The accompanying subordinates are all packing up at this time, ready to continue on their way.

And Qin Jue walked towards Xie Linlang, gradually lightening his steps...

He sat in front of the car and turned around to look at Xie Linlang. At this time, her head was no more than an arm's distance from him, allowing him to see clearly.

Qin Jue suddenly discovered that Lin Lang really looks like a woman. This may be related to her "hidden illness". Although not sure about the hidden illness, at least the man's face is not so delicate and moist... it seems to be superior. The nephrite, just waiting for someone to touch it.

Thinking like this, he couldn't help reaching out and touching it. Sure enough, her face was as soft as he remembered, and it seemed to be magnetic, making her fingertips linger.

Gradually, his gaze fell, and he couldn't help but glue to Xie Linlang's lips.

This made him a little flustered, so he looked away several times and focused on the same point several times. It seemed as if there were feathers floating in his heart, making him more and more nervous, but also more and more looking forward to something. .

However, thinking of what Xie Linlang said before, he would never be with a man, he suddenly felt a little restless, and then resolutely leaned down.

A light kiss quietly landed on Xie Linlang’s lips, as if a butterfly stopped and disappeared in the blink of an eye...

After the butterfly dispersed for a moment, Qin Jue suddenly recovered, and quickly sat up straight!

Thinking back to what he had just done, not only did his heart beat so hard, there was an incredible "pop" in the entire eardrum!

She is sweeter than he thought!

But he just touched too lightly and ended too quickly, and he didn't have time to recall. This made Qin Jue restless, and his reason gradually lost control.

Perhaps it was the first time that not being found had fueled his courage. Seeing that Xie Linlang was still asleep, he hesitated for a moment, then slowly leaned down again.

This time he held his breath, not as reckless as the first time. He looked at Xie Linlang's face deeply, as if he wanted to remember her. Just when he was about to kiss Xie Linlang, the voice of Huan'er nearby spread. Come here.

"Master, can you leave now?"

She said to go in this direction, as long as she turned the carriage, she could see what Qin Jue was doing.

At that moment, Qin Jue could have stopped everything and pretended that nothing happened, but he subconsciously pulled the curtain down!

The moment the curtain fell, it not only covered his upper body, but also Xie Linlang.

The moment the light completely disappeared, his lips fell on Xie Linlang's lips again.

This time he didn't leave so quickly, but gave a very light bite...

In the darkness, under a kind of softness, his brain was blank, and he couldn't think of anything else...

In the afternoon, Xie Linlang thought Qin Jue was very strange.

Obviously he was still very worried in the morning, but in the afternoon he always watched her secretly. When she looked over, he pretended to be reading a book, but he could read ten lines at a glance. The book hasn't been turned in an hour, he is doing it. What the hell?

Are you still thinking about double repair and detoxification?

The atmosphere in the carriage was a bit ignorant, but Xie Linlang didn't even know that the emperor had liked her for many years, let alone the faint heartbeat of the young boy.

As long as Qin Jue saw her now, he couldn't help but be attracted by the little red, which made him, who had a very strong focus, found an irresistible focus, and could no longer do anything else.

The journey was long and boring, but he was in the same compartment with Xie Linlang, but he didn't feel boring at all. He even felt that the road could be longer.

When Qin Jue saw it for the Nth time, Xie Linlang suddenly put down the book and said with a serious face, "Let's play a game!"

Otherwise this atmosphere is too weird!

Seeing Qin Jue looking over, she smirked and opened her palm to Qin Jue, "Come on, put your hand on my palm, don't touch me, and then I will turn your hand over and hit you to test the reaction speed. If I don't If you hit you, just hit me down for you!"

They have played this game before, but how young is that? He is so old now!

Thinking of this, Qin Jue stretched out his hand helplessly and hovered over her palm.

Xie Linlang smiled with satisfaction, "It's started!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she quickly turned her hand over and hit the back of Qin Jue's hand. Qin Jue was still wondering whether to hide, so she heard a "pop" and the back of her hand was hit!

He took a serious look at Xie Linlang, "Come again."

Xie Linlang pursed her lips and smiled, then slapped Qin Jue's hand quickly!

Because of her high internal strength and rapid reaction speed, even if Qin Jue was given enough time to prepare, he would only be beaten!

And Qin Jue just realized this. No wonder he never won this game with Xie Linlang before. It turns out Xie Linlang cheated long ago!

"Come again!"

Qin Jue didn't believe it anymore. He is no longer the weak body he used to be. The martial arts masters all say that he is responsive. By analogy, how could he not win at once?

Since then, there will be a "pop" from time to time in the carriage. Even if Xie Linlang intends to control it, his hand strength is not too small. So after a while, the back of Qin Jue's hand began to turn red, and he was also from the attitude of the game. Get out of it and regard this as a challenge of reaction ability!

After a few rounds, he could finally catch Xie Linlang's "track", but he could see it, but he couldn't keep up with the opponent's speed. After a few more rounds, he could barely keep up.

Finally, when Xie Linlang made a backhand, his hand was empty!

This makes her a little confused, who has always been relying on her internal strength and cheating indiscriminately. You must know that the gap between Qin Jue and her internal strength is not even a bit different. Did she just release the water?

Qin Jue also didn't expect that he would have avoided it. This made him, who had not had any "playing heart", suddenly felt a little happy, and his clear pupils watched her bend slightly.

"It's me?"

Xie Linlang suddenly replied!

"This... this round is not counted! I just released the water, I want to start again!"

Qin Jue was also very good-tempered, "Okay, start over."

As he said, he hovered his hand on Xie Linlang's palm again. This time Xie Linlang was fully prepared, but when he went to fight with his backhand, he failed again! This unscientific!

It seems that Qin Jue has grasped the trick to victory!

Then you can’t play this game, and you can’t play it anymore!

Xie Linlang thought, coughing solemnly, "Well, the reaction speed is good, you can already go to the teacher, continue reading!"

As she said, she turned to her side, looking like she was going to stop playing. Seeing that Qin Jue hadn't spoken for a long time, she was a little vacant, and she couldn't help but carefully glanced at him, as if she wanted to see if he was angry.

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