The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 164: When Lin Lang decided not to be reasonable

The so-called courtesy first and soldiers later, his previous words were based on Xie Linlang's willingness to cooperate!

If she is unwilling, then what they can't get, she Xie Linlang will never want to get it!

Xie Linlang finally recovered from the shock when he heard the words, then walked to the sword and pulled it up.

When Yan Lao saw this, his eyes were revealed.

As an excellent staff and lobbyist, he can persuade each other in a targeted manner according to each person's characteristics.

For example, for a deep-minded, insidious and cunning object like Xie Linlang, he must use enough power as a guide to impress her!

Presumably she just wanted to get the benefits of surpassing the prime minister from the prince, and his words "regent" and "dark emperor" were enough to make her greed soar!

And she can get so many allies from a lonely family, so why worry about it?

It is conceivable what choice she will make under all kinds of temptations.

...It's just those things he said, just talk of a lobbyist. If Xie Linlang cooperates, with her wisdom, it may really be possible to do that step, but it is more likely that she will be used to exhaustion and secretly killed!

At that time, the puppet prince erected by her will belong to everyone, and this is the most likely ending.

After Xie Linlang drew the sword, he turned around and aimed at Qin Jue with the tip of the sword!

Under the harsh mountain wind, she pointed to Qin Jue and asked with a smile.

"Do you think I will kill you?"

Qin Jue was taken aback for a moment, and soon smiled.

He looked at Xie Linlang, her shadow was clearly reflected in Qing Jue's eyes, and his tone became extremely cautious.

"If one day you want to kill me, I am willing to die by your sword."

"Never resist."

Xie Linlang originally wanted to make a joke, so by the way, what if she didn't have the idea, but Qin Jue doubted her?

Unexpectedly, Qin Jue said such things without even thinking about it.

Xie Linlang's heart trembled, and she felt that the sword in her hand was a bit sticky!

She shifted her gaze in a panic, pointed the tip of the sword at Yan Lao and said.

"Look, he trusts me so much, so I thought about it and decided not to share this cup with you! I want to swallow him! Let this true prince be my puppet willingly!"

She said, laughing! Old Yan couldn't laugh, and Xie Linlang's attitude was as if he was farting just now! This is a shame for a top lobbyist like him!

He lowered his face and said murderously.

"So... you want to die here?"

As he said, he drew out the gray long sword behind his back and looked at them as if looking at two ants.

"The old man knows what your plan is, and you want to jump into the deep pool below to escape? Oh, with the old man, you won't have the chance to jump off the cliff!"

As soon as he swept away, the thousands of assassins behind him looked over.

Obviously, the negotiation between the two parties failed, so Yan Lao was going to kill them.

But they didn't have the idea of ​​going forward to help. Yan Lao is not comparable to these infamous assassins. He started martial arts at the age of seven and has been 50 years now, close to Yijiazi's skill! Can be regarded as a famous master in Beijing!

With him shooting, the two teenagers who were only 30 years old on the opposite side had no winning rate at all.

Seeing this, Qin Jue flicked his wrist, and a soft sword slipped out of his sleeve. If he had no choice, he could only take Xie Linlang and jump down with Xie Linlang. I hope his hook can afford two. Personal weight.

But before he came forward, he was blocked by Xie Linlang's Hengjian.

The wind blew her hair, she turned her back to him, her voice was cynical, but her expression became a little serious.

"...So even if I make so many concessions, you still choose to persecute?"

Yan Lao sneered and approached her step by step.

"Retreat? Since you don't want to cooperate, then go to death!"

He said, holding the grey sword, stabbing at Xie Linlang like an electric body!

This mortal sword will pierce Xie Linlang in the next second!

But what I didn't expect was that his sword was blocked by Xie Linlang!

At the same time, a hot air gushed from Xie Linlang's body. He watched her eyes turn into a dark red color at close range. Then the sword in her hand was lifted up, and the distance between the two of them changed again. Separate.

This scene dazzled the assassins who were waiting to collect their bodies in the distance!

In their opinion, once Yan Lao made a move, Xie Linlang and Qin Jue would die!

And they thought they couldn't resist the sword that was just like a rainbow. They didn't expect Xie Linlang not only to block it, but also to open it? How is this possible? !

Also unbelievable is Yan Lao. If Qin Jue provoked his sword, he might not be so shocked, because he could perceive that although Qin Jue was young, he was born with a blood circulation and could run his internal power at any time. That's why I can persist for so long in the pursuit.

But how can Xie Linlang be? !

She has heavy footsteps and uneven breath. At most, she knows a little bit of a three-legged cat.

But I didn't expect that it was this most unlikely person who took his sword lightly. What kind of monster is she? !

A trace of heat gushed from the fingers of Xie Linlang's sword, as if the ice had hit a soldering iron, and white mist evaporated.

She stared at the uncertain old man in front of her with dark red eyes, and said in a very sad tone.

"Every time I meet someone who makes troubles unreasonably, I will patiently reason with him first, do you know why?"

Before Yan Lao could answer, she suddenly slashed the huge boulder with a backhand!

Just listening to the sound of "click", for ordinary warriors, the boulder that had cut off a little Shimo was actually cut in half under the attack of her sword!

Yan Lao opened his eyes wide and listened to Xie Lin Langxie with a smile.

"Because when I don't reason, they will die, so I ask you one last time, do you want to reason with me?"

Yan Lao gasped, and Qin Jue was shocked by this scene!

At this moment, a shocking anger erupted from Xie Linlang! She is like a **** demon, the murderous aura spreading is so suffocating!

Yan Lao kept retreating not only because of the deterrence of Xie Linlang's sword, but also because of the murderous aura she showed at this time, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people!

He had seen a titan who slaughtered 100,000 people before! Only in him did he experience such a terrifying aura, and now, he also felt it in Xie Linlang!

There was a retreat in his heart, but he remembered that there were more than a thousand helpers behind him, and his eyes became a little firm!

Even a master with one piece of skill can't resist the consumption of human tactics. She can kill one hundred or two hundred, can it still make them all die?

If she was so good, she wouldn't stand it until now!

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