The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 352: Who controls the ups and downs

It made her feel a little softer every time she faced him, especially when he smiled at her, the gentleness of melting ice and snow was really hard to fight!

Xie Linlang swallowed, then took a step back and said.

"Okay, I'm going to do business, you go back and run to me every day, it is probably difficult for Emperor Ze Guo to pretend not to know!"

Qin Jue raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Lin Lang used my jade seal, shouldn't you thank me?"

Xie Linlang suddenly took a big step back vigilantly!

"I thank you!"

The more nervous she was, the more Qin Jue wanted to tease her, and saw him pressing harder every step of the way, and immediately blocked Xie Guoshi, who was able to pierce the world outside, in the corner, and his clear pupils became familiar.

"Does Lin Lang only give me verbal thanks?"

Xie Linlang put her arms around her chest and stared in her eyes and said, "There is only verbal thanks! You can't help me if you don't accept it..."

Who knows Qin Jue smiled, "Oral thanks are enough."

After speaking, he bowed his head and kissed Xie Linlang's lips, and ate her verbal gratitude.

His kiss was extremely gentle and fire-like, and Xie Linlang felt like she was going to explode! Does she want to push? Do you want to push? Ah... Qin Jue just played with Yuxi for her, how about a kiss?

Just one click!

Finally, when Xie Linlang went out, her lips were swollen!

She touched her lips angrily, then turned her head and stared at the door that had just come out, feeling like she was under the unspoken rules.

It feels like she is some kind of beauty, and then she stuns the monarch, and then deceives his seal, stamping it on a document with a secret to the sky!

Hey, what kind of Daji bridge is this? She is a national scholar!

Thinking about this, Xie Linlang got into the carriage angrily, then let the dark guard drive the carriage angrily and take her to Prince Yu's Mansion.

On the carriage, Ke Ya, who followed Xie Linlang, looked at Xie Linlang's lips, a little hesitant.

She didn't know that Qin Jue was here, only that Xie Linlang rushed out of the room, her lips were a little swollen, and she thought about the plain-looking servants in the mansion, and she felt that Xie Linlang should not be able to attack them.

What's the matter with this lips? What bite?

After arriving at Prince Yu's Mansion, Xie Linlang took all her disturbed minds back.

The game of chess last night was not finished. On the face of it, she was still at a disadvantage, which made her feel uncomfortable. She had to win for Chang Qiyin!

At this time, Chang Qiyu was ordering people to repair the secret road to prepare for the idle people. At the same time, he united some officials and nobles who supported him, plus his mother, and the soldiers and horses borrowed from them, and deployed secretly.

Those people thought that Chang Qiyu was about to rebel, and they were a little worried. From their point of view, in the current situation, Chang Qiyu had no need to rebel. What exactly did he want to do?

In fact, not many people have seen the dangerous situation in Zeguo.

Ordinary aristocratic officials, they live in a magnificent city, what they see and come into contact with are all extravagant and exquisite.

So even if they knew what life the people underneath were living, and what life the slaves lived, they would sympathize at best, and would not have any ideas at all.

After all, it is impossible for classes to understand each other, otherwise there would be no such thing as "why not eat meat".

Xie Linlang saw Chang Qi Yu again and realized that it was only one night, but his changes had been great.

Perhaps it is the complete despair of the emperor and the great nobles. Although he seems to have stayed up all night and his eyes are full of bloodshot eyes, the firm belief in him is sharper than ever!

Only in this way can he look like the first God of War in the hearts of the people, and only in this way can he truly protect the people he wants to protect.

Xie Linlang looked at it and walked over with a smile.

"It seems that you have completely come out of the shadow of being defeated by me? Not bad, you need to be so motivated next!"

Chang Qiyu glanced at him, but her eyes were attracted by her red lips than usual for a second.

Then he looked at her with some wonder. She looked heavier than him last night, so why is it that she has recovered now?

Thinking in his heart, he also asked directly, but Xie Linlang said.

"The situation is already so bad, can I get better with a bitter face? So be happy, boy, it may not be that bad!"

Chang Qi Yu frowned and said suddenly.

"Last night, Six Emperor Brothers died."

Xie Linlang was taken aback for a moment, nodded and said.

"I know, and I learned about it from Chang Qiyin. In addition, I didn't kill him, because it doesn't make much sense to kill him. He is your greatest enemy, but what really threatens you is the accumulation of Ze Guo After decades of hidden dangers, in the final analysis, he is just a lighter."

Chang Qiyu's eyebrows are closer, "Anyway, I have decided to send Luo Shu away. He doesn't know anything, and he has not done anything bad. There is no need to take this trip into the muddy water."

Xie Linlang raised her eyebrows, "At this point, you are thinking of going with me! If he doesn't leave, he will probably be killed soon. Tsk tusk tusk, after this battle, I don't know how many heirs your father will leave behind. ."

As she spoke, she took out the three-point paper in her arms and handed it to Chang Qi Yu.

"Here, this is for you, let Chang Qi Luoshu stay with you."

"This is..." Chang Qiyu opened one of them and turned it over. When he saw the last jade seal, his pupils shrank, and then he glanced at Xie Linlang's lips again.

"You want to..." Xie Linlang covered his mouth just as he wanted to say it.

What she will do next is very, very important, so important that the people around Chang Qiyu should not know it.

She leaned over and whispered in his ear.

Following the plan she whispered out, Chang Qiyu's eyes widened a little, and after listening to it, he was speechless for a long time.

"Doing this will kill a lot of people."

Xie Linlang nodded, "But if you don't do this, more people will die, Chang Qiyu, when there is no two perfect laws in the world, we must make a choice as soon as possible. This is the worst choice."

Chang Qi Yu closed his eyes and made his fists little by little.

But he quickly made up his mind and said seriously.

"Just do what you say, neither break nor stand, never die or live, I trust your judgment, and I will do it too."

He stretched out his right hand towards Xie Linlang.

"This battle, please!"

Seeing this, Xie Linlang also stretched out his right hand and fisted him!

"Similarly, I also ask you!"

Chang Qiyin left a dead end and thought she could not solve it.

But she has always been good at breaking games, this time as well.

Wait, it's the same sentence, it's not known whether it is success or failure, who will control the ups and downs? Just let Malay to fight!

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