The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 161: The concession she made

In a short while, the leaders of the two big families had already rushed over. They had all met Qin Jue before. Although Qin Jue's temperament had changed a lot, the five sense organs were there and he would not admit it.

After confirmation, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Killing the prince was only a bad move. They intended to capture him and force Xie Linlang to leave the city.

At the time Xie Linlang was willing to go to Xiangcheng for the prince, and now the prince is willing to sneak into the capital for Xie Linlang, the relationship between the two of them is definitely not simple, so as long as the prince is taken, Xie Linlang will definitely obedient!

Thinking of this, the assassin leader of the Mu family stepped forward and said.

"His Royal Highness, in fact, you don't need to be so nervous at all. There is a cliff in front of you. Since you are desperate, why not stop and talk to us? Maybe we still have a chance to cooperate?"

Although Qin Jue has been abolished, it has been a common occurrence since ancient times that the abolished prince was re-established, so they really didn't want to kill Qin Jue and provoke the emperor to anger.

Qin Jue's black robe was hunted and hunted by the wind of the mountain stream. He glanced sideways at everyone, and there seemed to be ridicule in his eyes.

These people wanted to seize him to contain Xie Linlang, but he fought overnight and repeatedly broke through, just to not want Xie Linlang to be contained.

But the number of enemies was so large that he couldn't get away at all. In that case, he had only soldiers on the move.

As long as he is "dead", these people will have nothing to do.

The cliff in front of him was the best place to escape. He had come here to hunt before and knew that there was a deep pool below.

And he also has Mr. Liu’s eagle hook which was improved based on the nail claws on the water bandit boat. As long as he uses light skills to stabilize his figure during the fall, he uses the eagle hook to nail into the cliff before entering the water. Contain the weight of his body so that he won't suffer too much injury when he enters the water.

This method is risky, but before he is completely exhausted, this is the best way to get out as soon as possible!

Seeing that Qin Jue didn't answer, but stepped back step by step, the assassins were stunned for a moment. Obviously he didn't expect him to be so decisive!

The person who spoke before was startled, and said quickly, "His Royal Highness! Don't you think you are too stupid to do this?!"

He said a few steps forward, his feminine features tightened a little.

"The purpose of these people is to force Xie Linlang. As long as you cooperate obediently, we will never hurt your life! Why do you have to pay for a commoner?

You must know that your majesty has regretted it. As long as you wait with great concentration, your majesty may soon regain your position, and then give you the throne. How precious is your life, is it to be buried for Xie Linlang?

If you jump like this, you are tantamount to helping Xie Linlang carry all the revenge. When you die, he can still sit back and relax. He doesn't care about you at all, otherwise, he won't show up now! "

Although they had already received the news that Xie Linlang had come out of Beijing, at this moment, he could only stimulate Qin Jue in this way, lest he would ruin their good deeds!

Qin Jue was really irritated. He was originally calm, and the corners of his eyes instantly began to flush, and bloodshot eyes faintly appeared in those clear eyes! Just listen to his dumb voice, saying every word.

"You are persuading me to wait for the emperor's alms?"

He tilted his head slightly, and the corners of his blood-stained lips curled up, revealing a very strange smile.

"You **** it."

As he raised his arm, he saw a hand ring in his sleeve spun, and a poisonous needle pierced through the air, nailing the person's body!

This is the bracelet Xie Linlang gave him to protect him. He has been reluctant to use it, but now he only wants this person to die!

The man might as well be hit, and his body fell straight back.


The subordinates around him quickly supported him, but the poisonous needle got into his heart, but a few breaths killed him! After his death, his eyes were still wide, and he obviously didn't understand where he touched Qin Jue's inverse scales!

When people from other families saw this, they immediately drew their swords!

At this time, a middle-aged man snorted coldly and stepped forward and said.

"You really are toasting and not eating fine wine! Since you are looking for death by yourself, then take your life! Anyway, there is your body, it is enough!"

As he said, he led people to kill Qin Jue!

And Qin Jue sneered and turned to face the abyss behind!

At this time, a cold wind screamed and surged, blowing everyone's spirits!

Just as the cold wind swept the sand and rushed to the sky, a voice containing internal power came steadily.

"Don't rush to tear your face! You want to talk, why don't you talk to me?"

Hundreds of assassins heard the sound and turned back quickly!

Xie Linlang, Xie Linlang is here!

The killing intent in their eyes suddenly skyrocketed! They will never forget that Xie Linlang is the only person they will kill on this trip!

A white horse appeared and rushed forward.

Xie Linlang was wearing a shirt and a ponytail. She was disheveled and didn't even wear a sword.

But even so, no one dared to look down upon her, because she was Xie Linlang!

Qin Jue was stunned. Two hours ago, he personally watched an assassin send a letter back saying that they had already besieged the Yunyun Mountain Range, and he could tell Xie Linlang all this and invite you to enter the urn.

This is also the reason why he is eager to get out, he has no time.

In the end, it was only two hours before Xie Linlang came here from the capital. She... didn't hesitate at all?

Xie Linlang stopped the horse between Qin Jue and the assassin. Because the white horse ran too fast, the front hoof flew when it stopped. It was only after Xie Linlang calmed down that he stepped on the horse hoof.

Xie Linlang reined his horse and turned around while looking at the crowd, smiling condescendingly.

"Don't be so nervous. Fighting and killing will not solve the problem. Your purpose... No, the purpose of the people behind you is very simple. You don't want me to be the prime minister or let me stay in the capital to disturb the storm.

This matter is actually very easy to solve! There is no need to make such a big battle at all, just sit down and talk. "

After Xie Linlang finished speaking, he jumped off his horse and stood in front of Qin Jue, saying calmly.

"Isn't it the prime minister? I'm wrong! Look, I have taken off my official robe, and I am very determined!

In addition, I will not stay in the capital, I have already thought, please give me Xiangcheng, your majesty, in the future, Xie Linlang will be the lord of Xiangcheng, and I will never interact with you!

Well, I have already retreated to this point. Should you also let go of your prejudices and take a step back? "

She smiled and said very important things, every word shocked everyone's heart!

The assassins who were eager to do something against Xie Linlang were a little hesitant at this time. They looked at their own assassin leaders, and obviously couldn't be the master.

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