From the player to the man who controls the chess player.

Qin Jue suddenly discovered that his Linlang had grown again.

And this kind of growth is imperceptible, she may not have noticed it herself, she is learning to retreat from the front to the back, from a great nation to become a strategist.

At the moment, Chang Qiyu is still in the game, unable to sort out the lines that seem chaotic, but are actually clear, so I don't have a deep understanding of her layout.

But after Qi Yu, the chief executive, he would be scared.

Qin Jue thought so and asked with a chuckle.

"Lin Lang is worried that the slaves who participated in the melee will be uncontrollable after seeing the blood, so she simply takes them away and asks them to live in another place, right?"

Xie Linlang nodded, she had thought about this before.

In this overall situation, she ended up killing many people through the hands of slaves like Chang Qiyin.

But after killing someone?

Even if Chang Qiyu abolished the slave law, the people of the capital city would not be able to treat these slaves who had killed people with a normal heart, and would definitely reject them.

And after the slave had the experience of fighting in groups, he might still make trouble in the future.

And arranging their household registration, residence, etc., is also a huge project. It is estimated that no people are willing to live with these slaves who have killed people in groups, and their existence will become very embarrassing.

But in the final analysis, they are just a group of poor people who have been exploited to the extreme. They rose up to resist this time, and it was necessary to vent. Ze Guo did indeed create a lot of blood debts, which can only be paid by blood.

Before long, Chang Qi Yu will find that he can settle slaves in other areas, but he cannot settle those in the capital.

But if they were all sent to Shenxian Island, all the problems would be solved.

The capital of Zeguo will quickly restore stability, and the people will no longer have to worry about it.

Those slaves who have been squeezed out and who are already inferior can also completely abandon their status as slaves and start again in a different place.

Daqin will also have a labor force of more than 100,000 or 200,000 in an instant, why not do it?

The most important thing is that these slaves are active in all aspects of the country of Ze, and they can bring a lot of technology from the country of Ze to Daqin. These will also become their ability to make a living in the future and become self-sufficient.

No matter what Xie Linlang thinks, he thinks this is a win-win situation.

And the reason she didn't say it when she was in Zeguo was because she wanted to grow Qi Yu more than 200,000 people for nothing. Even if the leader of Qi Yu was willing, Zeguo's courtiers would definitely not agree.

But after two months, after the courtiers realized how many problems and difficulties these slaves would bring to the capital, Xie Linlang said that they would take over the mess. They must be very willing.

Maybe she will send a boat to give her away personally, so that she can save a lot of expenses.

Xie Linlang's abacus is very precise, and he is not at all wrong.

After all, her gang leader Qi Yu lost four high lords this time. Chang Qi Yu now says that he is rich and rich, so it's better to make a contribution.

And the more than 1,000 slaves she sent to Xiangcheng in advance, let Mr. Liu tune and tune, and then let Xiangcheng's people assimilate and assimilate, and then be sent to Shenxian Island to help her lead the organization.

They are all slaves, and it is easier for slaves to accept. In the future, Shenxian Island organizes the navy, and it can also start from the locals.

All in all, Xie Linlang has counted all aspects. This time she took the trip to Zeguo, she also grabbed it and got a lot of substantial benefits.

And Chang Qiyu has to thank her, thinking about it this way, she is really blackhearted...

Qin Jue nodded when she saw her, thinking for a moment.

I have to say that Lin Lang's macroscopic ideas have always been perfect.

Originally wanting to develop Shenxian Island, a lot of manpower and material resources were needed, and material resources were nothing, but Daqin had only experienced the war for half a year and enlisted a large number of military services, which was really inappropriate.

In addition, he also wanted to set up a navy army on Shenxian Island. It is estimated that many people are unwilling to leave their homes and go to the island to survive. Choosing slaves is indeed a good decision.

And these people have no good impressions of Ze Guo, and Da Qin will deploy naval forces on Shenxian Island, and the main defense is Ze Guo.

In addition, he can pick out half of these slaves to serve as naval forces, and train with the naval forces of the Daqin faction. I believe that after military training, the relationship between the two parties will be deepened.

No matter how you look at it, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages...

Thinking about this, Qin Jue sighed unconsciously.

Seeing him sigh, Xie Linlang suddenly became nervous. Will Qin Jue be unwilling to sigh?

She blinked, clutching Qin Jue's clothes with both hands.

"Don't sigh... don't you think this is a good plan? I'm serious!"

Seeing that Qin Jue still didn't speak, Xie Linlang crawled out of the quilt, knelt down in front of him and said with an obedient expression.

"Do you think that people who are not my race will have different hearts? Or do you think it is too difficult to develop Shenxian Island and raise so many people? I have money to support it. If you don't worry about Shenxian Island's last name with me..."

Seeing that Xie Linlang tried his best to facilitate this and find a destination for the slaves, Qin Jue suddenly reached out and embraced her and pressed her head on his shoulder.

"...I have no regrets, I sigh, just because Lin Lang is so good, it makes me ashamed."

Xie Linlang was stunned for a moment, and then a little bit dumbfounded.

"You are good with everything, just because my filters are too thick! Like me... How many people have I killed? And the calculations are so deep...

If others understand me, they will surely run as far as possible. Only you, silly, will believe me wholeheartedly. "

Qin Jue heard this and said seriously.

"So they can't seduce you, because Lin Lang likes fools."

Xie Linlang got up from him and slapped him hard.

"Okay you! How dare you run me? You're done, I'm going to be angry!"

Qin Jue sat up quickly and said nervously.

"Then... I'll let you say it again, don't you want to be angry?"

Seeing his seriousness, she didn't know that she was joking at all, Xie Linlang couldn't help but laughed "pouch", completely forgetting that she was going to be angry.

Seeing her smile, Qin Jue also smiled.

When he suddenly stretched out his face, his deserted pupils were slightly bent, as if the ice and snow were beginning to melt and the sun was beginning to shine, which was amazing.

Xie Linlang stared blankly, then she touched her chin and said very seriously.

"I think you have to smile more in the future, how beautiful you smile! The little girl outside will be crazy for you!"

After Qin Jue listened, his smile narrowed, but his eyes were extremely gentle when he looked at her, and he only heard him whisper.

"Then I will only smile at you from now on, I just want Linlang, crazy for me."

He said, looking at her expectantly.

"Will Lin Lang be crazy for me?"

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