The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 153: Fireworks over the city

Xie Linlang didn't react at all, and Qin Jue went up, which made her a little confused, because Qin Jue was not a pushy temperament, whether it was before or now. What kind of excitement is he?

Qin Jue actually did not expect that he would be so "impulsive", but what Xie Linlang said just now made him remember subconsciously. She said that by winning prizes in this custom, she would be favored by her beloved...

In the end, it is the first time to taste love, and I can't help but do something that I would never do before in order to laugh at my sweetheart.

Qin Jue shook his head slightly and stepped onto the wooden swing.

He didn't want to touch everything that was originally related to the royal family, because it would remind him of many unbearable memories, and then he couldn't control his killing intent.

But now, just as his killing intent was aroused, he saw the figure waving at him excitedly in the crowd below.

The corner of his mouth under the mask evoked a smile, and he suddenly had the determination to win the colored ball in front of him!

The people below saw that someone had gone up again, and they yelled.

This swing is actually quite dangerous, and it also tests people's courage, because it can only stand on it, not sit.

In this case, it is difficult to maintain balance, let alone win the prize.

After Qin Jue stood firm, someone behind him pushed him, and immediately afterward, he swooped away like a geese!

Everyone couldn't help but let out a cry of exclamation, looked up and watched him leap over his head and reached out to the colored ball!

Amidst the cheers, the swing under Qin Jue's feet swung to the highest point!

Everyone couldn't help holding their breath, watching Qin Jue get closer and closer to the colored ball!

But when he was half an arm away from the colored ball, the swing was already beginning to pull back!

Everyone is a little regretful. Generally speaking, the height of the swing is the highest for the first time. If you can't reach it the first time, you will definitely have no chance next.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Qin Jue suddenly exerted his strength, using the wooden board under his feet, with a little effort, he started a second jump in the air!

This made the people panic immediately! Many people screamed and covered their eyes, for fear of seeing Qin Jue falling down.

Amid the commotion, Qin Jue grabbed the colored ball, then turned around, took a step on the straight rod holding the colored ball, and then flew down in mid-air.

As the clothes flew, he landed on the ground with light skill. This neat posture, and the superb martial arts inadvertently revealed, after two seconds of silence on the scene, suddenly burst into thunderous applause!

This young kung fu is so cool!

Moreover, the movements are fluent and flowing, like an immortal fetching things. It would be great if he could see his face. I wonder if his appearance is equally good?

Qin Jue took the colored ball, then raised his eyes and looked around.

At this time, Xie Linlang also squeezed the crowd and came to him. Before Xie Linlang could speak, Qin Jue stuffed the colored ball into her hand. At the same time, his eyes were bright, as if he was expecting something.

The crowd could not help but let out a sound of regret. It turned out to be a friend of Master Xie! They thought this mysterious boy was winning for his sweetheart!

But the great people really get together, Master Xie is great, and her friends can't be wrong!

Xie Linlang stared at the colored ball in her arms for a second, but soon she was blessed to her heart, and then she raised her thumb!

"You are too great!" She is not exaggerating. You have to know that Qin Jue was just a sick and weak boy a year ago. She did not care much about his martial arts this year. Unexpectedly, his skill has already So good?

This is different after opening the meridians!

Qin Jue's eyes bend slightly when he hears this, and even through the mask, it is difficult to conceal his good mood.

This made Xie Linlang couldn't help feeling that the teenager was still very comfortable.

At this time, the master of ceremonies greeted them, and he took the colored ball from Xie Linlang and asked immediately.

"Master Xie, does this lottery count for you or your friend?"

Seeing Qin Jue looking at herself, Xie Linlang understood in seconds, "Count me!"

Then the master of ceremonies asked again, "What do you want, my lord?"

His words made the common people look forward to it, not knowing what Xie Linlang would answer.

This made Xie Linlang a little embarrassed, because in her current situation, everyone was staring at her, and she really couldn't ask casually.

But thinking that tonight was her last night in the capital, she was relieved again, and said with a smile.

"I hope there will be fireworks in the city tonight!"

Following Xie Linlang's request, the emcee quickly followed suit.

The emperor, who was already almost asleep, heard the response from the palace man and knew that Xie Linlang had won the prize. He also offered such a condition, then shook his head and smiled.

"Okay, I agreed."

On the other side, the emperor who returned to the emperor’s mansion heard the response from his subordinates and couldn’t help but look up to the sky. After a while, a firework bloomed, which was like a signal. The moment it exploded, one after another. The fireworks burst into the sky!

Next, fireworks bloomed on all sides, overlapping and staggering in the sky, with extraordinary colors.

The common people suddenly became energetic and all watched the fireworks outside.

This is not New Year, but it is even more lively than New Year! This gives everyone a feeling of excitement and excitement, and they are more hopeful for tomorrow.

Xie Linlang and Qin Jue sat on the roof of the tallest star-catching pavilion in Beijing, enjoying the flourishing fireworks together.

When she made this request, everyone thought she was out of literati romance, but only she knew that this had a deeper meaning.

When she left the capital to go to Beidi, Qin Jue once asked her if she could come back on his birthday.

She felt it was impossible at the time because she was too far away, but she promised that she would give him a big gift when she came back and asked him what he wanted.

At that time, Qin Jue, who was wearing a silver python robe and a little childish on his face, was very prestigious as the prince, thought about it seriously.

Considering that his birthday is the last day of the year, he smiled and put forward an easily met requirement.

Just listen to his warm voice, "If you return to Beijing, let's send a lonely firework. It will be a continuous firework all night."

Thinking of this, Xie Linlang turned his head to look at Qin Jue. At this time, Qin Jue had taken off his mask, revealing a handsome and innocent profile.

The night wind blew his hair on the side of his forehead, and his eyes were far-reaching, as if starlight was hidden.

He shouldn’t remember that thing anymore, and a year and a half later, even though he was still a teenager, he already possessed a completely different soul. He could no longer see the immature shadow between his brows, even the tenderness of his heart. , And only flashed very rarely.

He has grown up, but this growth has cost him an unimaginable price.

Xie Linlang thought, took the wine bottle in his hand and raised it to Qin Jue.

"Come on! If you get drunk tonight, we can leave here tomorrow. The sky is high and the ocean is wide!"

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