The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 358: Prelude to the Great Counterattack

Chang Qiyin was also under house arrest because of Chang Qiyu's report.

He originally thought that after the birthday banquet, Chang Qiyin was beheaded, so that he only had two sons, Chang Qi Yu and Chang Qi Luoshu!

One can imagine who the last beneficiary was. At that moment, the emperor had a chill on his back and suddenly realized that it was not Chang Qiyin who had been playing with him in applause, but Chang Qiyu who looked like Zhongliang in front of him!

Seeing the emperor's sight, Chang Qiyu hurriedly knelt down and defended himself.

"Father! It is obvious that someone wants to frame the children! The children have been supervising birthday banquets in the palace for the past two days. They can't use swords. This sword has always been kept in the Palace of Exposition and Stopping. I hope my father will observe!"

A discerning person saw this incident as framed. After all, killing the second prince in public would be good for Chang Qiyu?

But the uncertainty is that some people want to take advantage of this psychology and deliberately use this kind of flawed method to kill people.

Believe it or not, but losing four princes in a row, it is very likely that the emperor who is about to lose the fifth is scared!

He looked at the upright son in front of him, thinking crazy in his mind.

It is very likely that Chang Qiyu was already holding a grudge when he suppressed Chang Qiyu before.

He is revenge, he is madly killing brothers, pressing harder every step!

The next person he will kill is probably himself!

Thinking about it this way, the emperor's face was blue and he pointed to Chang Qi Yu's trembling voice.

"Nizi! The giant sword is something you carry with you. You should keep it under the care of your cronies. How can anyone get close? What you said is obviously an excuse!"

"Come on! Throw this rebellious son of brother-killing in public into the jail, and wait for it to be sent!"

"After the widow's rigorous investigation, the evidence is conclusive, and the widow will definitely not let go of any ghosts!"

"Yes!" The guards hurriedly stepped forward and took down Chang Qi Yu.

Chang Qiyu obviously looked a little unbelievable. With such an obvious frame-up, the father didn't check others, but wanted to take himself in public? !

Seeing this, Qin Jue couldn't help but ask Xie Linlang as if he had expected it.

"Does Lin Lang need me to take action?"

Xie Linlang shook his head, "No need."

She watched Chang Qiyu being taken away, and watched everyone move Chang Qiye's body, and said quietly.

"Chang Qiyu made Chang Qiyin disgusted by the emperor's suspicion. This is just Chang Qiyin's counterattack."

Chang Qiyin seemed to be very keen to retaliate, and by the way, he killed another obstacle.

All this is just a game for those behind the scenes, but for the emperor, it is a nightmare coming!

At this time, he didn't even have time to make his son sad, and he was thinking about whether he would die!

The palace people hurriedly went to conduct a thorough investigation. Emperor Ze Guo also had a capable person in his hands. With such a simple frame, I must not be able to find the culprit in a day. After all, Chang Qiyin could not have the power to penetrate the palace, otherwise, he would not be lurking. It's been so long.

He is still that powerless prince. As for why he made such a simple framing, everyone will know soon...

Seeing that the birthday banquet could not go on any longer, it was estimated that those carefully rehearsed dances could not be staged.

Everyone sat obediently in their seats. The original magnificent Temple of Apocalypse was just like the fairy palace, but when no one spoke, it was more like a cold palace.

The people outside did not know, they still set off fireworks one after another.

The whole city is celebrating in the whole world, even if you don't go out to see, you can imagine the excitement in the city at this time.

The old emperor's hand on the dragon chair trembled unstoppably.

He suddenly reddened his eyes and said, hiding his face.

"It was a great joy, but when something like this happened, I thought it was a widow who was guilty, and the heavens surrendered the blame."

"So the widow decided to change the birthday to a national funeral, and the whole city will be clean and amnesty for the world."

He said so, the courtiers quickly agreed.

"Your Majesty Shengming."

Others must have no opinion. After all, on the day of the emperor’s birthday, a son killed another son. Who can survive?

The emperor waved his hand in frustration and said in a dumb voice.

"Liu Aiqing, go, send an order to stop outside."

The official who was ordered to get up listened and asked hesitantly.

"Your Majesty, suddenly stop the birthday feast, the people ask, how should they answer?"

Originally, it was not certain whether Chang Qiyu was framed or not, and this should be suppressed in advance.

But the more the emperor thought about it, the more he felt that Chang Qiyu was the murderer behind the scenes, and the more he thought about it, the more he was afraid of him.

So he said.

"According to the truth, it is a fact that Chang Qiyu killed people in public. Once verified, he will not forgive!"


Although the courtier felt wrong in his heart, it was not easy to refute him in public at this time.

After all, they hadn't killed four sons in a row, and couldn't feel the panic of death.

The emperor was slightly relieved when he was ordered to leave.

Imagine that Chang Qiyu was present when each of his sons died.

The head of the Four Emperors might really have been brought by the beauty from Prince Yu's Mansion to the Royal Palace of Ye, and that beauty was Chang Qiyu's dead man!

Immediately after the death of the emperor, Chang Qiyu was also there.

Although he was not there when the Six Emperors died, Da Qin came to make a sudden landing at Lianyu Harbor, which was very strange in itself. He also actively asked to welcome the enemy who had defeated him, even more strange!

Maybe just want to create evidence of alibi!

And today, he poisoned the second emperor on the spot... said that the fifth emperor was behind the scenes...

The emperor thought, his back was wet!

At this moment, he glanced at Xie Linlang who was beside Qin Jue abruptly, and felt that the timing of her arrival was obviously in collusion with Chang Qi Yu!

And she did not come, but suddenly came, why?

Has Chang Qiyu secretly colluded with Da Qin? Was that big defeat deliberate?

Feeling the look in the emperor's eyes, Xie Linlang, who had watched a ridiculous drama, turned her head and smiled politely at him.

This smile made the emperor's soul almost fall away. In a daze, he felt that Xie Linlang was terrible, and Chang Qiyu was even more terrifying!

If Chang Qiyu really joined forces with Da Qin, then his next goal is obviously himself!

The emperor's hands and feet were immediately cold. If there were not so many people, if not there were so many foreign envoys, he was afraid that he would hide in his bedroom and investigate thoroughly!

The officials were also panicked, wondering if this meal should be eaten.

Not to mention the envoys, sitting here inexplicably embarrassed.

Originally the emperor had ten days to pass his birthday, but now it seems that they should leave early.

Even though something like this has happened, we still have to eat rice. It's just that those festive steps are saved, and there is no singing and dancing. Everyone just has a meal.

After the meal, the envoys left. The emperor and the high lords discussed for a long time, and then issued more orders before the courtiers left.

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