The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 147: Let her go, take her

I saw her cheeks reddened, and her posture holding the whip was full of wanton romance. As soon as she appeared, she evoked an uncontrollable and depressing scream!

"It's Xie Linlang!!"

Many women were crazy, and ran towards her without being reserved!

If you want to ask what the husband of the boudoir girl looks forward to most, it must be brave and fearless, so you can learn unparalleled.

The two are originally incompatible, but Xie Linlang can. She is simply the perfect dreamer of a woman!

Amidst the screams of the girls, people on both sides of the street looked over. This was the first time Xie Linlang appeared in the public after she was "satisfied with death". Seeing that she was okay and had the ability to drink, everyone couldn't bear it. She smiled indulgently and wanted to see what Master Xie would do after drinking.

The son named Wang was named Wang Zhi. Since Xie Linlang snatched the favor of his favorite young lady when she was a child, Wang Zhi hated her!

In addition, he could not study and just wait for hereditary official position, but because of Xie Linlang and the emperor, he had to study hard, which made him hate Xie Linlang even more!

In the previous period, the Wang family was also the "lost party". Under pressure, the Wang family had to make "compensation." This also made the Wang family pay more attention to the imperial examination next year, which indirectly led to Wang Zhi not having any chance to play and being imprisoned every day. In the room, I was forced to hang my head and pierce my head, and I finally escaped to watch the wind today.

As a result, when he came out, Xie Linlang was praised everywhere. How could this make him bear? So the moment he saw Xie Linlang, his eyes were red, new hatred and old hatred rushed into his heart, making him want to tear her up!

"Xie Linlang! Didn't you hit the pillar? Why didn't you die?!"

To be honest, only this little fat man dared to say what so many families cursed in their hearts.

Xie Linlang akimbo her waist and smiles up to the sky, "Desperate? Angry? Not only did I not die, but I was alive and well!"

Her words made Wang Zhi so angry that he almost lost his mind!

He directly let go of the scholar, ran towards Xie Linlang, standing by the carriage and humming coldly.

"Don't be proud! You are beautiful right now, but you will suffer in the future!"

He hid in the study room and listened. He knew that many families were uniting and wanted to drive Xie Linlang out of the capital. No matter it was Xiangcheng or any place, as long as she was not in the capital, it would be much easier to deal with. .

Hearing Wang Zhi's threats, another drunk boy came out of the carriage. He didn't like Wang Zhi, so he ran out with his dizziness and retorted loudly.

"I know what you are planning. Don't you just want to drive Brother Xie away? Give it up! My father said, Brother Xie will definitely be appointed as a judge this time. When that happens, you will be stamped on your feet!"

"You lie!" Wang Zhi panicked. Before fighting with Xie Linlang, he could still not suffer from his identity. If Xie Linlang climbed on top of him, she would use Xie Linlang's bad virtues. Can you let yourself go?

Xiao Shizi, who was too noisy, pressed his temple and opened the car curtain, and when he opened it, he gave Wang Zhi a stare!

"What is the quarrel! The old guy in my family has said that it made me die of that heart, and gave up looking for Xie Linlang to break my sleeves, and said that I am no longer worthy of him, don't you understand? Seeing Xie Linlang, remember to kneel and be upright, otherwise he will be able to take your skin off if he makes any excuses!"

Xiao Shizi's drunken words made Wang Zhi's face instantly ashamed!

He doesn't believe it, it's not true! He is the noble son of a family, Xie Linlang, a commoner, why should he climb on top of him? !

And he used to be so uncomfortable with Xie Linlang, and put on her all kinds of small shoes, she climbed up, will definitely avenge herself!

No, I can't let her succeed!

Thinking about it this way, for the first time in his life, Wang Zhi restrained his sharp edge and ran away dingy. He wanted to go back and tell his father that Xie Linlang must be driven away!

Seeing him slipping so fast, Xie Linlang was so proud!

However, it is understandable that his father and a group of old foxes can't fight him. How can he dare to be presumptuous as a son?

Ai! This is really awesome for her!

The pride in her heart could no longer be restrained. Xie Linlang saw that so many people ran over to see her, so she didn't get into the carriage, but sat in the front of the carriage instead of the coachman, driving the horse!

When the carriage moved, the surrounding people gave way one after another. Those who heard Xie Linlang's gaze would bend over and arch their hands.

The girls couldn't bear to see Xie Linlang about to leave and couldn't help but call her name!

The scholar who was bullied by Wang Zhi before, carefully held the book in his arms and watched the figure of Xie Linlang hitting the horse away, unable to recover for a long time.

There was only a poem that flashed in his mind.

——Lift his eyes to the blue sky, as bright as a Yushu before the wind.

Not only was he infected by Xie Linlang, the pedestrians on the road, the vendors on the street, and the silhouettes who heard the movement and poked their heads in the attic on both sides, every place was so vivid.

There was a book stand on the roadside, but the old scholastic drunk, seeing this scene couldn't help but sit up, grabbed the rice paper wolf howling beside him, and sketched out a picture of the grand occasion of Long Street in a few strokes!

At the end of the scroll, he bit his pen and wrote the ten words: "Riding on a leaning bridge, full of red sleeves."

In just ten words, he fully explained the scene in front of him, and people couldn't help but want to see what kind of beauty the young man who could cause the whole city to draw tricks.

This grand occasion ignited all the way as Xie Linlang's carriage moved.

At this time, perhaps because she had drunk too much, her expressions and behaviors were not as restrained as usual. Besides, she was indeed different. A chess game overturned the court and changed the world.

With such an achievement, everyone knew that she was going to be promoted to the title, no one dared to provoke her at this time.

The world is in me, the young man is energetic, these eight words can completely describe her now.

And Qin Jue sat on the ridge of a tall building, watching Xie Linlang create a sensation, and walk away again.

He did not wear a mask at this time, but bent a knee and sat on the roof tiles.

The silver mask was buckled upside down, as if it had been abandoned by its owner.

As for Qin Jue's left hand resting on his knee, he was playing with a mirror. He opened it, closed it, opened it, and closed it again.

In this process of repetition, every time he opened and closed, he would whisper a sentence.

"Let him go." "Occupy him." "Let him go." "Occupy him."

After he opened and closed several times, he heard the sound of the “Boom Boom” ringing from the Great Bell of the City Wall.

The sound of the bell stunned the birds. The moment the birds fluttered and flew high, Qin Jue looked down and stopped on the half-open mirror.

"... Let her go."

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