The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 183: I control the city, you control me

After Xie Linlang walked in, she still didn't see anyone, but she was not in a hurry, but looked around, admiring her city with an amazement!

Different from the quaint style of the capital, the eaves and arches, the overall shape of Xiangcheng is closer to the modern aesthetic.

Only half of the asphalt road was repaired before, and it has been completed at this time. It is smooth and atmospheric, running through the city from the city gate!

The bumpy soil pits on both sides are gone, replaced by neatly planted green trees, sidewalks next to the shade, and then the vestibule and buildings.

The shape of the building is the same, combining ancient and modern, a bit like the retro attic she has seen in her previous life, and it has three floors. Before, others looked at it in tatters, just because it was under repair, and there was no exterior repair. Now this exterior is repaired. Get up, concise and majestic, it is pleasing to look at!

And the source of the previous fragrance came from these attics. The balconies on each floor were filled with flowers as decoration. The flowerbeds at the entrance of the building were also filled with flourishing flowers of various colors.

It's really rare that they can buy so many flowers in this season.

What Xie Linlang didn't know was that the flowers in the surrounding cities were all sold out by Xiang Cheng. They went up the mountain to collect them before they had to buy them. It took countless efforts and energy to have such an effect.

Xie Linlang looked at it and suddenly felt sore in her eyes.

Everything in front of her was clean and tidy, bright and magnificent. It was obviously prepared to welcome her, but she knew how much effort was needed to do all this.

The feeling of being so cherished made her really seem to be back home and be favored by everyone.

With so much love, what else is she going to do? Is it not good to develop the city well and be the emperor of the earth comfortably? !

Thinking about this, Xie Linlang smiled. As soon as she showed her face, a group of people walked out from both sides to see how they were dressed. They were all tin workshop workers, and it was Zhao Youde who was headed.

I saw Zhao Youde leading people to salute, and before Xie Linlang responded, he handed in a red post in her hand, and brought everyone to salute.

"My lord Qizi! This is the output and the ins and outs of the Tin Workshop in Xiangcheng within three months. In addition, with the help of Mr. Liu, the Tin Workshop's tin ware and tin ornaments have established a business relationship with the largest commercial bank in Jiangnan canal.

Every month in the future, there will be ships from Jiangnan going back and forth between the two places, and production and demand will rise three times. I would like to ask the adults! "

Xie Linlang looked at him, then at the red post, her expression a little inexplicable.

Without waiting for her to say anything, Zhao Youde took the tin workshop workers back and stood aside, and after a while, Huang Lao smiled and brought the water transport guys over!

When he came, he saluted Xie Linlang and Qin Jue respectively, and then handed in a red post in Xie Linlang's hands, and looked at Xie Linlang and said.

"Enlighten the Lord City Lord, this is the situation of water transportation within three months. The old people live up to their trust. At present, the water channels of Xu Guo and Ye Guo have been opened. Ze Guo is in talks, and there will be good news soon. !

In addition, the back is the profit amount for these three months... Your Lord, I think you are going to expand the treasury! "

After Huang finished speaking, he patted Xie Linlang on the shoulder, then led the crowd to salute again and walked aside.

Before he left, Yu Ranxiang took a group of women and stepped forward.

Among these women, some were widows of the Xia family and some were girls from Xiangcheng. After they came over, they paid tribute to Xie Linlang.

Yu Ranxiang seems to have gained a lot, and the whole person is no longer so thin. The gloom in his eyes disappears. Instead, he is more confident than before!

Just listen to her, "Enlighten the Lord of the City, the young woman Yu Ranxiang has opened a women's bookstore in the city. There are currently six courses, 200 students and 16 female masters."

As she said, she smiled and blinked at Xie Linlang.

"I heard that the city lord intends to learn from the world, and the little girl is not talented. I am willing to do the best for the city lord!

After she finished speaking, the women behind her also laughed together, "I wish to do my best for the city lord!"

Xie Linlang looked at them, then found her voice, and said in a very relieved tone.

"... So I'm all here waiting for me! Any surprises, take them out! Don't pity me, I can bear it!"

When she said so, everyone around her smiled mysteriously, and sure enough, after that, more people came forward to report back! They all took red stickers and came in batches!

Xie Linlang could still maintain a normal mind, but as the red stickers in her hand grew, she was shocked!

"Enlighten Lord City Lord! New wine is coming out of the distillery!"

"Enlighten Lord City Lord, Jinggongfang has built a new warehouse..."

"Enjoy your lord, the glass output has increased a lot..."

"Enlighten Lord City Lord..."

"Enlighten Lord City Lord..."

Xie Linlang was stunned by the continuous Annunciation! She looked at the people around her who were like celebrating the New Year, and she had an unreal feeling. Didn't she go out for three months, but for several years? These people are too capable!

When she was crowded to the government office, Xiaoxi rushed over like a cannonball, seeing that the changed gate hadn't entered yet!

After not seeing him for three months, he actually lost a lot of weight. The look in her eyes is countless wrongs!

"My son, Xiaoxi will be crushed to death if you don't come back!"

"My son, the warehouse must be rebuilt, the account must be rebuilt, and the treasury must be rebuilt..."

"Young Master, in the past few months, Xiao Xi has deeply felt the lack of her own abilities, and asked to return to the position of a book boy to continue her studies for decades. Young Master, please be smart!"

Xie Linlang listened, wondering whether to laugh or cry!

Although all the reports are good news, and there are so many people helping her, why does she feel that she will be dark in the future? She seemed to die suddenly at any time, and she obviously just wanted to be a soil emperor!

Upon seeing this, Qin Jue rescued her from Xiaoxi, and took her dizzy towards the new City Lord's Mansion.

In the process of entering, Qin Jue asked her under the welcome of everyone.




Xie Linlang looked at the pile of red posts in her arms with a bitter face, "I feel like I will be exhausted..."

Qin Jue smiled when he heard the words.

"It doesn't matter, if you don't want to bother, I will help you handle all Xiangcheng's affairs."

"Really?!" Xie Linlang was overjoyed! Looking at him with bright eyes, it seemed that Qin Jue was such a good person!

But it seemed a bit too much to push everything to a teenager, but she really wanted to stop working and just take money...Xie Linlang clutched her small conscience, hesitated for a long time before Ai Ai asked.

"Then...what do I do in this city?"

Qin Jue smiled lightly when he heard the words.

"I manage the whole city, you—just take care of me."

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