The study in Dawn Palace is no longer as empty as it was at the beginning. At this time, the desk was filled with paper manuscripts, and there were many books and letters. Of course, they were all neatly packed, and there was a smell of ink in the air. .

Xie Linlang didn't see Qin Jue on his left or right, so he went inside, only to see Qin Jue resting and sleeping very deeply.

She unknowingly lightened her steps and sat beside Qin Jue.

If it were someone else, Qin Jue would have woken up a long time ago, but Xie Linlang's breath is always the one that makes him the most relaxed. When she feels her approach, his eyebrows loosen a lot.

Xie Linlang sat on the edge of the bed, carefully looking at the man in front of him.

She obviously didn't do anything, but after watching it for a while, her face couldn't help but feel a little hot.

It's really weird, is it possible that Qin Jue had sprinkled some medicine on him? But she is definitely not poisonous!

Xie Linlang staggered her gaze for a while, then stared at Qin Jue's face again.

The man in front of him has picturesque brows and eyes, even if he closes his eyes, it gives a sense of indifference.

Just like the fairy in the fairy tale, not stained with dust.

But it was such a godlike character who moved his heart towards her...

Xie Linlang couldn't help holding her face and thought a little idiot, she was still pretty good!

She secretly cheered for a while, then bent down and called Qin Jue's name in a soft voice.

"Qin Jue? A Jue? Xiao Jue Jue?"

Qin Jue may be really tired, his breathing still heavy, but he felt itchy and moved a little uneasy.

Xie Linlang smiled secretly. She didn't know who said before that when a man was half-dreaming and half-awake, all he said was the truth, so she changed one side and asked in his other ear.

"Ajue, I'm your mother queen. You tell her mother, if Lin Lang holds a heavy army and is rich in an enemy country, would you still trust her and love her like this?"

Seeing that Qin Jue didn't answer, Xie Linlang remembered that she didn't know who said that she should speak in the left ear, and what she said in the left ear was easier to pass into her heart.

So she changed another ear again and said in his left ear.

"If Lin Lang gets old and ugly, will you find another little sister? You tell the mother, the queen must listen to your heart!"

As a result, as soon as she finished speaking, Qin Jue was dragged onto the bed in the next second and fell down!

His eyes were still tired after waking up, so he squinted slightly, but before Xie Linlang could explain something, he smiled softly and kissed it hard!

Xie Linlang was stunned! She wanted to struggle, but Qin Jue held her hand.

Half-asleep and half-awake, he is not as calm and gentle as when he was awake, but like a lazy lion, who wants to catch her provocative person and swallow it!

"Um! You..."

Xie Linlang originally wanted him to calm down, but Qin Jue pulled the quilt directly, covering both of them.

The room was quiet again, and of course some noises could still be heard by listening carefully.

When the quilt was uncovered, Xie Linlang's face was already flushed, and even the disguise potion could not stop her face from being congested.

She gave Qin Jue a vicious look, then buried her face in the quilt, and pointed at him with pp!

This person is too much, so exciting when he comes up!

And she is too much, why is she more and more indulging Qin Jue to kiss her? Obviously... Obviously there is no formal contact yet!

Qin Jue was a little bit dumbfounded. Originally, he had a good concentration. He was really asleep before, but when he opened his eyes, he saw his sweetheart teasing him. Can a normal man bear it? Let's catch it and kiss you first!

But this little guy knew that he could not put out the fire, but he knew how much he wanted her to become his woman...

After secretly adjusting his breath, Qin Jue leaned over and poked Lin Lang's shoulder from behind.

"Lin Lang is angry?"

Xie Linlang moved her shoulders and let out a dull "hum" sound.

If you say you don't want to use your hands, all men are big trotter! This is still Zeguo Palace. She was discovered, should she be a human being? !

Seeing her so cute, Qin Jue wanted to tease her again, so he said.

"Should I be angry? I want to marry Lin Lang as his wife, but Lin Lang wants to be my mother."

Xie Linlang's face buried in the quilt stiffened, so he had heard it! This is too shameful!

So she got up angrily, and the wicked complained first, "Okay, you pretend to sleep! You are dishonest!"

Qin Jue blinked and said very innocently.

"I'm asleep, but you are so close, how can I not wake up?"

Xie Linlang blushed, and before she racked her brains to continue reprimanding, Qin Jue squinted her hair and said.

"Furthermore, Lin Lang lost me such a big stall without making a sound, but she didn't see anyone, shouldn't it be punished?"

Xie Linlang suddenly feels weak...

Especially seeing the bloodshot eyes in Qin Jue's eyes, I knew that he must have been very hard these few days.

Moreover, he was bombarded by envoys of more than 30 countries in turn.

Thinking of this, she didn't get angry anymore, and climbed behind Qin Jue in a few steps, pinching his shoulders and massaging the top of his head again, showing great hospitality.

"Isn't I afraid of making trouble? I'm not a political material. If you make any wrong opinions, it will be bad if you lose Da Qin's face in front of the envoys of other countries..."

"...Besides, I believe you! I believe that no matter what I do, you will help me clean up. With your wisdom, these are all trivial things!"

Qin Jue was really angry and helpless after listening!

Whenever necessary, Lin Lang's mouth will be like wiping honey, and she will talk in eloquent words.

For example, she said that she believed him and knew that he would help her handle everything, so she let it go.

I know this little guy wants to be lazy, but what should I do? The sweetheart I picked, besides spoiling her, could not think of any other way.

Seeing that Qin Jue seemed to be coaxed, Xie Linlang secretly boasted that she was a chicken thief.

Then she said carefully while pressing Qin Jue's shoulder.

"Ajue, if I have a position in Daqin, and then I also have a position in Zeguo, will you agree?"

Qin Jue knew that Chang Qiyu was digging people again.

Seeing that he was not talking, Xie Linlang said again, "Of course, I am from Daqin and I will not run out."

Qin Jue chuckled when he heard the words, then pulled Xie Linlang back into his arms with a pull.

Xie Linlang looked confused and listened to Qin Jue seriously.

"You still don't know."

"Know, know what?"

He stretched his hand across her face and said in a very gentle and careful voice.

"You are not from Daqin, nor do you belong to any country. You are just mine and I am alone."

"You can give your talents to anyone, but your heart can only be mine, and you can only have me in your heart."

"This is my bottom line."

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