Xie Linlang calmed down, her eyes covered with black gauze, she turned her head to listen to the sound carefully, and then pretended to arrest someone.

She didn't look nervous at all, but Qin Jue was very nervous, for fear that she would bump into someone suddenly!

Ever since, others were hiding from Xie Linlang for fear of being caught by her and executed publicly.

But Qin Jue was controlling the audience, not letting anyone approach her.

Whenever he finds a place where someone is hiding, it is easy to be hit by Xie Linlang, he will pass quietly to separate him.

In order not to let people see the flaws, he captures everyone's position at any time, predicts in advance, and reacts before they react. The light exercises are even more extreme!

Even so, the speed is not fast on the surface. Everyone didn't realize that he was "cheating". They only felt that he was quite cooperative, and they were willing to play with them. They thought that Qin Jue would not participate at all!

As the game progressed, the noise around him became louder and louder, especially Xie Linlang found that those people were really afraid of being caught by her, too, they were all "men", even if they were just a joke, they were kissed on the spot. It's a bit unacceptable, they still want face!

After discovering this, Xie Linlang's wicked taste surged. Before, she deliberately picked places where no one was there to "catch people", but now she just picks places where people are caught!

It's just that in the process of catching the past, she will deliberately lean a little bit, looking to catch it, but in fact it is not a direction at all, leaving those who have repeatedly escaped with lingering fears and scared enough!

Seeing everyone "escape" like a rabbit, Xie Linlang suddenly felt that this game was quite fun!

She messed around in this way, making the originally controllable situation suddenly out of control.

Qin Jue's forehead was slightly sweaty. It can be said that he was not so focused when he was practicing!

Under Xie Linlang's active attack, it was much harder for him to isolate everyone than before, but Ban Zhuxiang was not over yet, he secretly gritted his teeth and decided to wait until it was over, and then "learn" her well!

Qin Jue continued to control the field. His light work had already been achieved. As long as he paid attention, Xie Linlang could not hear his footsteps, so he could silently appear behind her before, without being noticed by her.

Under his "control", the crowd onlookers only felt sorry, did these people hide too fast? The Lord of the City had to catch them several times, but they still ran away. What a pity!

Seeing that Banzhuxiang's time was about to pass, the people around began to booze.

In addition, those who are hiding everywhere are not so sensitive because of the upsurge of alcohol. This is a good opportunity!

Xie Linlang was also a little bit smoked at this time, but she didn't realize this when she was playing the game, let alone that she could no longer control her speed like before.

Qin Jue noticed it, and his expression became serious. It happened that at this time, Xie Linlang was about to catch the bridegroom official. Amidst the roar, Qin Jue hurried over to separate the people, just like before.

But the bridegroom officer didn't want to make a fool of himself. Seeing Xie Linlang caught him, he ran in a hurry! It happened that he was drunk, and the way he walked was crooked, which made Qin Jue unable to predict at all, and he was smashed by him just after he passed! He took two steps back, but Xie Linlang hugged him from behind! !

Everyone is excited! Caught it! Lord City Lord has caught Lord Qin!

Xie Linlang was also very confused, she actually caught it? She didn't feel that there was someone in front of her before. What happened to the feeling of being stuffed with someone suddenly?

She is not so drunk yet, is she?

Qin Jue was also a little dumbfounded. He was stiff and motionless. Xie Linlang hugged him from behind. Even with thick clothes, he could still feel that her body temperature was much higher than that of ordinary people!


Amidst the red candlelight and the festooned lights, everyone rushed forward, surrounded them, and showed a good show of expression!

And the other people who played the game before were very relieved when they saw it. Fortunately, it was not them who were caught, otherwise it would be shameful!

Xie Linlang was about to reach out to remove the black veil from her eyes, but was stopped by someone. These people were also bad, and they kept abetting them through the wine.

"Can't reveal it! Now that people have been caught, then... let's play the guessing game!"

At this time, there are young people around him, so naturally how to make mischief, which makes Xie Linlang difficult to ride a tiger.

She "looked" around, her face flushed, and her voice was very helpless, "What kind of guessing game, don't you just give it a kiss?"

The person on one side hurriedly said, "It's too easy to just kiss like this! In this way, Lord City Lord has to guess the name of the person in front of him after the kiss. If you can't guess it..."

"If you can't guess it, just kiss it again!" Someone hurriedly added, and then the audience cheered and the response was extremely enthusiastic!

Qin Jue looked at them, opened his mouth, and finally closed it.

In the atmosphere of increasing speculation and a beaming background, he looked at Xie Linlang in a daze. There was an illusion that this was their wedding banquet.

But soon his heart was overwhelmed by endless bitterness and ridicule. Before him and Xie Linlang, separated by a taboo gap, let alone having a wedding banquet, as long as she could be tempted by him, it was already a gift from heaven.

In other words, they may never have a wedding banquet.

No one knows his mind, and there are too many people around, making Xie Linlang a little embarrassed in the noisy environment.

At the moment, she and the other person must be drunk. How to guess? This group clearly wanted her to kiss more! This is too bad!

But under the numbness of alcohol, she couldn't think too much. Instead, she thought, nothing more. It can't be disappointed. Anyway, kisses are also kisses, and kisses are also kisses. I didn't guess it, and kissed more. It's a big deal. Wash well-well, I hope she is not the bridegroom official.

Seeing Xie Linlang's agreement, everyone was even more excited, because they were afraid that Xie Linlang would guess who the other party was because of his height, so a little clever moved a stool over and asked Xie Linlang to stand on the stool and kiss.

With such enthusiasm, Xie Linlang couldn't bear it and felt embarrassed.

This group is too good at playing! Fortunately, she was still blindfolded and didn't have to face this embarrassment, but the person she caught was a bit miserable. Under the attention of everyone, she was hugged and kissed, and she felt innocent!

Thinking about this, under the fumigation of wine, she was a little gloating.

She was really drunk, but she didn't know it yet, and the people around didn't know it, only Qin Jue, who was pushed in front of her and kept his lips silent, knew.

At this time, everyone was drinking too much. If it was normal and saw Qin Jue being arrested, they would definitely have played haha ​​and ended the game as if nothing happened.

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