!

As a result, everything was ruined because of Xie Linlang, her father was forced to return home, and her family paid a lot of money to let the matter end.

And this is all because of Xie Linlang! Because Xie Linlang lied to her!

Concubine Liu Hui was condemned by her tribe, and blamed her for not knowing Xie Linlang's true face in advance, and Concubine Liu Hui was also very angry. How dare Xie Linlang, a lowly commoner? !

She wanted more and more anger, so when she got better, she came to her directly, but she didn't want to, and was blocked.

When Xie Linlang heard the movement, she got up and walked out. The sunlight leaned on her, making her look like she would shine.

She was wearing a light blue Confucian shirt and a black jade hairpin. Her clear eyes seemed to encompass the sea of ​​wisdom, and she seemed to be pure, with nothing.

There was a small smile on her white face. For some reason, as long as she saw her, the people around could feel at ease, as if there was no need to worry about something big.

Seeing Xie Linlang's appearance, Concubine Liu Hui was stopped for a long time.

She seemed to take the person in front of her seriously, but she was just a teenager, a young and weak looking young man.

Concubine Liu Hui looked at her, her veil in her hand was really upset!

Xie Linlang was not worried about what she would do. Now that the Liu family was hit hard, her position as a concubine was even more important.

Sure enough, after concubine Liu Hui stared at her for a long time, she slowly pulled out a smile.

"This time, Master Xie is really good. I have seen so many people, but only failed to see you through. Master Xie is really clever."

Xie Linlang waved her hand to make the guards around her retreat. She glanced at the person behind Concubine Liu Hui, raised her eyebrows, and said with a smile.

"The political arena is like a shopping mall. Either the east wind overwhelms the west wind, or the west wind overwhelms the east wind. You don't have to be too concerned about it. As long as you don't die, you still have a chance.

What Xie Linlang said with a normal heart, but in the ears of Concubine Liu Hui, it was completely mocking!

After this battle, the emperor and the emperor don’t know how much thank you Linlang, with them, Xie Linlang can walk sideways in the capital!

Moreover, the vitality of the people of their faction is greatly injured, and it takes a long time to get over, so where is there a chance to fight her?

Concubine Liu Hui sneered mentally, but said with a sincere smile on her face.

"You are right. The court is just like the harem. There are no eternal friends, only eternal benefits. Before, the palace looked down on you, and the palace recognized you if you suffered a loss. But for one thing, Master Xie can give Ben The palace will explain."

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