The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 342: Who is the praying mantis, who is the oriole

"Because of the successive years of fighting, the national treasury has no money. The reason why the widow pays so much attention to the attack on Da Qin is because Da Qin is rich and can use war to support the war.

But if you lose, there is no way for a widow to threaten you to attack the three islands without giving a compassion. In the end, you also didn't go.

This has caused the treasury to become more and more empty..."

"Without money, what do the naval forces stationed on the island eat?

In order to take down the three kingdoms of Roser, Yali, and Tianmo, Zeguo has made complete preparations, conquering more than half of the islands in the Changxia Sea and raising more than 400,000 soldiers.

Seeing that everything is ready, is it because the widow wants to shelve this plan because of the money?

If you can conquer those three countries, Ze Guo will be the real maritime hegemon! The land of Zeguo will be larger than that of Da Qin, and its national strength will be stronger than that of Da Qin!

It won’t be long before Zeguo will become the largest country in the world!

How can you give up at this time? "

Chang Qiyu's heart was completely cold, and his dark golden eyes were incredibly hard to believe, watching the emperor say with difficulty.

"So, you hit the slave with your idea?"


The emperor said frankly, "Yu'er, do you know how many slaves there are in the capital now? Three hundred thousand, a full three hundred thousand!

Because of these slaves, there were complaints from all over the city, and the people's life became more and more sad.

Seeing contradictions accumulate day by day, widowed people can’t sleep at night!

Moreover, it is difficult to control the number of slaves, and sooner or later it will become a disaster!

In order to give the people a clean capital, and in order for the noble slave owners to have no reason to make trouble, the widows had no choice but to encourage the slaves to revolt, and then justly send them away and exchange a sum of money to relieve Zeguo's urgent need. "

When he said this, his eyes were a little relieved, "Before Yiner saw the widow's grief and knew that the widow was embarrassed by slavery, so he gave the widow this idea.

Because the idea was his, the widow asked him to secretly instruct the slave to make trouble in the capital.

A few days ago, there was a banquet in the palace, and Yin'er also found the widow alone, saying that the envoys of various countries have been coming soon one after another, and many of the envoys who have arrived have agreed to the slave trade.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, it is better to let the slaves riot once before they leave. At that time, the widows will use thunder to suppress them and lock them up so that when the envoys leave, they can leave with their traded slaves.

If Qin State can also agree to the transaction, the capital will soon be cleaned and calm. "

"Think about it. Instead of sending troops to send 300,000 slaves away in batches after the transaction is completed, it is better to let the envoys leave and take away their slaves directly. We only need to send troops to **** them.

In this way, a lot of trouble and accidents can be saved.

So the widow agreed to his proposal and let him do it. "

"As for the place of the riots, it is also the most messy Lianyu Harbor in the capital. The place is so smoky that the widows have long wanted to clean up! And it is far from the center of the capital, even if it riots, it will not disturb the envoys of other countries. s Choice."

"I just didn't expect that this plan was discovered in advance by you, and it also made you misunderstand Yiner's ulterior motives... How is it possible? Is it possible for him to be an emperor with a disabled leg?"

"As for the death of the Great Emperor, it has nothing to do with Yin'er. That night, he was also assassinated, and the appearance of the Great Emperor is not dead today. Sooner or later, it will be a death. Who will spend this effort to kill a destined one? Dying person?

So don't think too much, Yin'er is just helping me. "

Chang Qiyu no longer knows what to say...

Chang Qiyin was more cunning than he thought. He actually ventilated with his father in advance, and a prince with disabled legs, powerless and powerless, was naturally more likely to gain his father's trust than him.

Maybe in the father's heart, Chang Qiyin could not live without him, right?

But who is the mantis and the sparrow, does he really know?

Seeing what Qi Yu kept shaking his head, the old emperor spoke earnestly.

"Before, I was really angry with you, but the second emperor's incident made me understand that you are still the most loyal."

At the beginning, the emperor thoroughly investigated whether Chang Qi Ye killed Qi Feng. Although he did not find evidence of his murder, he found a lot of things he did.

In order to make the emperor hate Chang Qiyu, Chang Qiye can be said to do everything, but after a thorough investigation, Chang Qiyu was clean and consistent.

Therefore, the old emperor felt that it was better for the three emperors. Moreover, after he was rich, the important task of leading troops to attack Rosser could only be entrusted to him, so he became more amiable towards him.

"You don't have to worry that Yiner's merits will steal your limelight."

He thought Chang Qiyu was worried about this, so he said implicitly.

"No matter how caring Yin'er is, it's a disability in the end. He has worked so hard to help eliminate hidden dangers. It is estimated that after a hundred years of widow, the new emperor can treat him better.

So he can't get you in the way, so don't think too much.

It's about to make sacrifices to the Sea God, let's go, and the widow will take you to cast your wish stone to celebrate with the people. "

He said and ordered the palacemen to open the prison door, but Chang Qiyu did not come out immediately, but lowered his head and said in a low voice.

"So, you also think that if there are 30,000 people in Lianyu Harbor, it doesn't matter if they die, right?"

"Celebrate with the people? While ordering the massacre of your own people, celebrate with the people?"

The emperor froze for a moment, his expression a little unhappy.

"Didn't the widows have clearly stated their stakes to you? Sacrificing some people in exchange for the peace of the entire city is a necessary sacrifice!"

This made Chang Qi Yu couldn't help but laugh, then raised his head.

"It's the same as the necessary war..."

He asked, his eyes gradually condensed with real anger!

"You lied to me like that!"

As soon as Chang Qiyu said this, the emperor took a step back in fear, and turned it around! He dared to speak to himself like this!

Just as the emperor was about to get angry, someone suddenly rushed in to report.

"It's not good! Your Majesty, it's not good!"

Seeing that he was his confidant, the emperor suppressed his anger and said with a calm face.

"What's wrong? Say it!"

The man pointed out palely and stammered.

"That Da Qin national soldier, he, he is almost at Lianyu Port!"

Upon hearing this, the emperor's eyes stared, "Which state scholar?"

The palace man lowered his head and reported loudly!

"That's that Xie Linlang, thank you Guo Shi! He took several boats from other countries' envoys to Lianyu Harbor to land!"

The reason why Xie Linlang was so calm was because she had made the secret guard, who was Shan and disguised, look like her from the very beginning, and went to the sea to stop him.

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