Qin Jue's directly stunned Xiao Chengjun, and the military division and others behind him were also stunned.

When the people behind Qin Jue raised their swords and shouted, there was a commotion on the wall!

The court was afraid and let the soldiers retreat, which would give the soldiers a feeling that they absolutely couldn't win. Therefore, even if Qin Jue had only 10,000 people, a sudden movement could still scare them.

Their reaction, Xiao Chengjun saw in his eyes, sadness in his heart.

If he let Qin Jue go in this way, it would be a crime of treason. The court knew that they would kill his family first as punishment.

But if Qin Jue is not let go, how long can their family survive?

The people in the court were too optimistic. They thought that as long as there were enough soldiers and horses, as long as they could rival the enemy in numbers, they would surely be able to defend the remaining half of the country.

In fact, it was only because they had never fought a war and didn't take the minds of the soldiers into their eyes.

Soldiers are also people, and their families are not all in or around the capital.

Once they know that their hometown has been abandoned, it is the best state for them not to cause chaos, garrison? That's a joke!

It's a pity that none of them has the courage to end this joke. Since Qin Jue is coming, let him try it!

Anyway, if the country is not a country, where can there be a home? Even if his family knew it, they must have supported him!

Only in a short time, Xiao Chengjun made a decision. He got off his horse without even discussing with the military division around him. He knelt in front of Qin Jue on one knee, and shouted with his internal strength!

"Final Xiao Chengjun, welcome the prince back to Beijing!"

As soon as his words came out, everyone was stunned, Prince? Was it the prince who was abolished a few years ago? He is back? He brought his soldiers back?

At this time, one soldier and one soldier were all help, so seeing the prince bring back so many soldiers, and they all looked like good soldiers, everyone was refreshed! The eyes of the dead soldiers who were looking at them gradually became brighter!

The main general made a decision, and the three people behind him did not hesitate, and quickly dismounted and knelt down.

"The officials welcome the prince back to Beijing!"

Qin Jue squinted his eyes, but did not dismount.

"You don't need to pay more respects. The Great Qin Dynasty is in danger now, and all vain gifts will be avoided. Please also open the gates of the city. My palace wants to arrive in the capital before tomorrow!"

Xiao Chengjun understood Qin Jue's eagerness. Now that he had made a decision, he didn't twitch, and stood up directly, raising his arms and shouting.

"Open the gates!"

As soon as he gave the order, the city gate immediately took the order and shouted.

"——Open the city gate!!"

Everyone moved quickly, and only heard a "squeak", the city gate was opened again!

If it was normal, how could it be so simple for Qin Jue to provoke Xiao Chengjun?

It can only be said that under the general trend, everyone has to consider for themselves, and Qin Jue's arrival is a burst of anger, which is what everyone needs most in the downturn.

Qin Jue did not hesitate, and rushed towards the gate on horseback!

He didn't worry about being ambushed by the garrison, because the garrison was so demoralized, even if the ambush, he was confident that he could kill it!

On the other side, the capital.

The Liu family joined all the abandoned families in a joint letter, begging the emperor to take his life back!

The main reason why these aristocratic families will be abandoned is that they are not strong enough.

Most of them are second-class families, and their ancestors are far away.

Unlike the aristocratic families that hold great powers, most of their ancestral businesses are in the prosperous realm, so naturally there is no need to worry.

And the fact that the Liu family will fall to this point is indeed related to Xie Linlang, but at this time, the Liu family has to join hands with Xie Linlang. There really is no eternal enemy, only eternal benefits!

Their joint name did not make the emperor change his mind, because Ze Jun had already entered and was attacking the city.

Where there is no garrison, only the local people, officers and soldiers can garrison, and they can easily break through.

But after being breached, the court repented, and it would be difficult to send troops to take it back. Therefore, the situation was already so bad that the emperor would have the thought of breaking the pot and it would be impossible to take it back easily.

As a result, the emperor also took action. In his public lectures once a month, he read a piece of "Fu of the Nation" in public!

His rhetoric was conclusive and proved from many aspects that the country will be destroyed, making thousands of students on the scene sullen and sad!

And the last sentence of "Fu of Subjugation" got everyone's response!

The country can be destroyed, and integrity can not be lost!

Even if you die in battle, you are not a slave!

After saying this, all the students stood up, and some of them said loudly.

"We can't go on like this, we can't let Da Qin's foundation be buried in the hands of a group of people who are greedy for life and fear of death! Although we are scholars, we can also go to the battlefield and kill foreign enemies! Let's not retreat! Let's attack! Let's not fear, let's war! "

His words shook everyone!

Then someone shouted, "I am waiting for thousands of people's books, let your majesty personally learn! Your majesty must see the will of the people and the will of the world! Even if you die in battle, we will not be slaves! We will never give in! "

His voice fell, and the people around him also responded!

Soon, a mighty civil movement happened like this, all the students took the lead in protest, and the people did the same.

Some of them just came to the capital to do business, and some still have tribesmen in other countries. At this time, those people are caught in the flames of war and there is no one to protect them. They can't do nothing!

Seeing that there is a faint resistance from the people, the people in the court are a little panicked.

Under this circumstance, the imperial court can no longer withstand any changes. What does the emperor want to do? Do you want to take the opportunity to rebel?

The people in the capital had a riot all day and night, and the officials were afraid to go out. They had written the notes for impeaching the emperor at home, and waited for the next morning to preemptively.

The emperor heard it too. He wanted to send troops to suppress, but couldn't suppress it. This made him sleepless all night and wondered if he really did something wrong.

In the morning of the next day, the gate of the palace was surrounded by students and people who stayed up all night. The officials hid in the carriage and hurried into the palace, while the students shouted neatly outside, trying to let the emperor inside hear their wishes!

Soon the early dynasty began, just as the emperor was seated tiredly, and Baiguan was about to report the report in his hand, a rumbling sound came, like the palace gate was knocked open!

The courtiers were surprised and thought it was the people rebelling!

When they looked back in a panic, they saw that the uniform army was crushed by the black army, killing in with an overwhelming attitude!

The guards stationed at the gate wanted to report, but they were stopped by the people! The three thousand imperial soldiers in the palace are not opponents either!

Soon, the army wearing silver and black soft armor surrounded the main hall!

The emperor stood up in horror, and saw a person walking in slowly at the entrance of the hall...

When he came last time, he took the corpse of his mother and knelt nine times before he had to enter the main hall.

This time he came back, with thousands of soldiers and horses, and came back!

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