Xie Linlang felt that she was crazy, so she had such immature and irrational thoughts.

Qin Jue never disappointed people, she disappointed him when she returned.

After thinking about it this way, Xie Linlang gradually calmed down, but at this moment, a row of hidden weapons flew over, Xie Linlang jumped off the horse in time, and the horse she was riding on was shot by the hidden weapons, neighed, and soon Fell to the ground and died!

The moon was like frost, and there was still fire burning in the distance. Obviously, the fire in the Hou Mansion had not been controlled, and it had intensified.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Xichuanhou would still be able to ignore him completely and pursue himself. It should be said, is Jiang still hot?

Sure enough, a tall and burly figure appeared slowly from behind a huge rock with dozens of people in black.

At this time, Xichuanhou's face was still a little bit violent. He underestimated Xie Linlang. Who would have thought that a sixteen-year-old boy would not only escape from his strict monitoring, but also make him so embarrassed?

However, the mansion could be rebuilt after it was burned. Xie Linlang ran away, and it was too difficult to catch it.

After thinking about it, Xichuanhou sneered and said, "I originally wanted to cooperate with City Lord Xie, who expected you to toast and not eat fine wine! In that case, Benhou will satisfy you!"

Xie Linlang slightly raised her eyebrows while holding the Buddha beads.

"Cooperation? Isn't it pure use? Let me leave Xiangcheng first, so that Xiangcheng's dragons will be headless.

Let me join you, hand over Qin Jue, and hold him steady.

Finally, when I am useless, you can still dedicate me to your king. Am I right? "

Xie Linlang was able to guess the first two points, Xichuanhou was not shocked, after all, she was a well-known talented person.

But if the last purpose can be guessed, it is a bit magical. Hou Xichuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"How did you know?"

Xie Linlang smiled coldly when she remembered what she had seen before.

"I know far more than you think. The evil skill you practiced is called "Duomei", which is to raise some women in captivity and feed them special charms, so that they can generate charm bones and deprive others of energy. Internal force, after purification, will feed back to you, right?"

"Do you even know this?" Xichuanhou's expression became more serious.

"Not only do I know, I also know how this exercise comes from.

There used to be an ethnic group. Women in their ethnic group were born with different veins, so they could absorb the skill of others and feed back to another person. Because of this, that ethnic group was annihilated.

Some practitioners who don't want to endure hardships and want to take shortcuts, combined with the characteristics of that ethnic group of women, thought of similar evil skills, which is what you are practicing now.

However, this kind of evil power, the true energy fed back can't be completely purified, and it is poisonous.

It can be said that you are like an evil spirit living in your body right now, and you are in danger of being backlashed at any time. "

Hou Xichuan frowned, and suddenly understood why the king had to catch Xie Linlang. She knew so much, maybe there was a way to solve the flaws in the practice?

If Xie Linlang knew his thoughts, she would surely sneer three times!

Now that Nishikawa Hou knows that she can kill thousands of people after she is demonized, then the king of Marsh Kingdom must also know about him. Since the king of Marsh Kingdom can even use the sorcery of "Devil", he must have been looking for shortcuts. The kind of people.

And that kind of person, once heard of her anomaly, knowing that she has internal strength far beyond ordinary people at a young age, she must be very interested, and want to know how she did it.

In this way, he ordered Xi Chuanhou to arrest her and go back to study after she was useless, which was a matter of course.

The more Xie Linlang thought about it, the more ridiculous she felt, and the more she wanted to kill all the people who studied and practiced this evil technique!

Anyway, this is outside the city, and the other party doesn't have enough people to take advantage of her. She can easily crush these people's heads!

With this idea, she never concealed her murderous aura again! Such as flames and demons, shocking!

Hou Xichuan, who wanted to ask more, immediately became alert! He was hiding behind the other guards, and he was a little scared in his heart!

Xie Linlang's description is correct, he is like a living "ghost" living inside him, forcing him to find a woman, forcing him to **** others endlessly.

If it stops, it will backlash, and a slight delay will make him very painful!

But now, when Xie Linlang showed his murderous aura, the "ghost" in his body seemed to have encountered a nemesis, feeling completely suppressed!

This feeling... It's like a stronger "ghost" lives in Xie Linlang! At this time she awakened, and the other "ghosts" would all surrender!

It turns out-he and Xie Linlang are "like"! !

With this realization, Hou Xichuan quickly stepped back and let his dark guard go first!

These secret guards have been carefully trained by him over the years, and everyone is strong. Not to mention that they can kill Xie Linlang, at least they can hold her and give him a good chance to attack.

Xie Linlang raised her eyebrows and smiled, her pitch-black pupils gradually moved closer to the dark red.

Seeing that she sucked the palm of her hand, she sucked the sword from the waist of a black-clothed man on the other side and held a sword flower in her hand.

She walked a few steps towards everyone, just a few simple steps, but it seemed that someone else had come to life, stretching their limbs, and grinning at them.

The dark guards also felt scared, but they did not retreat, and after a glance at each other, they all attacked Xie Linlang!

They have also practiced evil arts, otherwise Xichuan Houfu would not need to support so many women.

As for how many people died under them, and how many people were ruined by them, Xie Linlang didn't have to think about it, anyway, he would naturally have him sentenced to punishment.

And the only thing she had to do was to send these people to see the king of Yama!

At this time, Xie Linlang did not remove the prayer beads. Once she continuously used her internal strength, her sanity would be attacked little by little. Wearing the prayer beads could keep her sanity longer.

Supported by a strong internal force, all the opponent's moves have countless flaws in her view. She can turn a few swords at will, and there will be blood blooms in front of her!

Most of the secret guards who were placed high hopes by Nishikawa Hou could not even take a single move from her!

Hou Xichuan was frightened, but he calmed down when he touched the thing in his arms. There were only two of these things, one for him and one for the old man. The king was afraid that he could not handle Xie Linlang, so he specially prepared them for them. .

This thing was also the hidden weapon that Wang knew about Xie Linlang's madness, and had spent a lot of time preparing for her. As long as it hits, the toxin will spread all over the body instantly!

Moreover, the poison in it is not ordinary poison, their king is trained to be invincible, and he will be afraid of this poison, let alone Xie Linlang!

Seeing that Xie Linlang killed more and more fiercely, gradually losing her mind, she only understood offense but not defense.

Hou Xichuan was hiding behind everyone, and finally caught an opportunity!

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