The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 356: Emperor Ze Guo's Birthday

In such days, the only ones who still need to work hard are those slaves.

Every birthday is a reincarnation of their hatred. When everyone around them is trapped in a sea of ​​joy, more people have their scarlet eyes open, revealing hatred in the dark.

The emperor laughed, he couldn't see the appearance of his three sons who had died in a short time.

He has the best face and resolutely refuses to let the envoys of other countries see anything. He is still the monarch of the strongest country except Daqin, and he has made great achievements in his lifetime, far surpassing the emperor!

The palace where the birthday is held is the Tianqi Palace in Ze State. It is the tallest and largest palace in Ze State and the highest palace in the world. It covers an area of ​​more than 5,000 square meters including the square in front of the temple.

From top to bottom, there are more than 300 steps, all made of white marble, majestic and luxurious!

This palace is also the pride of Zeguo! Because even Daqin doesn't have such a magnificent building.

Standing in front of the palace, you can cross the palace wall and overlook the entire capital city. The pride of being a king can only be felt when you are on the ground.

Thirty or so envoys arrived one by one with their entourage. Many of their countries were not big and their national strength was limited. Naturally they couldn't build such a beautiful palace, so they were amazed while watching.

When Qin Jue stepped onto the white jade steps, he thought about what the Taifu had said when he was teaching.

He said that Ze Guo was very happy and greedy for vanity. In order to overwhelm the Great Qin Palace, he did not hesitate to capture half a million slaves. It took three years to build the Temple of Apocalypse.

Because the project was too rushed, 200,000 of the 500,000 slaves were buried here.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this magnificent, majestic palace was built on bones.

The old emperor, who is celebrating his birthday with his bones, is full of red light today, full of air.

Generally speaking, the emperor’s birthday banquet was held twice, with the courtiers and foreign envoys at noon, and with the concubines and heirs at night.

This time it was his 60th birthday. A total of more than 30 countries' envoys visited him, which was enough of his face!

In fact, he didn't know that many of these envoys came because Qin Jue came.

The emperor of Qin came to Zeguo in person to wish the emperor Zeguo birthday, which means that the two countries should be good friends!

In order to find out, those who did not have a good relationship with Zeguo also sent envoys one after another, so there is today's gathering of all parties!

After the fireworks outside, everyone entered the hall. The hall was more gorgeous, with gold and jade piles everywhere, carved beams and painted buildings.

The so-called vulgarity, such a gorgeous decoration, not only does not feel tacky, but also feels expensive.

Even the table in front of everyone is made of red sandalwood, not to mention the wine bottles with jewels.

Envoys from some small countries saw this and even had the urge to bring the glass back.

Ze Guo is really rich! Zeguo is so rich, so Daqin, the country known as the richest country in the world, is so rich? !

When everyone thought about it, they secretly went to see Emperor Qin who was next to the emperor, the first one on the left.

Although Emperor Qin is not the protagonist today, he is cold-tempered and has a strong aura. Even if he does not show the limelight, when everyone looks up, he will be attracted to him first, and then he will look at the emperor with a red face.

Of course, they didn't dare to look directly, only dared to glance carefully, secretly marveling in their hearts.

It is indeed one of the double walls of Da Qin, but Xie Guoshi sitting next to him looks very disappointing.

Although the same outstanding temperament, and gentle and elegant, but compared to Emperor Qin, it is still a bit inferior and a bit misleading.

But Xie Linlang would be more popular as a husband-in-law choice.

Emperor Qin looked too deserted, just like an immortal in the sky, it is really difficult to pull into the mortal dust, but the Xie Guoshi has been smiling, and the stars are flowing in his eyes, and he can talk very easily.

The women behind the envoy secretly looked and whispered behind the screen.

Originally, there would be no women attending such occasions, but they were different. Many of them were gifts to establish diplomatic relations.

The old emperor obviously felt the pressure of Qin Jue beside him, so he made his voice louder and tried to overwhelm Qin Jue.

Then when the **** sang the gifts brought by the envoys, he also gave them back one by one, and the rewards were more than others sent, in order to show the demeanor of a great country.

This was also the first time Xie Linlang saw Ze Guo's High Lord up close.

There are four of them, all wearing silk and satin interwoven with gold threads and wearing high crowns.

They look contemptuous, and they lift their chins when they look at people, as if not even the emperor is looking at them.

They really don't look at the emperor, because the emperor may not have more wealth than them.

They are much more exaggerated than Daqin's aristocratic family. Whether it is collecting money, recruiting soldiers, or land or slaves, they can have unlimited possessions.

In fact, it is not unlimited, but if they don't listen, the emperor can't control it.

In this case, it is not normal for the Ze State to be in disorder. There is a problem at their roots. Coupled with the secret competition between the lords, their greed may be even greater than that of the emperor!

After Xie Linlang looked at it, he withdrew his gaze, then tilted his body and said to Qin Jue beside him.

"I now believe that Daqin's water and soil nurture people...Look at you, and then look at the great lord of Ze Guo, I still have to see you wash your eyes!

Qin Jue was praised by his sweetheart again, his face remained silent, but his ears turned red quietly, and then he spoke to her with seriousness as if he had ordered something important.

"I allow you to keep looking at me."

Xie Linlang was amused by his somewhat arrogant tone, so he is just like the little prince who pretended to be an adult when he was a child! If it wasn't for someone, she would have to tease him!

At this time, the envoy's gift list was finished, followed by the minister's present on behalf of the people, and then the prince's present.

Xie Linlang put away his playful thoughts and looked at the leader of Chang Qi Yu, but saw that his face was tight and a little stiff, and the birthday gifts offered were quite satisfactory.

Originally the second prince should be the first to present the gift, but the emperor appointed Chang Qiyu, and it is estimated that he also wanted to use the name of the **** of war in the country to deter other envoys of the sea.

Sure enough, when Chang Qiyu came out, the eyes of many envoys became more alert.

Zeguo is warlike and keen to expand, and Zeguo's greatest threat to them is the first navy division and the **** of war, Qi Yu.

Except for the Great Qin World War, Chang Qiyu basically did not miss a hand, and some of the state envoys who had fought against Chang Qiyu at the scene also hated him.

After seeing the long Qi Yu present, he was about to retreat. At this moment, a Haiguo envoy said suddenly.

"I heard that the three princes' tactics and martial arts, especially the giant sword, made them fascinated. I wonder if the foreign minister has the honour to discuss two tricks with the three princes to help the birthday feast?"

As soon as he said this, the old emperor frowned. The birthday feast is more fun than fighting? Does this man treat his prince as a juggler?

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